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Do atheists, who find no magic in the world, live drab, boring lives, by comparison?

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CallMeDave 8 Sep 29

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This may be the most meaningless poll I ever responded to. Come with me some Friday night, and I'll show you some secular fun.

Non-magical though, I take it.

@CallMeDave Depending on what you are willing to ingest, there will be some magic. ?


Nonbelievers find magic IN the world and don't live their lives afraid of skydaddy in the utterly misguided hope of an eternal afterlife. Believers value life and the world less because of their "faith."


I would have phrased it more politely than the poll suggests, but in essence, I utterly and completely disagree with you. This universe is huge, full of uncounted wonders, billions of star systems, trillions of planets, black holes, nebulae, pulsars, neutron stars, supernovae. And that's just the stuff we know about.

On Earth, the story is no different. Think about how many species there are. Volcanoes, the vast mountain ranges, the ocean floor.

Beyond my wonder at the sheer scale of it, I'm bowled over by just how beautiful and amazing this world is. From a single blade of grass to the sea of stars in the night sky, the universe is just... incredible. Magic doesn't need to come into it.

You can't disagree with me: I simply posted a question.

@CallMeDave It's kind of a leading question, though.


I'm unable to answer this question because - and I need to point out here, for the benefit of the more literal-minded users among us, that I'm using the term "magic" in a metaphorical sense for wonder and mystery, as does, I believe, the question - I find so much magic in the world and universe. I suspect that to me as a scientifically-minded atheist there is in fact far more magic in the world than there is to a religious person, because I know something of the truly incredible processes and mechanisms that keep it all ticking away, rather than just putting it all down to a bearded man in the sky.

Jnei Level 8 Sep 29, 2018


Tom Robbins in Another Roadside: "Logic only gives a man what he needs. Magic gives him what he wants."


No, I think it's the other way around. Being wracked with superstition and fear sounds drab and boring.


There is magic in the world. I've seen Penn & Teller.


I can find all the magic I need in a dew drop sparkling on the black eye of an ant.

Fuck all gods.

This is so rad!! Well said


There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

I prefer the latter. And miracle doesn't mean that some all-seeing sky daddy is involved, just the wonder of existence.

Ozman Level 7 Sep 30, 2018

I suspect everyone finds a bit of magic in something everyday. I love the occasional donut!

Nardi Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

Donuts are free if I'm done eating it before I get to the checkout lane.


Atheists by definition don't believe in magic.
But one can be inspired, even be in awe of learning what nature and the universe is.
From the late great Carl Sagan. "I don't want to believe, I want to know". and learning something new to me is rather exciting.
The last thing I would ever think of life as being boring.


I don't like either response. I would simply say "No" without the insults.


Depends on your definition of magic. I don’t believe in crystals or magic herbs being able to connect with others,ease their suffering. There’s a magic that happens when you can do that.

Is it spiritual?


I can enjoy fantasy without having to believe it's real. People who blur that line don't interest me.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

I live my life with no belief in magic just a constant state of wonder and it is anything but drab.


"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?" -Douglas Adams


I find awe here on earth and in the universe. So many WOW moments.


I living the dream. No work, cat cuddles working on art, music and knowedge

@barbarastones1999 hello not a lot to know. I am a photographer, waiting on ssd. 4 cats reading a lot. How about you?


Magic is science which has not yet been explained. I'm glad there is magic left in this world.


there is plenty to be amazed at in the world with out shit up out thin air or someones ass. One amazing thing is how does a wild flower happen to grow in the crack of civilation? I know a seed fell into the crack got covered enough with dust got enough waster grow but life goes on my majicl being in charge but we cm still look in amazment seeing the flower grow were it is!

I love the line. "how does a wild flower happen to grow in the crack of civilation." That's worth posting as a quote.


I find plenty of magic. I just don't find any magick.


Figuring out how the world works through science, observation, experience ... yeah, who needs magic.


I was (am) under the impression that pure atheism and magic contradict one another. It's like saying, "I'm an atheist, what's your sign, I'll do your chart."



Yes. My life is SO drab and completely devoid of humor.


No magic does not mean no wonder.


There's an infinite universe to explore. After all, atheism means no god, not necessarily nothing else. Humans created the concept of God and gods and magic. Don't we enjoy Harry Potter? I do! We have magic living in our minds and we believe in it, even if just for a moment, even if just to have a good time with a movie. It's all in your head, but if you let it be there then does exist in your own reality.

Until the credits roll?

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