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Best thing about sex besides an orgasm ?

Wildgreens 8 Jan 17

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It's a great way to kill a couple of hours.


The touch of naked skin, the kissing intimacy and closeness, seeing the other person's face when they orgasm, the scent, the afterglow... the ordering of pizza afterwards 😉

Sacha Level 7 Jan 17, 2018

O-face. 😘


I would say the feel of certain things. Like my neck being kissed or the slight tug of my hair. My favorite is the feel of his stubble between my legs. And of course, the 10 seconds of cuddling afterwards, lol. I do like my space.


To quote George Takei: "Oh My". I found myself getting aroused while reading your comment. lol


I won’t do one night stands anymore
Don’t need a gf title but want to feel pretty certain I’ll see them again


Me three. I am in no rush to intimacy, Not a booty call, not a FWB, not a one night stand. If we can't be close outside the bedroom it is never going to happen in the bedroom.

I thought the question was about what you like about sex rather than what kind of sex. I got to say I agree with you though sometimes a lust filled fuck is as good as making love for ages.


I consider an orgasm to be one of the many good things - but not necessarily the best thing.

It's the touching, the kissing, the skin-on-skin all over, the heat, going from intensity to laughter, the wonderful exchanges that can occur when lovers are imaginative, edgy and willing ...


Intimacy and contentment. Not wanting to move.


The intimacy and the brief no walls barred connection. Sometimes that’s better than the sex.


Snuggling in the afterglow.


Exposing yourself.



Being able to share some intimate time alone with the one you really care about


Power exchanges.


The smell of him--sweaty, showered, sore, pumped, happy, sad, whatever. It always make me smile. It's what I just about miss most.


Taste, smells the physical exhaustion.


I am bad, sex can start 8 or 10 hours before the orgasms start. So the whole seduction thing, it can begin while you are driving to a destination. I was 4 hours into a 6 hour drive once and the lady I was with got very insistent and we pulled off the highway onto a dead railway crossing, she couldn't wait any more. Even in the bedroom, why rush it, orgasm means you are nearing the end, even if multiple, it is still the home stretch of what could be a marathon.


the smell, the taste, the endorphins, the sounds, the closeness, the look, the build-up because why try and finish something that's so nice to feel, the focus, being as one in the moment, the pleasing and being pleased, the teasing and being teased, the thought that later all this may happen and lastly the feeling when you are sated just after you come. and the fun. the orgasm to me however intense to different degrees is just a small part. you can do that part on your own. a really good book needs to be read from start to finish.


edging 😛


@MrLizard I did just that, a google search. And the first thing I read is about crochet. Who knew my hobby was so erotic!! Then I I read down the page a bit more, I didn't know it had a name. Oh, OK!

@MrLizard if someone throws something out here I think it is fair to ask a question. I can google search something all day and assume I know what someone is referring to. Now I know he like to crochet (joke)

@btroje It's going to the edge of orgasm and backing off, multiple times.

@btroje I never tried to crochet. 😛 lol

@bingst not even during sex?'

@btroje lol


The comment box suggests "use any personal experience or knowledge you might have." DISCLAIMER: the following is not from personal experience. A man and woman were in bed and as they were approaching the peak of excitement, she needed to get up to go to the bathroom. Part way there, she stumbled over a pile of clothes and fell. He leaped out of bed, went over to her and tenderly caressed her, and gently helped her to her feet. Later, they lay in bed satisfied. She needed to get up again, but due to her exhaustion, one of her knees gave out just as she was taking her first step away from the bed. He looked over at her and said "clumsy bitch." I guess each of these two would have a different answer to the question?

Ouch !! Never know who's in your bed.


I'll be honest, orgasms don't "cum" easy for me. Even if I know I won't climax I still prefer to have sex than not to. It feels goods, it's intimate, it's good for your body both in happy chemicals and that it's a work out.


Intimacy. Connection to another person. And trust. To be intimate is to trust another.

Oh my, what an insight into trust! And I very much agree!

When it’s achieved it’s a special bond. @absaluteviktory5


That deep feeling of being human..


Good exercise


The taste, the smell, the anticipation, the challenge, the plan, the uncertainty (will she let me do THAT this time lol), the total act of pleasing that brings the orgasm.


Two orgasms?

That got quite a chuckle out of me.


That deep feeling of being human..


I think it's smell post-sex, some people are like an ambrosia. Though during, I think it's the primal nature of the act - when your eyes are closed, your mind a vacant black, with your body writhing to some ancient cadence of toss and turn - the kind of 'Shiva' sense of it, like an LSD Peak.

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