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There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...

Dear friends,

This is my first real rant... breaking out that soap box.

Agnostic has broadened my world and introduced so many lovely people into my life that I deeply enjoy the company of. Our conversations are sometimes fun and lighthearted, other times intense and intellectual. I've learned many things from this community and the people in it.

That said, there is this tired old debate. One where agnostics and atheists can't seem to agree on definitions for the words. I'm not going to sit here and post telling all of you that people misunderstand and they need to be taught! That is so demeaning and presumptuous when people do that. It's preaching and coaching rather than talking to someone like a peer. I respect all of you as peers and fellow critical thinkers, so...

I can tell you my own interpretation based on the digging that I've done. I won't ask you to agree with it. All I ask is you do what you already do, think critically. Be open minded. And, most of you are pretty cool and respectful peeps, so I don't think I need to say it-- but there is always one person that needs the reminder. So, here it is! Please play nice. ; )

Disclaimer: if you want to call yourself an agnostic, atheist, agnostic atheist-- whatever, it's your choice based on what fits you most comfortably. The term you choose for yourself is what matters more than my interpretation of the words.

Ah, so for almost 20 years, I've said I was an atheist. After joining agnostic, someone ranted about atheism and agnosticism being mutually exclusive. That someone made me re-evaluate my own thinking. I started digging into the words a little more... and then I started questioning my own bias.

Was I calling myself atheist, because I rejected the dogma of religion (which on an emotional level really pisses me off)? When I thought about it, I could only reject certain gods. Because there was not only no proof of these gods, the evidence was stacked against the holy books these gods are defined in.

  1. I absolutely do not believe the Abrahamic god as portrayed in the bible or similar holy texts is real. These holy texts disprove themselves with contradictions and inaccuracies.

  2. I do not reject the idea of the possibility of a creator of some sort. I do not believe it. But, I do not disbelieve it.

  3. My beliefs and disbeliefs are based on facts and evidence. I will shift beliefs regardless of my feelings, if the facts and evidence align.

*When I looked into the terms atheist and agnostic here is the defining difference😘

Definition of atheism
1 a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

Definition of agnostic
1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

*The difference between the two, per Merriam-Webster (and I agree with this interpretation, which is why I regularly quote it)😘

Many people are interested in distinguishing between the words agnostic and atheist. The difference is quite simple: atheist refers to someone who believes that there is no god (or gods), and agnostic refers to someone who doesn’t know whether there is a god, or even if such a thing is knowable. This distinction can be troublesome to remember, but examining the origins of the two words can help.

Agnostic first appeared in 1869, (possibly coined by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley), and was formed from the Greek agn?stos (meaning "unknown, unknowable" ). Atheist came to English from the French athéisme. Although both words share a prefix (which is probably the source of much of the confusion) the main body of each word is quite different. Agnostic shares part of its history with words such as prognosticate and prognosis, words which have something to do with knowledge or knowing something. Atheist shares roots with words such as theology and theism, which generally have something to do with God.

Depending on your interpretation, I could be defined as an atheist or an agnostic. Atheist if we're talking ONLY about the Abrahamic god. But, why was I defining myself as if Christianity was the anchor of the definition?

In broad strokes, I realized agnostic fits better for me. I don't know if a god or creator exists. And, if I have to label myself, I prefer to think in general.

Some people call themselves agnostic atheists. Per wiki, one of the earliest definitions of agnostic atheism is that of Robert Flint, in his Croall Lecture of 1887–1888 (published in 1903 under the title Agnosticism).

I understand the intent behind the conjoined term, but in my mind these two concepts contradict. How can you both not believe (disbelieve) and claim unknowability? Why have both terms at all, aren't you just agnostic if you require evidence?

But, I suppose it comes from the desire to say, I disbelieve until someone proves otherwise. Which, I do get. But, agnostics don't believe anything without evidence either. So, I don't feel the need to put the terms together. Though, I don't find I need to argue with people who do want to put them together. It does make it's point, which is the whole purpose of labels to begin with. So, OK.

ah, semantics

To sum this up, in my opinion there is no perfect term, label, or word for me. I use labels as a general means to find things that interest me under these headings and to connect with people who generally share my viewpoint-- or at least share the desire to reject dogma and examine things critically.

This rant is only because I've seen several people try to "educate" others on the definitions. To tell everyone they are wrong and have a misconception. This has long been debated and really, to what end? There isn't a good conclusive resource to say side A is right and side B is wrong, so why keep bringing it up? To educate people without a strong source to reference is against the very concept of freethinking. It's better to say "my opinion is..." or "my interpretation is..." and even myself, I cannot claim that I am right and others are wrong. There is no really good corroboration for either side here. Our sources don't even really agree.

Truth be told, I hate labels anyway. I don't feel the need to have a specific tattoo of either agnostic or atheist. Those of you who know me get the gist of what I do and don't believe. I hate dogmatic thinking-- that's the end game.

Fuck the labels. If you don't like dogma, you are my people, my tribe, and I'm good with whatever definition you want to use.

Seriously, call yourself whatever you want, friends.

If you read to the end, thank you for hearing me out. This is the longest blurb I've written. I will now step off my soap box.

With ❤


silvereyes 8 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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303 comments (26 - 50)

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I completely understand and support your view. I have heard many people claim that atheism is more logical or scientific than agnosticism but based on your definitions and others I've seen it seems to me that atheism is as based on logical galaxy than religion because it equates absence of proof with proof of absence.
On the other hand, because of the roots it could be argued that atheism opposes the worship of something that can't be proven to exist, although that might be antitheism. Regardless, as you said it's still semantics.
As a writer I value the precision of communication but usage is where words are truly defined. I agree that labels limit all of us a well. I think taking the time to know individuals and their ideas rather than defining them as a group would not only foster greater communication here but with those who practice religion as well.

I claim that before you can speak of "the existence of God" or "the nonexistence of God", you must first show that "God" is a meaningful word. But theists, atheists and agnostics just assume that it is without question! That's what bothers me. That's why I am neither theist, atheist, nor agnostic.

You say correctly "atheism opposes the worship of something that can't be proven to exist". So atheism is the unjustified belief that theists have defined a god that doesn't exist. They haven't defined ANY god, so atheism and agnosticism cannot be justified. That leaves only ignosticism, which is that theists, atheists and agnostics are all wrong because they share the unjustified belief that "God" is a meaningful word. Ignostics don't share that belief.


"but in my mind these two concepts contradict. How can you both not believe (disbelieve) and claim unknowability?"
Easily, you do it too.
Do you believe you'll be dead in 30 minutes time?
I'd assume the answer is no.
Can you know right now that you won't be dead in 30 minutes time?
So it's not at all contradictory to disbelieve something while simultaneous accepting you can't know it.

i think this keeps it necessarily simple, otherwise it get's tiresome having a discussion using words that mean different things to different people.


The difference for me has always been a belief/knowledge issue. In a technical sense everyone is agnostic, there is no way to fully know anything. Atheists In my opinion do not put forward a a disbelief or a belief that God is not real, just no positive belief that God is real. Your dictionary definition gets confusing because it describes atheists in 2 different ways. At first it's described as a lack of belief or strong disbelief, the later describes atheism as a belief that there is no God. The strong disbelief corresponds with the second definition, but what I think is more valid would be the "lack of belief" statement. I think atheists are "a theists" or without theology. Doesn't mean they believe a theology is wrong, does mean they haven't been convinced it's correct. Like in court, the options are not guilty or innocent, they are guilty or not guilty. That means either, HE DID IT, or THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO BELIEVE HE DID IT, and the whole time without asserting that he didn't do it.

@silvereyes absolutely, the most important thing is making sure everyone in the discussion is on the same page. We can call it atheist, agnostic, or waffels. It doesnt matter as long as we all understand the meaning we are using.


"blurb". Hahaha!

Coincidentally...I have just watched this YouTuber, Rationality Rules, addressing David Mitchell's insistence that he is not an atheist - while claiming to be, the more rational, agnostic. David Mitchell is a very well known UK comedian. The YouTuber, Rationality Rules, is unknown to me until this video popped into my recommended list as I was browsing for funny David Mitchell skits. But Rationality Rules argued his case well.

Jump to about 4min and 25secs in this video:

Rationality Rules rationalises that:
"Theism and Atheism address what you believe. Gnosticism and Agnosticism address what you assert to know."

He makes an example addressing David Mitchell directly: "...If I ask you if you believe in a god, and your answer is 'no', then you're an Atheist. And if you answered 'I don't know', then you haven't answered the question. Either you believe or do not believe. That is, either you're a theist or an atheist. And how certain you are in your belief, that is: how Gnostic or Agnostic you are, is a completely different question. And so since you don't believe in a god or gods, you are an Atheist..."

From his rationale, Atheism and Agnosticism are mutually INCLUSIVE because I can be any of these:
a: a non-believer because there's no proof yet of existence of a god - an Agnostic Atheist
b: a non-believer because I know there's no proof - a Gnostic Atheist
c: a believer because there's no proof yet of non-existence of a god - an Agnostic Theist
d: a believer because I know there's proof of a god. (I hear his voice every morning.) - a Gnostic Theist

Theism/atheism is an answer to "Do you believe?" And Gnosticism/Agnosticism is an answer to "How certain are you of that belief?"

Just another bee in the bonnet.

I have shown above that all three, theism, atheism, and agnosticism are irrational because they require the belief that "God" is a meaningful word, and there is no reason to believe it is.

@EdwinMcCravy Good point!


I like simplicity, and it is really simple to look at the prefix and root words.

a- means without

-gnostic comes from the word gnosis, meaning knowledge.

-theism is the belief in a god or gods

Simply an agnostic knows of no gods (but might believe, given proof, or as pointed out might believe but not "KNOW" God) while an atheist believes there is(are) no god(s). That lines up with the definition that Webster so kindly published.


Actuaslly a theist would believe and an Atheist would lack that belief (a prefix)
No one has any need to DISBELIEVE in something fantastic and unproven but claimed (say the millenium falcon in your backyard) IF you believe that You believe, if I do not, that is not my DIS belief but my failure to be convinced in the first place.
When it com,es to God I find no way to disbelieve it IN FACT, as I find such poor and incomplete definitions that I cannot build a proper model to either believe or not.


I always thought that an atheist didn't believe in god, and an agnostic doubted the existence of god but was still open to the possibility of god existing. Anyone else thought this?

yeah thats the simplistic definitions I learned from religious folks who misunderstood the terms though. Everyone thinks an atheist is positive there isnt and an agnostic is on the fence and you can't be both, but please see my comment directly below, as that is not the case.

Agnostic is without knowledge, atheist is without belief. Every honest person on earth is an agnostic, none of us can know. But unless theres a particular god you believe in more than the others, youre also an atheist. Just means without belief in theism. I neither know for sure, nor have any good reason to believe, so I am an agnostic atheist.

@Wurlitzer yes, that clears it up quite nicely. Without knowledge, without belief. I'll remember that distinction. But in the case of god, I do know with certainty that he/she does not exist, not scientifically, but observationally, get it??

@sellinger absolutely I have no problem with claiming there’s no god because there obviously isnt, in any way that we've conceptualized god so far at least. Im only agnostic insofar as I can't claim to have absolute knowledge, theres plenty of things that once seemed mystical that we figured out how to do. Technology was once called magic and mental illness was once called demon possession. Im holding space to accomodate anything else we havent figured out yet, but I usually default to calling myself atheist as its the stronger position to take against theists, and like you said we can be pretty damn sure their idea of god is bunk.


Best rant ever silvereyes. I've read up on this and found an article by a guy defining a true agnostic. His beef with militant athiest was simple--I don't know if there is or is not a god, and I'm fine with admitting I DON'T KNOW. To him, the beauty of being agnostic is to be able to admit "I don't know the answer." Too many people insist on being right, both in the theist and atheist world. I agreed with his essay 100%. If you don't have evidence, don't pretend to know the answer. I don't know, so I am open to the possibility of a higher power. That power has not revealed itself to me as of this post, so I can't say for certain if there is one.

I don't know that there isnt a funky ball of tits from outerspace either. Id like to think there is, but I don't know. Thats still no excuse to profess belief in one. It would be foolish to deny the possibility, afterall, where else could Bootsy Collins have milked all that sweet funk from? (/sarcasm) But im still gonna have to say I both don't know precisely, and don't believe. Agnostic and atheist are not combatting opinions! And lack of knowledge doesnt suddenly turn this into a 50/50 debate on what to believe! ?

@Wurlitzer I don't believe they should be combatting opinions. My point, like the article I reference, is that there is a distinct difference between the militant athiest (who believe there is no god and behave just like fundamental Christians in their beliefs, very annoying and they do remind me of childish christians) and the agnostic (simply admits to not knowing due to lack of evidence). I never implied that lack of knowledge turns this into a 50/50 debate on what to believe. I simply implied that neither the fundamentalist Christian/Athiest can produce solid evidence for their arguments. I don't know and I don't care. I'm ok with not knowing.

@Wurlitzer and the space tits thing was awesome! That's something I want to believe in!


In logic and probability theory, two events (or propositions) are mutually exclusive or disjoint if they cannot both occur (be true). A clear example is the set of outcomes of a single coin toss, which can result in either heads or tails, but not both.
Mutual exclusivity - Wikipedia

For those who say the two are not mutually exclusive, you cannot say with certainty that there is no god and leave the door open to the possibility that one could exist at the same time, but at present there is no evidence.

I find the agnostic view the most open minded.

I'm also 6 shots into Jaegermeister, so if I tick you off--I neither believe nor disbelieve that I did.

not ticked off but youre mistaken nonetheless. Agnostic and atheist are not mutually exclusive because the agnostic doesnt have to be optimistic enough to claim belief. The terms arent two sides of a coin or dichotomy because they answer two different questions. Do I know everything? no, Im an agnostic. Every person on earth is agnostic if theyre being honest. But do I have any good reason to believe in any form of theism? also no, I am also an atheist.

Lack of knowledge and lack of belief can exist side by side perfectly well without contradicting one another. One seems to lead to the other in fact, but that doesnt mean an atheist is claiming to be scientifically certain and able to rule out admitting their agnosticism. Nor is an agnostic likely so optimistic about any certain god so as to rule out atheism. Belief and Knowledge are two different topics that influence each other heavily, but they are not the same thing.

@Wurlitzer I think a better analogy would be that atheism is one side of the coin. Religion/god is the other. And agnostic is the edge of the coin.


@silvereyes I totally agree with you. Do not like labels. Conflicted between atheist and agnostic myself. Freethinker seems to be an umbrella term. I think I'll continue to use freethinker.

I've recently come to the conclusion that it all boils down to believing if disembodied souls can exist (spirits, ghosts, gods, etc.). Since I can't come even close to explaining how a disembodied soul could exist (What is it made of?), they are an impossibility, and thus I don't believe they exist. Because of the non-existence of disembodied souls, there is no life after death; no spirit warehouses such as heaven, hell, or purgatory; and no reincarnation. Also, since gods are disembodied souls (with special powers, of course), I don't believe they exist, too.

Got a label for my belief system?


Thank you, silvereyes, you show your depth in your posts. I think I use, Agnostic, because there are so many believers around me of different denominations. As you stated so well, the ultimate reality is unknowable. In other words, I DON'T KNOW! I know that there are believers out there that insist there IS no doubt about the existence of God/god(s) in the positive. An acquaintance once asked whether I was willing to believe in a god, and I answered, "It depends on what day of the week and what mood I'm in." As I have stated in another post, god could be a far more technologically advanced society or a group of experimental lab technicians.

That is right.

Did not see God increase our life expectancy by double in the last 150years.
Still, don't know, is the correct answer.


I had a melt down from that last debate (a lot to process), and my brain is still a little soft, but I am still comfortable with agnostic. I still take at face value how ever folks want to identify them selves.



I find my self often having to define both terms. I gets quite tiresome. The only time I bother with this is when theist make statements like "atheist belive in God the just deny it" or "You can't be agnostic and atheist". Then I have to "school them". With knowlege comes understanding, with understanding comes tolerence.

@silvereyes Actually i think you did a great job!


Important topic. Thanks for putting the time into that. If you believe that the abrahamic god is real, clearly you cannot be either agnostic or atheist. If you beleive that the abrahamic god is definitely a fiction, you can't be agnostic. If you are open to the idea that some as yet undiscovered divine creator being might exist, you cannot be an atheist. That is why I think I might prefer the term antitheist for myself. See the definition of antitheism and see if it fits your situation. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

@silvereyes Consider this definition for Antitheism - In secular contexts, it typically refers to direct opposition to organized religion or to the belief in any deity, while in a theistic context it sometimes refers to opposition to a specific god or gods.
A more non-confrontational version is "nontheism" - not having or involving a belief in a god or gods. Can be used as "I am a non-theist."
I think Secular Non-theist is both accurate for me, and non-confrontational.


An agnostic is essentially a "weak" atheist by definition. I consider myself an atheist/agnostic in that I, 1) have no belief in any god(s) and, 2) I see no evidence either way.

Silvereyes - my understanding is that a "strong" atheist asserts there is no God, implying omnipotent knowledge of such, but this link has a slightly more nuanced explanation of it. It also mentions weak atheism is also called "soft" atheism.



It's funny, in my brief time on this site, my awareness has also been broadened, but I've come to the opposite conclusion as you, @silvereyes. I have considered myself to be an atheist, but this site has shown me that I am an agnostic atheist. I don't know if there is/are (a) god(s), but until solid evidence is presented, l choose to believe god(s) do(es) not exist.

It is precisely because the two words are so different in meaning that I find them to not be mutually exclusive. And l will admit l was quite surprised to learn this about myself.

And while I agree that saying fuck the labels and get to know the person is a great attitude, labels are unavoidable. And given that, l feel that we should do our best to use them as valid descriptors of ourselves, just not as end all, be all definitions.

Thanks for such a thoughtful post. 🙂

Agreed. Isn't language fascinating?


I regard [a]gnosticism as a knowledge position and [a]theism as a belief position. My knowledge position is agnostic -- I don't claim to know with absolute certainty that there are no gods. And my belief position is atheistic -- I don't see a valid reason to believe in any god.

Classic Huxlian agnosticism IS as you describe it ... the notion that not only do I not personally stake a knowledge claim one way or the other -- but that it's not even doable. I hold to this, because invisible beings allegedly outside the natural order are inherently non-falsifiable.

However, many modern agnostics are "soft" agnostics who just profess to be personally "not sure", implying that some new information could change that in the future. What information that might be, they never seem to say. i think this latter, watered-down agnosticism is responsible for the notion that agnosticism is some sort of way-station between belief and unbelief. Theists find this idea pleasing because uncertainty is far less threatening and taboo than unbelief, and besides, such an agnostic might still be persuadable. They tend to consider atheism too irredeemable to hold out the hope of [re]conversion.

Another major reason for "agnostic atheism" is that it circumvents the argument that atheism is inherently "arrogant". If atheism claims to KNOW there is no god, that argument finds some purchase, because you'd have to be god yourself -- be everywhere and everywhen -- to LITERALLY stake such a knowledge claim. And fundamentalists are nothing if not literal. I am willing to not KNOW there is no god, even if on a technicality, to emphasize that atheism is really a different beast: not affording belief to the unsubstantiated and/or highly unlikely.

To me, "there is no god" is a semantic shortcut that would be reasonable in any other discussion but this one. I live my life exactly as if I were making such a knowledge claim. The difference between being 100% sure and 99.9999% sure isn't a practical difference. But I'll be damned (ha!) if I'm going to give a believer an excuse to dismiss a considered, substantial certainty with mere arrogance.

Theism, atheism, and agnosticism are all belief positions. They all require belief that the capitalized row of alphabet letters "God" is coherently defined. Theists believe the word "God" is coherently defined as something that exists. Atheists believe the word "God" is coherently defined as something that does not exist, like "unicorn", Agnostics believe that "God" is defined as something that either exists or doesn't. They're all wrong. There is no reason to believe "God" is a coherently defined word.

@EdwinMcCravy Theists, atheists and agnostics all have belief AND knowledge positions, be they positive or negative. I am simply attempting to distinguish the various combinations. You are correct however that "god" doesn't have a coherent, much less reasonably objective or intersubjective, meaning.


Yes there is a creator, modern man calls her nature, her and the big bang is what led to our creation.

But "God" can't mean "nature". If "God" meant "nature", then everybody would be a theist because everybody believes in nature.

Nature drives evolution, I personally don't know many christians who accept evolution as a valid theory.


Short version of my long answer is...It's usually agnostics who quibble about such bullshit. You know what you are. Any one trying to tell you what you are is an asshole so fuck em, I say. Now at the risk of being an asshole myself I 'm going to label you a pretty cool person. The kind I like. wink wink.

Atheists and agnostics think I'm the asshole for telling them that there is no evidence that "God" is a meaningful word. But there just isn't. Sorry, but "God" does not refer to anything to believe in, nor anything to disbelieve in, or anything to withhold judgment on the existence of.


All true I would say, but for prefixes being a cause of the confusion. The "confusion" lay in religious indoctrinators defining the words to suit their own purposes and disseminating them. This is why people get the question "Do you worship the Devil?" I dare say very few ever came up with such nonsense on their own.

@silvereyes exactly!


What would one call a person who does believe in a "prime source" but is determined to, come judgement day, insist that that entity be judged because of the evil it has perpetrated upon humanity. One might say this person hates "god". And do not reply that this woudl be satan worship since satan is a made up being , just as all the gods ever dreamed up.
My belief is that there is/was an entity that created everything, including cancer, malaria, dementia and every evil that can befall mankind , alzheimer's being the worst of all, and that this entity must be held accountable for it's atrocity. I know this is not atheism nor agnosticism , just wondering.

Thank you very much !


Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed your efforts to educate us with cited sources. I find myself in conflict with fellow agnostics/atheists on many levels. I reject the dogma, I reject the required conformity of religion, but I do believe in the concept of a soul. Not as a religious concept, but as a scientific construct. I often find myself with non religious people who don't believe in anything that is currently termed "supernatural". But I continue to study, research, and strive to find truth in the "mind" being an entity beyond the physical brain. I am looking for evidence out of a deep seated belief, whether real or imagined that we are more than our physical body. But I am coming at it from a scientific approach, not theological.

Like your ideas here..

Soul and Spiritual are two words which to me mean mostly "the unexplained" so to that extent they exist. `However do not look for their location in the body except perhaps a small unsatisfied region of the brain.


I really enjoyed your post. I have bit of a different take on it, though. Let me know if you have thoughts.
I'm not particular on what someone calls themselves, I know atheist has negative connotations associated with it and I can see why people avoid it. However, I think the confusion is that theism and gnosticism address two separate prongs of the question and that's what is getting mixed together.
Theism is a belief in god/s. Atheism is lack of belief in god/s.
Gnosticism is a claim of knowledge about something. Agnosticism is claim of lack of knowledge of something.
Essentially one is dealing with belief, and the other is dealing with claiming knowledge. You can believe there is god/s and claim to know for sure. You can also believe in god/s and claim not to know for sure. You can disbelieve and claim to know for sure, or disbelieve and claim not to know. They are separate questions.
The confusion is that both positions are binary. As you state you don't believe in any god/s. Then you say you don't disbelieve. These are contradictory statements. You can say you hold no belief either way, but that in fact makes you an atheist because you have to have a belief to be a theist. And if you are not a theist, you are by definition an atheist. Now if you want to call yourself something else, that is perfectly fine. None the less, unless you believe it, you are not a theist.
Same goes for gnosticism. You either claim to know or you don't. If you don't claim to know you can't then say but I don't claim not to know. You either do your you don't.
The difficulty, and where I feel this is important, is that claims of existence are by their nature unfalsifiable. Take the statement "fairies exist." Now you cannot prove that fairies don't exist anywhere in the Cosmos. However, currently we don't have any good evidence that they do exist. At some point we might have proof they exist, but we will never be able to prove that they don't or cannot exist. Now the question is do you believe they exist? I'm guessing you don't.
It's the same proposition for god/s, dragons, unicorns, people, gravity, and anything else you can claim exists. The difference is we have proof of things like people and gravity existing and no good proof for god/s, dragons, or unicorns.
This is why I think god claims are ridiculous, because we can make anything up and claim it exists and nobody will ever be able to falsify that claim. But just because you can't disprove something doesn't add an ounce of truth to the claim.
Why it's important to understand the difference is that people act on their beliefs based on what they claim to know. And this is how people can justify burning witches; racism; slavery; and a lot of other horrible things based on unsubstantiated beliefs.
What I don't like about the term agnostic has nothing to do with those who call themselves that, but how it gets used against those who don't believe. Because it's how religions use the term to make the claim that belief and disbelief are on equal footing because you don't know for sure either way. When in fact they;re not. Religions are making claims to know god/s and what they want us to do, and what will happen to us if they don't, as where atheists are just saying "I don't believe you." Atheists aren't making the claim so they don't have burden to prove it false. Theist are responsible for proving their claim is true, otherwise how do we know they didn't just make it up. However, if you're a theist who doesn't claim to know for sure if there is a god/s and what they may or may not want or do and generally have a live and let live policy for others then I don't have a problem with you. I just think you believe for bad reasons.
I think the confusion here is that atheism gets branded as if we are claiming there are no god/s, when that is not the case for most atheists. And for those that claim that, that is something they would have to prove, and you can't definitively prove a negative.
Thanks again for the post, it was very thought provoking.

Tyrel77's: >>Theism is a belief in god/s. Atheism is lack of belief in god/s.<< What god/s do you believe Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholics, Jews and Muslims have DEFINED that they believe in? If they haven't DEFINED a god, then they don't really have a god to believe in, so they can't be believing in a god. They only BELIEVE THAT THEY BELIEVE in a god.

@EdwinMcCravy I agree, I've never gotten a sensible definition of a god. But they believe none the less. I know, it doesn't make sense to me.


What do you atheists not believe in? "God"? What the dickens is that? What do you agnostics withhold judgment on the existence of? "God"? What the dickens is that? An infinite omnipresent incorporeal spirit that created everything but the infinite omnipresent spirit that created everything but itself? What the dickens is that?

we think that you protest too much

Sounds like you are an Ignostic. Good choice.


Great rant! Occasionally I wonder if I'm actually agnostic, but saying atheist simplifies it. People are not as likely to start in trying to convince me that their religious argument will be the one that converts me. Plus, my agnosticism comes with some caveats. Such as if God is an asshole, I don't believe he is worth worshipping or in other words he or it may exist, but maybe i don't "believe in" him anyway. Also I do believe in something love-driven that we all are accountable to. I don't necessarily believe that this thing is sentient, judging, or controlling, so, not exactly God. I believe that when you love someone and they love you, something survives after death that can be of great comfort to the survivor. The degree of "real" as opposed to seeing what we want to see is unknown to me, but I lean heavily toward the latter. Doesn't mean if I become widowed I won't indulge myself with the sense of comfort a "sign" from my husband would bring. What does this make me? I'm comfortable with the label "atheist" and certainly "skeptic". I don't believe that bad things come in threes or that my black cat will ever bring me bad luck. I don't believe I can just up and manifest anything I desire. But I also understand that being open to the "magical" in life enriches the experience. To each her own but finding my "tribe" of like-thinkers makes life a little sweeter. Like-thinkers don't have to think exactly alike or agree on every definition.

Oh do I like what you said n how you said it
Ty @Rangepainter

You are right about people not spending time trying to convert someone identifying as atheist.Smiling mormon and jehovah's winesses leave my doorstep when I,smiling,tell them I am an atheist and definitely do not support any religion.


Look for a book called Atheism: The Case Against God, by George H. Smith. Read the first chapter where he defines atheism and variants of it, as well as agnosticism. It is beautifully simple, jarringly simple, but very important. And you will know why there are still some hotly contested discussions among non-believers. Don't rant about it. Figure out why.

I don't care, or at least I'm not actively looking for opinions of others. Never been a follower. I'm just non-religious.
But I wonder. This is all a human twitch. Have you ever realized how many christian churches were founded after the reformation. Everybody seems to have its own opinion (which is okay) and wants to convince others that he or she is right (which is less okay). I try to be open to the world, listen and experience my life and make my own conclusions. I'm willing to share my opinion in conversations, but never want to discuss about what is true or not. Sometimes I encounter things that I didn't realize or know and I fine-tune my opinions. I'm never convinced by what others try to convince me of. Everybody did to me from child on and it appeared not solid or true. I stick to my own and see what the rich do to the people of the world. Equal if they are religious or not. Religion and money miss compassion because of the power that is involved. And I'm not sure yet if people that turned their back to religion are much better in the long run. Power corrupts.

@Gert yeah, that's all fine and dandy. The difference here is that non-believers aren't discussing or debating the merits of faith-based dogma as if they were facts. It usually comes down to logic and language. Which is perfectly fine to me.

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