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Do You have a Personal Saying Or Quote About Things Or Your Life?

I was wondering if you have a personal saying or quote that you have come up with that you follow in your life?

For example:
Some famous saying and quotes are:
"never judge a book by its cover"
"sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose"

If you have a unique saying or quote about things or life you came up with and follow, please share it, and give us details about the meaning.

If you have no personal Saying or Quote, please share your favorite saying or quote. THE MORE UNIQUE THE BETTER!

Me: My personal saying is: "Everything that is free, Isn't always for me"

My reason for coming up and following this saying is because i have observed people attack something free like a predator!
When the board members have luncheons or conferences at my hospital, they send the leftover food down to the subordinates. I observe people fighting over LEFTOVERS!

I will not eat someones leftovers! if i cannot be ahead of the crowd and get my food, i don't eat. I am a germophobe!
This is the reason for my saying " everything That is free, isnt always for me".

twshield 8 July 14

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I use one a lot that was from Richard Dawkins; 'Religion should be dealt with with ridicule and contempt'.


"But, did you DIE?"

@twshield It's funny because now the older nieces and nephews use it on their kids. The first time the 10 year-old heard me say it, he said, "Daddy says that, too." I asked him, "Where do you think he got it from?"
When my nephew got home from work that night, he was asked where he got that from. He pointed at me and said, "From her." LOL


Not mine (I wish.... It's Gandhi's quote) Live as if today is your last day, learn as if you are going to live forever

@twshield works for me


If it ain't broke, DON'T fix it.


Fool me once, shame on you...Fool me twice, shame on me. Fairly self explanatory. Learn from experience and don't be a gullible fool when you should know better.


Inside every silver lining is a dark cloud.


two things I say a lot: Never confuse the issue with logic (when dealing with human behavior) and "THings are more like they are now than they ever were before" I think Eisenhower said that

btroje Level 9 July 14, 2018

A couple:
"Expectation is the root of all heartache." Wm. Shakespeare.
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Also W. S.


"Don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs or the blues"

That's a very good rule of thumb to live by. I'm borrowing this.

@webbew1 Hahaha. It hasn't failed me so far. You are welcome to it. I hope it serves you well. ?

Is that your camel,? I have 2 alpacas. (and a big fat sheep). They are known collectively as the three amigos.

@Jandii hahaha that's lovely . No not mine. I worked as sales manager for a camel dairy for sometime and they are just adorable creatures


Warren Zevon’s famous exhortation: “Enjoy every sandwich.” When he found out he had late stage lung cancer and 6 months to live, he switched to smoking unfiltered, went back to the studio to record one more album and went on his good friend David Letterman’s show one last time. When Dave asked him what if anything his last few months had taught him, it was to enjoy every sandwich.


They change over time but this has been consistent for decades:
"Always assume ignorance before malice"
And more recently
"It's not my circus, those aren't my monkeys"

Both are new to me and great. Thanks.


"Folding underwear is a complete waste of time."

godef Level 7 July 14, 2018

What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

Free to those that can afford it...very expensive for those that can't..

There comes a time when you have to decide whether to turn another page or close the book.

Love your third one!


Yes..they are just a sample mind you. But the third one is as important to me as it is eloquent to read..☺

@twshield Cheers TW..good Post.


"Way she goes, boys. Way she fuckin' goes."

From Trailer Park Boys


Lately I've been saying "expand your horizons" to people I find to be chained to outmoded or obviously shortsighted ideas. My favorite quotation comes from The Picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde, "Now, the value of an idea has nothing whatsoever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it." People place too much importance on the party or the gender or sexuality or religion of someone who says something, instead of considering the thing they've said on its own merits.


Yes I have a couple of my own. You can't find them anywhere else because they're mine.
I should copyright them? LOL

But in leiu of my own here's a favorite: Baroness Edith Summerskill "Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths" ?

Qualia Level 8 July 15, 2018

That is really great, I've only heard it as a denigrating word toward women when men don't like being told something.


Oh no, not again.

I think I was a bowl of petunias in a previous life.


You can't miss what you don't know

i have a miner ceribral palsy but i never really mind it but my mother use to be scared id miss up on stuff in life when i was yong but like i said what you don't know you can't miss i made a life for my self i have my passions and i don't feel like im missing out im all good being me


At 17, I left home and it was a bit scary but I was ready or so I thought. And any time I started freaking out, I would stop and say to myself " Everything always works out for me." It was my mantra and occasionally I still use it.
Now I say more...."What others say about me is about them and how I react to it is about me."


"There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen


You win some, you lose some, and sometimes you don't even get to play in the game


"Nature Abhors Normality"
(i got it from a X-Files episode)

Calls to mind a joke . Why do witches ride broomsticks ? Because nature abhors a vacuum .


Oh, and another one. "you can complain that your roses have thorns, or you could rejoice in the fact that your thorns have roses".
Not too sure who coined that one though I really do like it.


I have three:

  1. The stoic maxim: It could be worse. Find a way.
  2. Judge no one until you know their story. And everyone has a story.
  3. Again, from the Stoics: Don't talk about being a good man. Be one.

“Work smart not hard” is a quote I say often. Lately I’ve become attached to “though she be but little she is fierce”.


My Personal Quote:

"Secret" to "No Drama":

It is when You and your Partner are able to
Celebrate your Shared Values
Respect Your Differences.

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