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Should public nudity be legal?

The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) has the view that public nudity should be legal as long as the person is not doing anything with the intent of sexually arousing either themselves or anyone else.

The most stated reason by members is to get over "body shame", because doing so helps boost self esteem and confidence. There have been studies showing that children raised in nudist family have higher self esteem and confidence and are just generally more comfortable with who they are as a person.

On the other side there are those persons who seek out nude beaches and nudist events who have seual agendas. AANR nudist clubs don't tolerate such persons, and forcibly remove them shoudl they show up. I refer to such persons as "swingers" because they seem to fit the swinger lifestyle more than they do the nudist lifestyule

However, as a point of freedom. A freedom of expression, which does tno do harm to anyone, shoudl public nudity be legal? As atheists are nto burdened with religious mores , I was just wondering what the people here think?

I am a natuirst (nudist) and I have ridden the Portland (OR) World Naked Bike Ride, which has over 10,000 participants each year, and I have gone on nude hikes, visited clothing optional beaches

So, what are your thoughts?

snytiger6 9 Oct 18

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308 comments (101 - 125)

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Only in designated area.I think anyone that would walk around nude in a public area with clothed people would be an exhibitionist.What I really don't approve of are family nudists ,where the mother,father and young children walk around in a nudist colony. It’s not right to expose children to this lifestyle when they have no say in the matter .Personally I do not even like the feeling of being nude even in the privacy of my own home .

Studies have shown that kids raised in nudist families, have higher self esteem, more confidence and fewer prejudices, and score "healthier" in terms of mental health tests.

The reasons beign that not beign taught to be ashamed of your body and the way you look has muc more positive influences on children.

As for people walking around naked surrounded by clothed persons... they are not "exhibitionists" unless they derive some kind of sexual excitement or satisfaction by doing so. Not feeling shaem about your body is not the same thing as exhibitionism. Exhibitionist make it a point to be seen and nake a point to draw attention to themselves, which is quite different for a nudist who simply would not care if they were seen naked because they are not ashamed of their bodies and don't care one way or the other if they are seen.

That beign said, most nudists do make a point not to be seen, not because they fear beign seen, but because they generally try to avoid doing things that might offend others. Also, they would try to avoid situations that provoke persons with sexual agendas.


I'm all for it, given the right circumstances. As suggested above, as long as it not sexualized and regulated. There is always one or two bad eggs in any group that will join for nefarious reasons. I think climate may be more of a hurdle in my country, we have a deminished ozone and a very high rate of skin cancer.

I recommend Nutrogena sunc screen. The creme, not the spray. In Palm Springs with high temps above 110F, I only needed to apply it once, even though I went in and out of a pool. I've never burned while wearing it, but I have still tanned. Until I used it, I thought the idea of blocking burning rays while letting tanning rays through was just hype (It is just hype for most sun screens, but not this one). It is expensive though.

Anyway, tha twoudl be how to avoid burning and/or skin cancers.


Only if you look good in it.

The whole point (of nudism/naturism) is to be completely comfortable in your skin no matter how you look to others.


Imagine D. tRump in the nude!!! (please don't)

Seeing him nude would be no big deal to me, but I'd be really upset by he'd he behave if he were nude. He has no sense of propriety (doing what is proper and acceptable). Trump has the mentality of a sexual predator.

At AANR nudist clubs, they are on the bigilent lookout for sexual predators and promptly remove them.


I'm not sure where to start.
On one hand the idea that men can have their shirt off and women can't basically pisses me off. I hate that duble standert.
I'm sort of ticked off at how the US is rather prudish about nudity as well societal norms about body image that really hurts a lot of people that try to fit body stereotypes, or people who shame others who otherwise have fine normal bodies.

However from another side of this nudity usually makes me uncomfortable but I'm also wondering if that is also my own internalized shame taught by society. I have extreme low self-esteem and for the most part wish I could feel comfortable naked but most of the time I'm covered in layers.
I think part of it is the view on nudity and being nude equated with sex in mass media.
Also from a sexual trauma background there are some who have made nudity or mostly flashing as a weapon.

Basically I can see no reason why nudity should not be legal, however it is not legality that needs to change first, but societies views on nudity.

Tess Level 3 Dec 14, 2017

I agree in that society's viewsof nudity needs to be changed to be more positive.


In the interest of keeping the peace. I'd say that it should be illegal. Save for designated areas, events, etc.. Imagine you're sitting on a bus and it starts to get crowded. Then some nudist dude gets on and has to stand because there aren't any seats left, and now you got some random person's junk all in your face. That shit ain't cool

The public transit scenario seems to come up a lot.

Generally, nudists/naturist tend to try to behave in such a way as not to offend others. That is just a part of the culture and etiquette.

As an example, most people who ride in the World naked Bike Ride in Portland Oregon, will ride naked to the starting point of he ride (Starts at a different place each year). Those who take public transit to get to the starting point of the ride, won't get naked until they get off of the last public transit vehicle. Legally, a person who is on the way to a protest in Oregon, can be naked all the way there, including on public transit, but people simply do nto choose to do so out of courtesy for others. (The World Naked Bike Ride(s) are protest(s) against the world's continuing dependence on fossil fuels.)


Why not? Why hide parts that everyone knows are there?

Humans are unique in that when we face each other we can see our reproductive organs. Among animals showing each other reproductive organs is used for dominance displays and reproduction.

Nudity taboo is nearly universal as a result. You do not want to be triggering old animal instincts in other people casually.


No No NO Have you seen some of those in clothes in Walmart. They would really scare me unclothed! Same goes for some of the beach clothes > Many are just better with clothes on myself included!!!

It is sad tht we live in a society where less than 10% of ht eopulation can fit into wha tis generally seen as "attractive", and we also tend to feel shamed if we dont' meet the unrealistic expectations advertisers have promoted as the ideal.

You will find in naturalist/nudist literature that there is a lot said about overcoming "body shame" and "body shaming". This is because a part of nudist/naturist philosophy is to learn to accept ourselves for who we are and also to accept others for who they are, rather than putting so much focus on where we all fall short of societal expectations..

Personally, I think it is a better way to live, to be comfortable in your own skin, instead of having constant worry and shame about how you don't live up to an unrealistic ideal promoted by advertisers, who use models with eating disorders and Photoshop all the imperfections out their ads

Average people usually have a least a few extra pounds on them. That is what normal people actually look like. Not the eating disordered Photo shopped models. The sooner people who are just average realize that they are "normal", the sooner average peopel will feel good about themselves.


I say, not in winter. It gets a little nippy, nippley out. Wouldn't want anyone getting frost bite. LOL

Yes, the two main purposes of clothing is warmth and protection. Clothes do serve a purpose, but when those purposes aren't really relevant, then clothes are not really needed.


Because America was founded on Puritanism, I believe acclimating to an eventual nudist society will take a lot of time. If you consider that during the Victorian age of the 19th century, long table cloths were standard in ladies parlor's because men were sexually aroused by "Queen Anne" table legs. Our society has changed a lot in 130 years. Who knows what it will be like in another 50-100 years. Just like alcohol, marijuana, and other taboos, there will always be people who are excited by things they can't have. Europe has allowed teenagers to drink for decades and their teenage drinking issues are almost nihl. I hope one day that we learn how to accept everyone as a whole, without the stigma of sexuality defining us. Only time will tell.

I find the idea of gettign sexually excited by table legs to be pretty funny. Studies have shown that persons who have no outlets for sexual desire pretty develop neurotic and irrational behaviors.

I have often thought that a lot of religious persons are adamantly against sex just to get the that extra excitement and thrill out of doing the forbidden.

In ancient Greece or Rome, I doubt anyone ever got turned on sexually by a table leg.


How much nudity? Primitive societies were practical and pragmatic. Cant suggest total nudity in a Siberian winter, Would be workable in Tahiti. But I admire the well maintained, fit human body any time. Nothing to do with religion.

lecoq Level 4 Dec 19, 2017

I think we as a society need to move away from idealizing models with eatign disorders who have had all their imperfections Photoshoped out of the photos we see, andjust become more comfortable with how average people really look and not be disgusted by even the slightest imperfections.

I find it interesting that nudity laws were enacted over concerns about sex and sexual attraction, but almost all the negative comments here are in regards to not wanting to see naked fat people.


It would be good to have clothing optional beaches. I wear modest clothing but each to their own.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 19, 2017

I used tojus twer modest clothing, but I don't like having tan lines Tan lines just dont' llook natural to me, and if nude, they draw attention to the non-tanned areas as if highlighting them.


I think there is a time and place for this. In Canada in winter - not so much.
I think you should be able to be naked on beaches, on your own property, and at the homes of likeminded people.

I do not believe you should be driving a motorcycle nude - or shopping nude etc... so NO.

WHY? Because there are many people (myself included) that other people just don't want to see naked! I cannot imagine going to the store and seeing all those wal mart shoppers naked. EWWWW.

In Oregon, even though there are some local ordinances against nudity, a State Supreme court ruling said that nudity was a right, and the local ordinances are not really enforceable.

However, as to your concern, the right to be nude only applies to the commons, such as public sidewalks, streets, parks, etc... You cant' legally be nude on privat property or at a place of business which does not allow it, as that would fiolate the law under "creatign a public nuisance", and even if a business if open to the public, they are still privately owned.

Anyway, despite nude friendly laws in Oregon, few person actually take advantage. This is mostly because naturists/nudists try to not deliberately offend others, unless as a part of a protest (such as the World Naked Bike Ride(s)).


Unsanitary at best...if we must constantly wash our hands to avoid colds & flu.......what else would get spread? Ugh!

Yes, some boundaries of etiquette and for sanitation would need to be established. At nudist clubs or in nudist homes i have visited, people generally carry towels with them to sit on as a par of nudist cultural etiquette. As things opened up to public nudity, new social norms would need to be established to avoid such issues such as sanitation.


Absolutely, but in certain places & situations. I doubt it would be appreciated at work, but there are designated clothing optional places. You can always go nude in your own home.

Most nudists/naturists think the ideal job is one where you can work naked. Many telecommute from home (work from home over the internet) in order to accomplish that.


I have read (somewhere) that women can go topless in Canada on certain days (weekends?, please correct me if I'm off on this). There are laws on the books in many states here in the US that allow women to go topless in public (men could not go shirtless in the US until the 1930's). Now should anybody at anytime go nude? Maybe not. For recreation at a beach or some other designated area or activity, sure. The Romans could go naked in the streets at their festivals (I'm thinking Mardi Gras in N.O., it is still illegal for women to flash their breasts though many police officers may just warn the individual). I think there is a natural inclination to shed clothing evidenced by the joy expressed by toddlers.

Because it's not natural to hate bodies, not natural to clothe unless you're cold or something.


No. It's always the ugly peeps that want to show their junk. No. Oh, hell no. Don't want to sit on the same chair naked as your naked asscrack or whatever. Ugly. No.

If we weren't forced to cover and be prudes we wouldn't judge others' looks. And common sense would have pants when appropriate.


Yes, public nudity should be allowed. freedom of expression & such. also: I am sure that sleezy & sexually directed behaviour will actually decrease, should nudity become the new normal, for exactly that reason.

I agree with that. It might take a little while, but in the long run you would very likely prove to be correct.


If people did not have a religious fanaticism over sex no one would be bonkers over being unclothed. If patriarchy did not rule, we would be relaxed and not trying to OWN women. Imagine being clothed only for the weather, or protection from nature. That would create a more blessed world. No more controlling and enslaving women, or men being taught that they must.

Yeah, the nudity laws are a lto harder on women than men... except in Arkansas, where I am told it is also illegal for men to go shirtless also. I seriously doubt such a lw is actually enforced though, so even there, women have it harder.


I have no moral objections to nudity. I just don't want to see ANYONE naked.

I like that you make a distinction.

As for myself, as long as a person is not doing anything with the intent of trying to sexually arouse either themselves or anyone else, I have no problem seeing other people naked.

I guess we all draw our own lines of comfortability in different places.


Nudity should be legal. And sex in public should be legal, if you aren't endangering anyone.

If you see two animals humping in public, do you go over and kick them? No - you just don't get in their way and you leave them alone. Maybe watch, if you are looking for pointers. Same should apply to humans.

If you look at the letters of the original settlers of Jamestown (VA), the Native Americans had that attitude where public nudity and public sex were no big deal to them.


No...I'd have to carry smelling salts around. I'd be the last one you'd ever want to see naked and I will continue to protect the public from my saggy, baggy body. Uck. BTW, I am an artist and have sat naked all my life so I'm no prude.

It would not be a mandatory thing. I just think the choice should be available, rather than someone else making choices for us.


As long as it doesn't frighten the horses... Who cares?

I got a good little chuckle out of your answer.


Comedian Joe Wang quipped: "I don't approve of public nudity, but when it happens, I want to be there." lol

Geoff Level 5 Jan 26, 2018

That is funny.

Naturist/Nudist culture is nto about beign seen or seeing others though.


I am ambivalent about this. On the one hand, I think the human body, male and female, is beautiful, and nudity is our natural state. On the other hand, the social/cultural makeup of the US, with its Puritan background, the current environment of sexual predators and abuse, and the pervading (still) idea that men can't help themselves so it's the woman's fault......all of these things lead me to believe it won't happen anytime soon. It's a shame it has to be like this.

marga Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

I often think that a lot of "religious" or "puritanical" viewpoints against nudity is simply because they would lose the excitement of "beign naughty" if nudity were normalized. Which is why so many "religious leaders" get caught doing the very things they preach against. They find emotional satisfaction in their hypocrisy... at least until they get caught.

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