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What if you are wrong and there IS a god

Im atheist . And I get asked this often . Was curious to know other non believers answer to this . Without getting into to much detail my answer is simple. If I am wrong and im hell doomed for not believing then thats fine with me . Maybe hell is where I belong . Because there is just to many things in the bible itself I can't justify . Too many evilness . God murdered o don't know how many people including kids . He tortures gay people . Ect. I will not bow down before such an evil being . I also have questions for him as well. One being why has remain hidden ? Why did he leave behind no evidance of his existance? And even more confusing leave more evidence of him NOT existing and then throw us in flames for eternal torment for not believeing him ? If he does exist we have a mad man on charge and we should all be fearful of this lunitic . So send me to hell god because I would never follow you anyways

DavidDeLa89 6 Jan 9

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I'll be dead


This is known as Pascal's Wager.

The believer may say:

"Suppose you are right. Suppose there is no God.
Then when I die, as a believer, I have lost nothing.
I just die, as a man that devoted his life to love and morals.
But if you, as a non-believer, are wrong and I am right, you have to spend an eternity in hell.
See, I have nothing to lose, but you have everything to lose."

But the believer neglects a third scenario in which neither of us are correct. Perhaps upon death we are met with a deity whose identity, over the history of the universe, has yet to be known by the living. A deity who judges the worshiper of false idols more harshly than one who worshiped none altogether.

After all, this deity is unknown to all and they decreed to themselves that anyone who would rather follow false prophets than to accept the unknown deserves no peace beyond death. As such the unknown deity inflicts upon the believer torment after death that makes hell but a trivial mockery of what awaits the follower of false beliefs.

There is also other scenarios in which neither of us are correct. Perhaps Zeus, Osiris, Vishnu, Allah, or any one of the various other deities that are or ever have been believed in exist.

Very interesting point of view. I once thought the same and heard from a few others that scenerio . What if there is a being that wed identify as " god " but hes a being that has yet to be dicovered ? And where both wrong ? And we BOTH get judged harshly .? This sir is exackly why i joined this sight to hear other ideas and have interesting convos . 🙂

The older I get the more I honestly feel that IF... huge IF there, but IF there is a god at all, there has to be several. There is just too much that conflicts and doesn't seem to quite make sense for there only to be one.

Historically for far longer than not it was believe there were many. Even in Christianity there was the idea of, though there are many, only one should be worshipped. It seems only the last few hundred years that the idea developed that there really is only one and it has become common to think all the others are false. What brought that idea to me was the commandment not to hold any other deity before him. Ok... if there were no others, then why bother mentioning them at all? When they are mentioned then why make a commandment that would make them lesser gods or at least insist they not be held as important?

Either way, to me science has ways of explaining things or provides methods of finding evidence where holy books tend to lay down the law without proof. Anyone who remembers their parents saying "because I said so" has to remember how far that went.

Ah, Pascal's Wager, the most misunderstood wager in the history of gambling.
Some people believe that Pascal wrote this as a CYA with the Catholic Church because of his controversial writings that led some to question his faith. However, I like to think that Pascal was playing with us, tongue-in-cheek, and having a bit of fun. Note that this is not a theological argument, at all, but rather a "theological na-na-na-na-na!" as in "I'm going to heaven and you're going to hell, na-na-na-na-na!" Pascal, being a lifelong Catholic, knew very well that the primary cardinal sin was Pride, such as the Pride of Satan. Such arrogant schadenfreude would never be practiced by true Christians, and to do so would not get you into heaven...but into hell! 🙂


Then if I meet said deity, I say immediately, "you're fired."

Its going to be 'yuge'


Mine is similar but with that question I normally respond with the same question. If theists are wrong how many immoral things(judgement of gays, forcing beliefs on children and others, etc) did they commit? How much self hate and arbitrary guilt did you propagate? How much of your finite life did you waste committing these immoral acts or worshiping a false hope? How much knowledge did you miss out on by disagreeing with science? And finally what life could you have had without being tethered to an idea that you needed to make up for sins you didn't commit?


Que sera sera........


The funny thing is, there will never be a way to either prove or disprove God so it doesn't matter what anyone believes, it is what they do. You do not have to believe in God to be a good person, but you certainly can be a very bad person and say you believe in God. Right Donald Trump, et. al?

jeffy Level 7 Jan 9, 2018


Actually, I don't really care. I do NOT want to spend an eternity with those idiots.

Lol ya i don't either


There's no evidence of any god. Don't worry about it.

Its all about what we choose to believe, hopefully, by critical thinking. Some would say there is evidence, some say not.

At one time, people thought the sun and planets rotated around the earth; all disease was demonic (they had no concept of germs); an atomic bomb or atoms didn't exist in their world; and any child born so severely deformed to survive was evidence that it was a spawn of Satan due from the mother having sex with the devil.

My grandmother didn't believe man could never get to the moon because God would shoot them down before they could get there ("God will not be mocked" ). Then, when they succeeded, Satan had "outsmarted God". But if God is all-knowing.....well, you get my drift.


I was told that "god" is quick to forgive. So if I am wrong I will ask for forgiveness because he created me to question things and hey, I got it wrong. However, it ain't something that keeps me up at night.

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