30 3

Favorite work of Science Fiction?

Probably Neuromancer by William Gibson for me.

Computronic 3 July 18

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Catskinner's Book of Lost Doors (the entire series), by Misha Burnett.

The Old Man's War series by John Scalzi

Most books by Robert A. Heinlein


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Ozman Level 7 July 18, 2018

Enders Game. The first one, the sequels got a little weird at times

Katrik Level 7 July 18, 2018

Speaker for the Dead was very good, but they went downhill fast after that.


Also Childhood's End.


Stranger in a Strange Land.



Dune. For sure.

I saw Dune for the first time the other day. What is the big attraction to this movie?? I don't get it!

@BeeHappy it's like this..the books were a teenager I and millions of people were enthralled..

Then eventually they made a movie about the first book. That's the one featuring Sting.

Some people loved it..including many fans..because they "got it".

However many critics and non-fans didn't particularly warm to it.

I thought it was a fan of the books.


Just wondering which Dune you saw?

@Hitchens It was the one with Sting and actually a bunch of other well known people, at least now they are.

I didn't read the books, but I had heard about them and the movie and that there was a big fan base. I just laughed through most of it. Guess I should've read the book. Lol


It was a bit camp..due in part to its flamboyant producer...but has to be seen through a certain filter..the joy is in the detail...not the kinky leather gear. ?


Yea..I love writers and directors that literally create their own world ..languages..peoples..races..tribes ..planets even..these are always the best sci-fi/Fantasy movies and the following gems:

Star Wars
Star Trek
Lord of the rings




The Martian.


Leviathan Wakes. I couldn’t put it down! Sleep be damned

Marz Level 7 July 19, 2018

I just finished this one too. Theres also a show which I might say is actually better than the first book! The Expanse, its on amazon prime video. Highly recommend.

@Computronic I watched the show before I read the book, and I like them both! The second book isn't as amazing. Maybe just me, but Prax isn't really that interesting.

@Marz I'm recently caught up in the whole series, waiting for book 7. All in all pretty damn engrossing. Keep at it.

@rabidazzle yeah, Prax grew on me. I’m starting book 4 now!


Callahans Cross Time Saloon by Spider Robinson.

BillF Level 7 July 19, 2018

For books, it's Alfred Bester (The Demolished Man is my favorite, but The Stars, My Destination is fantastic too), Jack Vance (if I had to pick one I'd go with The Languages of Pao), and Stanislaw Lem (The Futurological Congress, followed by Solaris).

For short fiction (short stories and novellas) I'm a Nancy Kress fan. I don't like her novels as much, but it seems like every year it two she brings out a ridiculously great short story.

For movies, I have a clear favorite: Forbidden Planet. There are other good ones (Gattaca, Minority Report, The Martian, and Arrival come to mind), but Forbidden Planet has stood at the top of my list for decades.


Book: Excession by Iain M. Banks. Multistranded space opera at its finest.
Film: Has to be Blade Runner.
TV: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Music: Shredisode IV, V and VI by Anchorhead: Darth Metal. 15 minute epic death metal renditions of John William's scores for the first three Star Wars films.


Star Wars, Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Blade Runner, A Space Odyssey, Captain America, Ironman, The Time Machine. There was a series by Pierce Anthony, Juxtaposition, which was of two worlds in one, Fantasy (magic) and Science Fiction. If your other self died in one world a door would open to grant you access to the other world.


Old Man's War by John Scalzi


Early Jack Vance. His sense of humour and irony were delightful!

Some of his last books were a little weak (I didn't particularly care for Ports of Call and Lurulu) but really there's no bad Vance!

@cmadler His later efforts were staid in comparison to his early works. I wonder if he was chasing a wider audience? He was never a household name like his famous peers in SF were, so perhaps his books didn't sell as well as theirs? We all have to eat, after all.


"The Constitution of the United States of America". By The Fumbling Fathers.


I love the genre and anything that makes me think will just be watched repeatedly. Philip K Dick is a fav.

Btbd Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

The pilot episode of Tripping the Rift


Stargate SG1. This show embodies all the amazing qualities of humanity. Empathy, compassion, curiosity, ingenuity. By far my favorite sci-fi show. As for literature, well, there is too many for me to spend time discussing, so I will stick with television for this answer.


i can't pick ONE! stranger in a strange land by heinlein was a mindblower but i was already a fan and there is a soft spot in my heart for the door into summer. hmm... maybe, possibly mindswap by sheckley, or fahrenheit 451 by bradbury. i adore ellison but my favorite works of his are nonfiction. the female man by joanna russ. so many! those will do for now.



Asimov's Foundation series of course, also an old book, "The Mote in God's Eye" look it up. I never read a book twice but that one i did


The Illuminae Files are my favorite recent surprise.


Stranger in a Strange Land


Halo. The video games introduced me to science fiction. After reading the books, I searched for other sci fi stories.



Simon1 Level 7 July 19, 2018

Blakes Seven!!!! (Am pretty certain they left out the apostrophe.
I added the exclamation marks.)
TV show from the 1970s. I missed its first release, but caught up with it recently, and loved it.


Book: The Lathe of Heaven Ursula K. Le Guin.
Film: Independence day? Honestly, my brain is at a blockage so just picked one of the favorites.
Show: Doctor Who

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