If I said this to you in real life, my face would look like this:
I have to hold back with people who don't know me too well. My husband and I are very sarcastic. Most of my family is sarcastic.
Can you handle sarcasm? And, are you sarcastic too?
I have taken to putting a sarcasm alert on FB posts anymore, since I have set people off but putting sarcastic posts on political memes and being attacked by the people who should have been most amused, at least I thought so. Even people I know, who should know better have been confused. Is this a sign of great sarcasm or just not knowing my audience?
Yes and yes but sarcasm doesn't translate well to written communication... Whatever.
A colleague who was taking a certain type of antibiotic said to me that he read online that it can cause brain disturbance. I told him not to worry because it did not apply to him.
Okay Einstein, give me your best shot! I'll brace myself for the shock waves
@silvereyes 'dukes', that's a nice word, you must be really good at English
I got a little sarcastic on here and admin had me by the short hairs.. so I try to keep it somewhat decent and non tacky.
guess I use that expression a lot.. Not sure what you mean by from MN even..
My brothers ex wife would state that she need to go to church to get saved. My retort was what are you going to get saved from. Crack my little brother up every time.
@PhitDoctor50 I can't give the devil any due for a happen stance of physics that happens to fall in my favor an extraordinary amount of times.
I rarely do it because when I do it, I sound like a complete asshole.
Sarcasm? The mirror always reveals a reflection.
You can try one with me. Let me find out if I can handle that.
@silvereyes oh yeah as if you really know how to?
Where is that dislike button a lady was asking about and begging for? How do we know is not your husband at the keyboard? Here I helped you out I added the #sarcasm tag.
Noooo, I'm not sarcastic at all.
@silvereyes Ya gotta roll your eyes when you say it.
I'd tell you to go to hell but I work there and the boss said "meh..."
Yeah, I used to sit with Lizzie and Shamus at lunch.
I appreciate sarcasm...I think my sarcasm morphed into pure silliness...probably because people take themselves so seriously. That'll be my new religion....I will call it...The Cosmic Joke....now, everybody sit down on your whoopy cushions and let us begin...
A friend once told someone: “sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and the highest form of your intelligence.”
Actually I think puns are but sarcasm may come in a close second.
My family, me sarcastic phuckers all of us....
Sarcasm is not my favorite in social discourse, but this a large group with many different personalities, so it is something that is to be expected. I just don't personalize comments that could be interpreted as offensive. In interpersonal communication it is much easier to read, give feed back, and dialog, and the result hopefully is mutual understanding. Sarcasm is a art, and depends on the person's sarcasm as whether or not it is well received.
In Toronto sarcasm is a big part of communication. Although living out west much less so.