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What's your preferred dwelling type?

I've lived in an apartment, house, townhouse...condo...

I actually liked the setup of my townhouse best. Just a small outdoor area-- mostly concrete-- but most of the grounds were taken care of by the HOA. Easier to maintain, but less noisy than the apartment I lived in.

What kind of home do you prefer?

silvereyes 8 Jan 25

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53 comments (26 - 50)

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I live in a townhouse right now. Beautiful place, but they are a bit old. I had a huge water leak. When I say huge, I mean HUGE. it started from the upstairs washing machine to different parts of the ceiling of the first floor in different areas (e.g., living room, storage area, kitchen). WTF. They fixed it with no charge to us though 🙂


My house out here where I live now 2.3 acres 2100 sq ft. solid like a cave made of 8 inches of concrete all around sound proof quiet at night. Wood stove I installed to keep us warm. I get the occasional deer on my security cameras. Big fenced in yard for my dogs to guard. Old barn/shed converted in to a chicken/duck enclosure. Huge 2 car garage. Huge driveway for kids to play and be safe. There Is an attached apartment. Might make it into an art studio or somethin for solitude in the future.


Current digs is hard to beat: 3bd house on 1/2 acre on the edge of town; 5 min each from downtown and shopping; outside city limits; neighbors have big plots, one of them has horses; we get deer, pheasant, rabbits all the time... Like a little nature preserve. Dog has plenty of neighbor-dog friends and they can chill outside pretty much unsupervised. Snow and grass can be a pain but it's a worthy price to pay for privacy, peace and quiet, and nature.

Downside to living in the county is fireworks. 'Cause 'Murica.


bilbo baggins kind of place, but just a smidge upsized.


The house I have with an acre of land all paid for. We burn wood and no AC. My wife drives a mile to work and groceries are a mile and a half. Eight minutes gets you anyplace in town. The only drawback is how red it is but there are a few lefties to talk to. Once a month we drive 50 miles to the next larger town where we catch a movie and do what shopping we can't do at home.

gearl Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

I will be selling my house soon and looking to buy a condo closer to my work. I no longer wish to do the required outdoor maintenance required for .67 of an acre. I want to downsize and minimize.


I prefer living on a boat. Seriously. I don't need to mow the lawn or trim the hedges. My back yard is as large as whatever body of water I happen to be on at the time and whenever I lie down I get rocked gently (usually) to sleep. I have the advantage of full sun when I want it and the sky is clear. I can get away from light, noise, and concentrated air pollution if I want. I have all the conveniences of any small home, and full control over who comes visiting because of locked gates at the end of the dock. What's not to like?

Now the reality. My wife hates the ocean -- or any body of water for that matter. That means I live in a three bedroom home in the desert. Oh well....

With no pool. That's a body of water too.


I like the idea of someone else dealing with maintenance (or at least some of it) but I play several musical instruments, one of which is loud enough to preclude a shared wall, so it's a house or a detached condo (which seems uncommon and expensive if you can find) for me.


I like tiny house living now, as I don't need to care for a lot of space that is just sitting there doing nothing. And, i love having everything i need at arms length! I do need outside space, though...lots of it! I don't need to own it! Every stage of life kinda dictates our needs...I don't know where I would put 5 kids in tiny house?


Earth ship. Self sufficient. The entire southern face is a greenhouse. You can grow your own food 365 days a year.


I have lived in a multitude of dwellings. Once I built my own apartment and learned regional codes and do craftsman stuff. From apartments to a single home and spent 20 years renovating and re-renovating and learning new skills. Now a single floor smallish 2 bed/2 bath home on 1 acre land is perfect. Lots of ways to be self sufficient in a very, very active community in a location close to 2 mega-cities (Seattle & Vancouver BC and several small and one medium city) with a great view. It is the perfect dwelling type/place for me.


I spent some time homeless as a child so a house represents security to me and only CBS will do since the few bright spots in my childhood were spent in a typical CBS Florida home circa 60's.

My house was built in 80 but has that older style vibe. I love those tiny homes but with a daughter and grandkids living here, I will be too old to sleep in a loft by the time they are gone LOL

If money were no object, I would have some weird ass unique monstrosity


I prefer to be out in the country. Wide open, empty of people places.

In town, I prefer houses/duplexes. I need gardening space, and a space in between doors (less likely to have to be social).


If my wife would let me I would prefer a Nice RV. I think I am part Gypsy cause I have always had the wander lust. I would be sure to be in the mountains of northern Montana in the summer, and the warm desert of Arizona in the Winter. Plus in between we could see our relatives back east.


I think townhome is my favorite well. I also like Apartments as long as there's not a large amount of Neighbors.


I miss loft living but will always want and need a yard. So i suppose an open-ish concept place on at least a 1/2 acre or more is my dream place. Something big enough to have goats or a mini donkey and some chickens...with fiery dober-butts of course 😀


Out in the country living in a nice rock home with a nice fireplace. No close by neighbors for a good mile.


I'm an apartment person..and definately a city chic..



I like my brother's house in NC. Nice wide house with nice big rooms and a big deck and backyard. It's peaceful. The only negative is there being no stores near him. If you want to go to a supermarket it's like a 30 minute drive.


A house with a gated yard for the dogs and fruits and veggies. I finally had two cherry trees, but it is not cared for anymore since I'm not there. Sad thing to see.


I like my house and separate pottery studio...fenced yard for the Red the wonderdog to run free.


I am totally in love with my Chicago bungalow. It's furnished exactly the way I want it, I have an insane amount of personal space, and and just enough yard to keep my gardening fantasies alive every winter. I intend to stay here as long as I am able to maintain it. My neighbors are pretty close (this is the city, after all). But it's MY house.


I like our 3 bedroom ranch style home with a big back yard. It allows me to do the vegetable gardening I enjoy. The trees, plants and flowers make a a peaceful setting that we can enjoy from our screened back porch. We can also observe the many birds (including hawks, owls, crows and many other species), the squirrels, opossums, raccoon, blacksnakes -- even an occasional armadillo -- and all this in a major city.


Country home with lots of land. I’d prefer a California bungalow or a Texan ranch house.


I love my apartment. I've always had difficulty with the idea of any type of long term commitment (>5 years). I like the yearly option of walking away free and clear.

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