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What if you are wrong and there IS a god

Im atheist . And I get asked this often . Was curious to know other non believers answer to this . Without getting into to much detail my answer is simple. If I am wrong and im hell doomed for not believing then thats fine with me . Maybe hell is where I belong . Because there is just to many things in the bible itself I can't justify . Too many evilness . God murdered o don't know how many people including kids . He tortures gay people . Ect. I will not bow down before such an evil being . I also have questions for him as well. One being why has remain hidden ? Why did he leave behind no evidance of his existance? And even more confusing leave more evidence of him NOT existing and then throw us in flames for eternal torment for not believeing him ? If he does exist we have a mad man on charge and we should all be fearful of this lunitic . So send me to hell god because I would never follow you anyways

DavidDeLa89 6 Jan 9

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184 comments (26 - 50)

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Very eloquently stated:


What if theists are wrong and find there is a god but it's not their God? Oops. Well, when you choose one God from about 3,000 invented human gods, let's face it, the odds aren't good.


I been wrong before. End of the discussion.


If there is a god, it certainly isn't one we've heard of. If there is one that IS certain, none of the alleged revelations contain wisdom or knowledge beyond man's. I am sure it would be an interesting (if not dangerous) meeting. I would be asking LOTs of questions.

I know that doesn't really answer what you asked, but...


I believe if there were a higher being all that petty crap about Heaven and Hell would not apply. Also worship? What evidence of intelligence is there in wanting to be worshiped? What a waste of energy that could be spent on doing good.


My answer: I can't be certain that someone or something didn't put this universe into motion. What I CAN feel completely sure of, is that the violent, petty, inconsistent, sexist gods invented by homo sapiens are not real.


If god was proven to exist, it does nothing to change my opinion of such a being. If it fails to live up to its supposed benevolent nature, then it is undeserving of any worship or respect it or its followers so selfishly demands. Acknowledging its existence is one thing, condoning its poor communication skills and overall behavior is another thing entirely.

One can only hope that if a god did exist, it would be as far removed from anything human minds have conjured up.


Then he'd better have some bloody good answers prepared.


I hear this one often too, and it annoys the hell out of me. Theists usually assume that either their specific god exists or does not, and that there is no other option. Clearly that's not correct, and it's equally plausible that a completely different god exists who will punish both the theist and myself for either not believing at all or for worshiping the wrong god.

That said, the Christian god, as I understand him to be defined, is logically impossible and I'm not worried in the least that I might be wrong about that one.


If I survive after death then I will also be supernatural so I'll stir up a supernatural revolution and kick his supernatural ass and hold him to account for all the shit he's caused to life on the planet I love.

Failing that, at least I'll be bloody warm. It's freezing here tonight.

Ya ill meet u in the afterlife and well get all our supernatural entities amd try and over ride his ass lol


The enity would say, "thanks for not judging and at least trying to fix stupid".


Again, which god? My favorite response to Pascal's Wager is


I’m often the recipient of Pascal’s Wager, and whenever I’m asked, “What do you lose?” my response is always this: “You lose your soul.” And Christians are proof of that. When you give your life over to anything or anyone—you give your life away: including your conscience, your will, and your heart.

This is why they're so comfortable telling us that god loves us, AND he’s going to torture us forever just to show you just how much he loves us. Their god is an alcoholic father and their psychology is that of the children of alcoholics. When god is sober, he’s loving and kind and giving… but when he’s on a bender, it’s hell-fire and brimstone in the most torturous way. To
that end, most Christians suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome because of it.

I am told often that "Christians are “loving,” and while I can partially agree with that statement, I ultimately come down here: they can’t be totally loving—not as long as they never call into question their god’s predilection to eternal torture, or his lack of concern to the suffering of humankind. Love does not torture, and love would not accept torture as a possibility. If a Christian has to convert me because they’re afraid I will be tortured, then there’s nothing loving about that… that’s fear, and naturally, that makes your motives suspect.

Keeping with the hell meme: a loving god wouldn’t send anyone to hell. The loving thing to do would be to send you back and make you do it again until you get it right. Therefore, if God were truly loving, he would reincarnate you, rather than torture you forever.

But ultimately I ask this question: “You show me one person—just one—suffering in hell right now, and I’ll consider your hypothesis.


It makes no difference. If there is a god, I don't see why they would care if we believe or not. Most religions claim they are the one true path to god. At best, only one is correct. But since god and religion are made up by people, it is really a form of power and control to get people to conform to certain norms.


Several things come to mind starting with the concept of a god to begin with there are 507 different "gods" worshipped in this world today and thousands worshipped since the beginning of time. With so many to choose from which one is the right one to "pray" to is it the Catholic, Church of England, Buddha, Hindu, the trees, the sun there is a tribe on an island in the South Pacific that prays to a B-52 Bomber. But if I was an all powerful, all knowing, all merciful "god" I would certainly do away with the 506 others. Now this invisible man or being sees everything we do and hears everything we say and if we disobey any of his 10 "rules" he will condemn us to eternal fire, suffering, horrors, pain. But he loves us and needs money (thank you George Carlin). Another thing if the bible is the word of "god" what gave man the right to change it, Hmmm that don't make sense the Bible has been transcribed, rewritten, abridged, thousands of time depending who was king, pope, leader ETC.. it was originally written down by scribes hundreds of scribes and if one of them didn't copy it exactly as the original was written then every copy after that was wrong. BTW the original language of the bible was Aramaic (since that was the common language of the Middle East at the time) which was translated into Greek (but some Aramaic words did not translate so they were eliminated) then from Greek to Latin and again the same translation problem incompatible languages. and the same problems occurred when later the Greek or Latin books were translated into the different languages of the lands. But if there is a "god" My Bad looks like I made a mistake Like Bill Maher said well what do you know I was wrong

That segment of George Carlin's that you mentioned, is one of the funniest things I have ever seen!


if I'm wrong and there's a God I should just be judged on my actions not what I believe to be true. And let's face it I'm going to hell in every religion.

Me too!


Personally i do not care...if there is no gwd, i will rest peacefully in oblivion, if there is some Gawd, I will spend a long time telling him/her/It exactly what I think of their "management style".


Then when I meet Him I'll say "Oh shit, sorry mate. Come down the pub and I'll buy you a couple of beers and we're even, yeah?"

Jnei Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

I usually crack jokes about Lucifer being my BFF and He'll being BYOB in cases where religious folks try to scare me with threats of their abusive sky daddy. If I were to find that he was real, I'd slap him in his fucking face and Sasha my own self to hell with a she on mine. At least I'll be warm. 😉

Haha check out laveyan satanism . I think yoid find itd match up with your beliefs lol.

I'm everyone's BBF, technically... And home is rather cozy.


Which god? The god that watches as children die of cancer? The god that watches as a gunman shoots up its believers in a church, and does nothing to stop it? Why would I not only want to spend an eternity with a disgusting entity like that, but worship it as well?

Sethy Level 4 Jan 15, 2018

Stephen Fry gave the best answer I've ever heard to this question of what if God is real:

God is a monster, a maniac...

Agreed. It's the same argument, distilled, that Chris Hitchens made, and it holds out marvelously.

That is a perfect answer!!


It seems more reasonable to believe a just & fair god would not bother to give me the illusion of the freedom to choose if there was only one right answer to the question.

Or to look at it another way, if said god has any self-esteem at all, he does not require my belief nor my worship and should be ashamed of himself for ordering me (a la 10 commandments) to do so. This smug, capricious, fickle, selfish, narcissistic, jealous monster of a god isn't worth the thought.


Then I would hope he hasn't got such a fragile ego that he would understand those who doubt his existence.

Hes a jelous god tho. Dont forget that


IVE BEEN DEAD FOR 6.4 BILLION YEARS and alive for 66 years, that's a lot of time for a sadistic bastard god to ferment in his own self righteous importance

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