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What's worse?

What is worse Physical abuse, emotional abuse, or verbal abuse?

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Ravenwolfcasey 7 Oct 1

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55 comments (26 - 50)

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The worst abuse is the self abuse of enduring being abused.

Agree...why I left my ex years ago


Verbal abuse doesn't have to end with screaming, physical abuse doesn't have to end with murder. Emotional abuse doesn't have an end. I don't know of a scenario wherein I will ever stop feeling what my ex wife put me through. Finding my dream love, a billion dollars, curing cancer, and solving world hunger wouldn't completely make me stop resenting myself. I didn't do anything to her physically, emotionally, or verbally... But she sure felt the need for me to feel all three.

I can relate

I feel sad about your statement. Whatever your ex did, surely created a deep wound! There is a possibility you are still in a state of grief. If that is true, allow yourself to heal from all your losses! Your love, your dreams, belonging and a future that you wanted with someone special! Re-visit the person you were before your ex, came into your life! And, reinvent yourself using who you are, not the ideas that your ex (or anyone), may have forced upon you! When your thinking wonders off to what she did or said, challenge your thoughts and don’t waste your energy on them! Replace those ideas with ones about leaving behind what was not good for you and face into the future toward that which gives you joy! And, if it appears that joy is in short very well may be, but head in that direction anyway! You deserve it! You will heal!

@Freedompath I am too critical of myself to get past what I did wrong. I'm over her, I just can't let go of my mistakes. Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat history. Idle hands and all, but I have nothing but room for improvement.

@stinklizard I cannot know what happen, but I do know that you will need to ‘own’ what you did wrong and try and make amends. Sometimes all you can do is admit your mistake and apologize. The other person may still not get over it, but that is not your job! Your only job is to search your own self, and correct your thinking and behaving! When I first realized what harm I did to my 5 young children, I wrote it all down and sent a letter to each of them! I worked hard from that point on to try and be a good and understanding mother to each of them! But, their wounds were many and deep and even though I could see that they wanted to forgive me and let’s all move forward with love and has not worked out so smoothly! And that will always be a disappointment to me. However,, my job is to work on myself and what I need to feel like and behave like...a decent human being! I have learned to carry my grief over this...because it can never be erased! But, hopefully at some future date, it will make a difference in the eyes of children that I love..,that i did apply myself to correct where I went wrong!

@Freedompath it warms my heart to hear you are making positive steps to moving forward and trying to rebuild bridges. I hope only positive results will be your biggest problem.

@stinklizard thank you...I have a great life! I had to face the fact that my children’s developmental process is not in my hands, now. There is no need for me to beat myself up, any longer (it did take time to claw my way out of that). Beating ourself up, takes up energy that can be put toward being a happy caring person...which everyone will benefit from.

Upvoted for username. Carry on. 🙂


Verbal abuse is emotional abuse. Physical abuse is also emotional abuse.


Sexual Abuse can be pretty bad too.


If you do not get married, just live together you can leave at any time. No reason to take any abuse. The only thing worse than abuse, is a pathetic person who is so weak ("but...but...I love him..." ) that they put up with it.

Men stay in abusive relationships too. Just because people are unmarried, it doesn't mean they don't have financial entanglements, children etc. Rarely are things that simple.

They can’t always “just leave”, money, children, and the biggest one, “I’ll kill you if you try”, and they do. The % of women killed by a crazy partner is insanely high. Don’t judge what you don’t understand, have some compassion, and look up some facts as well.


All 3 can lead to death or prolonged suffering. If I had to choose 1 of the 3, I would have to go with physical. Physical abuse directly causes psychological damage as well as physical. The other 2 sometimes indirectly cause physical damage. That said, I’d prefer not to put one form of abuse over the others. I’ve experienced all 3 forms, and in my case, the physical caused the least damage. This is definitely a case by case kind of question.


All the above.


D. All or any mentioned above.

Abuse is abuse. It fucks with you. I have had the luck to experience all at different points of my life. Some alone, some in combo. It all sucks.


All forms of abuse are emotional. Physical wounds heal, but the emotional element endures. Verbal abuse is only words, what lasts is the feelings those words evoke. Without the mind the body is nothing. The scars that can't be seen are the hardest to heal.


Physical abuse sucks. I feel like verbal abuse should be included in emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse takes hard work and incredible time to heal. Bruises heal much faster. Both can be deadly.

Often emotional or verbal abuse is much worse than physical abuse!

It has taken me many years to even confront the verbal/emotional abuse. It has been so damaging. forgiving and stopping the cycles has helped me heal quite a bit. We can be much better humans. 😉


All of the above.


Depends on intensity.
Point is that huge physical abuse is visible and easy to prove, so it is easy to stop.
Emotional abuse can easily be hidden and difficult to prove, so difficult to stop, thus can be a lot more aggressive than the physical.
Any way I think physical is worse because it can instantly activate survival reactions that changes everything instantly.
Emotional abuse in general takes time to become severe, physical can be instantaneous.


I think emotional and verbal abuse go hand in hand.


With all due respect it's kind of a ridiculous question. It is sort of like asking, " which is a worse way to die, being impaled by your steering column, or being decapitated by a guard rail through the windsheild?". In either case the outcome is the same and both are pretty bad. All abuse is bad snd there is no slide rule of better or worse. Its just a matter of the extent of abuse.


All three are just as bad...especially when you are subjected to all three simultaneously...throw in sexual abuse and you have a view of what some childhoods were like. Self esteem is a very hard fought battle.


Abuse is abuse. Bad news anyway you experience it.


They're all bad, having been on the receiving end I wouldn't choose any one of them


Why is there NOT a " All of the above" option as well.
Every form of abuse is as bad as the next in my opinion.

I did not put a All of the Above..because obviously they are all bad but I wanted to see what people thought...about them individually


Physical abuse can and does kill. This is Domestic Violence awareness month. Here we set out silhouettes showing those women, men and children killed in Domestic Violence. I will try and make a post with pictures.


Emotional/psychological abuse is often the most painful and difficult to get over. And the abuse can be inflicted verbally, non-verbally (through policies and procedures like discrimination or shunning), as well as physically. It's possible for someone to be abused physically and not really be aware that they are being abused. But if they are abused emotionally they definitely know it.


"Would you rather have a nightmare about--"

I'd prefer not to have any nightmares, thank you.


They’re all awful.


Been through all at some point. takes years, if not forever, to heal.


Vernal abuse and physical abuse are just different variations of emotional abuse. You don't physically hurt someone if you aren't trying to also hurt them emotionally. The emotional aspect of the abuse is most damaging, I believe, and the most difficult to overcome. But physical abuse is emotional abuse and so those who have been physically abused have both physical and emotional healing to do.

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