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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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806 comments (76 - 100)

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Atheist is a loaded word these days. If you are ready to educate people what the word actually means, go for it. If you're not in the mood for a fight say 'skeptic'. Less negative craziness attached to that word.


I’m lucky in that I live in the UK and so ‘coming out’ as an atheist isn’t a big deal as it might be in some part of the US. However, my dad’s second wife is ‘born again’ and cannot say a sentence without mentioning Jesus. Oh, and she cheated on my dad but got away with it by saying that ‘her lord would forgive her’. I called her out on her bullshit on Facebook once and her reply was that I “wouldn’t be laughing when I was being judged after I was dead”. Horrible horrible woman.

But mostly I associate with free-thinkers, many of which are agnostics, atheists or secularists. Some nicer Christians accept it and use it as a topic for discussion and perfectly okay with it.

Which reminds me of a story of when I was flying to NYC once. I found myself sat next to what I thought was a Catholic priest. He had the burgundy cassock, skull cap, crucifix around his neck, the works. I was dreading an eight hour flight but I actually had one of the most enjoyable trips of my life. He told me that he was an Orthodox Catholic, a small sect in the Southern US that supported gay marriage, women’s rights and women bishops. They weren’t a rich dinomination but raised money for the homeless and addicts. Priests were allowed to marry and he introduced to me to his husband. And I kid you not but he was called Bill (short for Bartholomew) and his husband Ted! Such a nice guy. But when I told him straight out that I was an atheist, he shook my hand and said “That’s good, because you believe something


Sorry, that just isn’t my jam.


I would not tell you to go out of the closet before feeling safe.
If the community is toxic to atheism, just don't be religious and tell if asked.
If you feel safe, just act as one, the question will come naturally.


If you're not comfortable just stating it categorically, approach it euphamistically. Rather than say "I'm an atheist, beotch!" say something like "I've returned my faith in God for a reality refund."


Just say it don't be scared


"I don't believe in god". when they mention god, that's what I say. I say it as soon as god comes up in any way. If they persist, I tell them I don't discuss superstitions with people. Generally they leave me alone as soon as they realize I am not only not interested in, but actively hostile to, their beliefs.

I like that remark. I do not discuss superstitions with people.


how i tell religious people i'm an atheist: i say "i'm an atheist." i don't hang out with religious people, but you never know -- you could get a religious cabbie or be in a social situation with strangers. it can happen. so if someone asks, and it's not inappropriate to ask, i answer directly and honestly. if someone does NOT ask but just assumes, i respond similarly but perhaps with slightly less patience.



I consider myself an agnostic, but still...

I live in Mormon Central — and at work, it’s even worse. But I am also a science teacher. Not exactly a place where I can talk about religion, anyway. For the most part, when I hear the religious stuff, I just nod my head and say nothing (yes, with colleagues, as well) — I am vastly outnumbered and don’t care to get into a religious discussion, especially since I could become very unpopular very quickly if I were to tell Mormons why their church is full of bull. If someone were to ask directly, I’d just go with something like “I’m not LDS” and that would likely be sufficient. If they push, I’d tell them I used to be, so no, they needn’t convert me.

With the students, I DEFINITELY can’t state my religious beliefs (or nonbeliefs). I talk very generally about religion — for instance, I told them there are plenty of scientists who are also religious, including a lot at BYU (just around the corner), so no one had to feel that it was an either/or situation. That’s about it. I’ve been warned about saying anything, including correcting a student who has an actual misconception about something in the Mormon church. Doesn’t matter if that’s a factual bit of knowledge as opposed to a belief one — it’s off limits.

I guess I’ve had people say “I’m Mormon” and I’ve said “I’m not”. But again, that’s really as far as anyone asks, and unlike those in the prominant religion in my area, I’m not out to convert anyone.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

I say "I'm not religious" at work. Where I live it could get in the way of my career but I don't want to hide or lie. So I say that and let them figure it out.

Away from work I freely tell people "I am an athiest" or "I don't believe in God" if it comes up. It rarely comes up but if it does I don't hold back. But I'm not going to go out of my way to bring it up. To me that's too much like proselytizing.


It depends on how polite the tone of the conversation. Normally I just say I'm not a believer, and politely answer any questions that follow that disclosure. I have many theist friends who are okay with my atheism.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

I always say it when religion gets brought up. Sometimes even when it doesn't. I just want people to know that we're out there, we're proud of who we are, and actually we're pretty awesome people. I think people become more open minded when they get to know people with different views.

Agree. But I couldn't do that at work, it might hurt my career. People are very conservative here.

@towkneed Sorry to hear that. This is where America and any other place doing the same has gone wrong. Freedom to practice your religion of choice should be accompanied by freedom not to be coerced and oppressed into behavior by any religion. I would use the word intolerant instead of conservative.


If i am asked by a religious person if i believe i tell them i am Agnostic and that i behave the way God would want a person 2 treat other people and Animals! And that i have nothing against you in believing.


Sometimes i say "i am an atheist," sometimes i say "i hold no gods" and sometimes i say "i'm jewish," depending on the context (i am a jewish atheist but that's hard for some people to understand, and i would hate for folks to think judaism was itself an atheistic religion -- too many christians already hate jews!) i don't hide who i am.



I find it very difficult to tell people I am an atheist so I just usually don't. It is difficult for two reasons.

When you say you are an atheist, they will

  1. Argue with you or try to convert you.
  2. Look at you/treat you differently.

I get that.

i am lucky in this way: i don't have to be anywhere it would matter if people treated me differently. i am disabled. i am old. i go to adult daycare because my alzheimer's-stricken guy won't go without me, and he needs it. it's a daycare connected with a jewish facility. the clientele is both jewish and not jewish. once in a long while one of them (they've become friends now but they have memory issues) will ask me if i'm jewish, and i say yes, because i am. there is one developmentally disabled client who occasionally mentions that she is catholic but i think it's because she feels a little surrounded; she is not trying to convert anyone. geez, mentioning something is okay! there was ONE new client recently who loudly sang praises to jesus ALL the time. it bothered the other clients and i don't know if she has been moved to another daycare or isn't feeling well or what, but i haven't seen her for a while. she is non compos mentis and is not trying to convert anyone; she's just happy and, well, christian. so it's a safe environment but sometimes gets interesting lol. the staff are not jewish and don't talk about religion spontaneously (but will discuss it thoughtfully if asked), though we have crafts projects based on the jewish (and other) holidays.

that's it, unless i go to the doctor, and the doctors don't push religion, even at methodist hospital, where my guy is at the moment. so i am VERY lucky this way and have nothing to lose by just speaking the truth. i don't wear a banner "hey world, i'm an atheist!" but i don't hide it either. if it comes up, there it is. i may or may not be the person to bring it up. it's not important to anyone i know. if i had a job with a christian company... well, that wouldn't happen anyway. it never did, my whole life.

that is not to say odd things don't happen. i won't try to list them all, but once in japan i was asked "oh, you're jewish -- what kind of christian is that?" another time i was at a christmas party (in america) at the home of a friend of a friend and it turns out they were ALL extreme christian evangelicals. they sincerely believe that the beach boys sat down with the devil and signed a contract. yes, THAT extreme. one of them, with whom i'd talked before and with whom i was friendly, had no idea that jews didn't believe in the divinity of jesus. she asked something that led me to understand that she didn't know this, so i explained it to her, adding, well, that's the great thing about america: we have freedom of religion here. you can be a christian and i can be a jew (that time i didn't mention atheism; my being a jew was shocking enough to her!) and neither of us is wrong. she frowned, thought about it, and said she disagreed with that. she never spoke to me again. guess what? HER LOSS!



I don't have one way of saying it. there are occasions on which the subject may come up. i might say "i'm an atheist" or i might say "i hold no gods" or, when appropriate, "i'm not christian" (which may then be followed by clarification -- but it DOES tend to be christians who bring such things up). if asked, i certainly am open. if not asked, i might mention it myself, depending on the context, or not. i don't introduce myself "hi, i'm an atheist" but i tend to let people know if i have a continuing relationship of any kind. there are no circumstances under which i lie about it.



Depends on the interaction. If they are pushing beliefs on me, then yea, I step up. If they make some offhand comment about "God made such a beautiful day today", I will agree it's a nice day, but won't cause drama over it. Depends on how pushy they are with their delusion.


I do not feel the need to tell anyone what I believe. If I chose to, then I am truthful.


The only times I miss the church are Christmas eve and Easter Sunday. I loved the music, the mellow feeling, the GIFT (plant or glow in the dark plastic cross) finally realized the 'mellow feeling' was mostly alcohol. I could not understand why un-baptised babies couldn't go to heaven, went to limbo? even if they had never seen a Christian who could baptised them. God loves all the little children? Too many rules, coveting is as bad as murder. My head spins. I agree with the golden rule many members subscribe to, but reserve the right to loudly disagree with hypocrites.


We're all surrounded by Christians !

But, unless there is a specific conversation about religion going on, or someone questions me directly, or I'm privy to a remarkably dumb situation based on their beliefs, I really don't see the need to bring it up.


Say what ever you want.... I am an Atheist. I am not religious. I am a secularist. I am not a violent believer. What the world needs now is science, not alleged gawds that are worthless, doing absolutely nothing to prevent harm or cure disease.... It is up to us Atheists to make a better world the religious fanatics have fucked up so badly the last 10 thousand years of shamanism, patriarchy, crusades, pogroms and priestly rape of children....not to mention the scientists who have been arrested, censored and murdered for proving religion wrong on everything


I've had on more than one occasion people respond to me " but you seem so nice" or "seem like a good person" as if not believing makes me a bad person. I don't really care. But I do stay quiet about it at work. I don't think anyone here needs to know my politics or beliefs and I wouldn't want to my success here to be compromised because of them. It's illegal, but it happens.

I had a lady tell me "you don't look like an atheist!" Like, what does atheist look like? Lol

@Minta79 most Atheists I see for the first time look alert, undazed and interested in reality while most believers I see for the first time hang crucifixes in their cleavage or act dominant like TrumpOLINI shoving religion down people's throats....believers are capable of great violence while most Atheists seem involved in good businesses or are active problem solvers.... prEyer never solved a single problem

yes, courts and civil rights workers are slow if not refusing to protect Atheist workplace rights... I agree it is best to hide Atheism from bigots at work so that they ASSUME you are as stupid as they are


I don’t like to stir up the Christain’s to much as we conservatives need their help in order to beat the left wing liberals. Trump has figured that one out and that’s a big reason he’s been so successful.

Trump didn't figure much of anything out. He's only a symptom of what is going on in America today.

@DenoPenno He’s president isn’t he?? People in my home town were so disgusted after 8 years of Obama Trump carried 87% of the vote and even higher in some areas.

@Trajan61 People in your hometown must be racist. I don't know WTF else to tell you.

@DenoPenno Hillary Clinton is not black so no I don’t think they’re racist.

@Trajan61 I'm sorry, Trajan. I'm having trouble figuring out how Hillary Clinton fits into this conversation. I thought you were talking about 8 years of Obama. You are not making any sense here.


**I don't bother to .


“I’m an atheist “

It sounds better than “I don’t believe that sort of nonsense”. ?

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