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What political party do you consider yourself to be?

I've noticed that many non theist folks tend to have left leaning political beliefs. So I'm just curious what you lean towards.

AlphaHellhound 4 Jan 21

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Politics is the art of making lies sound truthful and murder respectable." Dr Thomas Szasz.

Every statement can be divided into three subcategories: 1. The affective content which designed to affect the emotions of the listener or reader. 2. The informative content which is designed to convey information to the reader or listener. 3. The promotive content which is designed to promote the values of the speaker or writer. I have no reason to believe that political speeches would contain more than 10% of the informative content.


I am a member of the Libertarian Party.

Minimum government. Maximum freedom.


Mostly Democratic Socialist with some Libertarian views.

MikeJ Level 5 Jan 21, 2018

I can't say that I lean left, anymore. I can say... with all that is in me and all that I stand is not the GOP...Republican! Since we only have 2 choices, I stand with the left...Democrat! But, it bothers me that their 'stand' is 'wobbly!' I realize, that the 'left' has never been...'screaming,' 'over-talking,' fools, but sometimes, they need to 'speak-up' for what is humane and 'right!' and FAIR!

@Marcus_Angelus I must have missed something here in my "old age'...I have seldom heard a reasoning person refer to Democrats as 'communism'! What dictionary did you use, maybe I will look it up in the kind you used and see where I went off the cliff...


I'm a progressive "declines to state".


I'm a registered Democrat, but that's only so I can vote in primaries in NY for the rare chance that a Democrat candidate has the same values as I do like one did in the 2016 election. I would say I'm Independent and/or Green and/or Social Democrat. Our political system is a joke though. Money talks. The politicians who actually give a shit are the ones who get smeared or discounted as not having a real chance to win. That whole "voting 3rd party ruins the vote" thing is a fallacy. 2000 was shown to be a fallacy in that respect. It's the same thing every election. I don't owe my damn vote to anyone or party. Get over it!


I am a loose canon, I vote for the one I judge to be the most capable one to solve our problems in the way I think they should be solved and then keep an eye on them like a hawk because I think they are all a bunch of power hungry egomaniacs that will stab you in the back at the first chance they get


I no longer identify with any of our political parties. I think they are all full of shat and corrupt. I will vote for a candidate that best represents me regardless of party affiliation.


I grew up in a 3 party system. Is not all that you dream that it will be. If you ask for what party I vote in america... I will be honest... the first motherfucker that gives Puerto Rico the Independence will get my vote if the individual has a DD-214... You Never Served... You won't get my vote. About 3 party system... more corruption, it is just with a different mask. the minority of the 3 will make alliances once here, next time there... selling out constantly. And majority rule will be a mirage with little value since nothing is firm and concrete and is subject to backroom deals.


I am a Democratic Socialist.


I'm so leftist I have to look over my right sholder to wave at Cory Booker.


Consider myself as a Moderate. Now if there was a party for me, would love it. I am fiscally conservative, and socially liberal. Operate with a balanced budget, and against corporate welfare. Am not a bedroom police.


I’m democrat but I’d rather be none with the political jokes I’m disgusted. It’s not a show it’s our county.


Let's put it this way...

I didn't leave the republican party, the republican party left me.

d_day Level 7 Jan 22, 2018

While I "vote" democratic, I feel like they're just as corrupt as the Conservatives. In the battle between evil and the lesser of two evils, the "lesser" is still lesser...


I don't like to confine myself to categories, but that's a boring cop-out of an answer, so I'm gonna go with the Green party. In truth, some of my values could be seen as conservative, while other values are even farther to the left of most liberals.


Socialist Democrat, registered democrat.


Independent. Don't desire any traditional affiliations at this time. Used to be registered Demo.


Definitely lean left.


I'm registered Democrat but my individual beliefs are kinda all over the place. I would never support an anti-choice candidate - that's my one non-negotiable.


I am a liberal libertarian of no party, tho I vote Democratic 99.9 % of the time. I want government out of my personal life. My bedroom, my uterus, my drug choices, my life's duration, religious recognition. I do want government oversight of the air I breathe, the water I drink, the insulation in my house, the impact on the environment, protection of species, the taxing of religious orders especially Scientology, pay parity.


I'm registered independent/secular. I'm somewhere in the middle but I sway more on the liberal side.


Democrat, liberal leaning


i am, and always have been, a registered democrat. by the way, we don't have as many political parties as we are purported to have. the republican "party" has been taken over by a criminal enterprise. i am not being snarky. i am stating a fact.


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