I respect the feelings of all people .... i just want know what is in your mind
If we talk about human, we don't mean man alone,or woman alone, but we mean man and woman (male and female), If we talk about any true human integration, then he should follow his way through his other race.
What do you think about homosexuality?, Do you see it as instinctive or psychological?,Or As a result of sexual assault occurred before adolescence age?
The last possibility is frankly insulting and the stuff of myth. The idea that someone can be "turned" gay is legend. You might as well theorize that a heterosexual assault can turn someone who otherwise would have been homosexual.
Rape does not change sexual preference, rape is just rape.
What do I think of homosexuality?
What consenting adults get up to is absolutely none of my fucking business.
It's also none of yours.
I like your answer I'll second that one
What do you think of, who does it with his son, or his brother ..... or she does it with her daughter or sister .. ... What is the difference between those, and who do it with friends, for example?
@belfodil Why do you keep comparing sexual orientation to incest? Are you trying to get permission? People who are against homosexuality try to use the slippery slope fallacy to say if we "allow" people to be gay, what's not to say they won't want to commit incest, pedophilia, or beastiality. Your responses to these questions seem to insinuate that you're more interested in incest. Maybe you should rephrase your original question.
@Alimacbean .. it may (homosexuality) sometimes be a part of incest.
@belfodil Seriously??
@belfodil they are unrelated. incest happens when it happens regardless of sexual orientation. throughout this thread you have been equating incest with homosexuality. that's incorrect. you may be of this opinion or that opinion and you have a right to your opinions, but this is a factual matter and you are simply incorrect. incest and homosexuality are two different things, just as eating a nice dinner and homosexuality are two different things, murder and homosexuality are two different things and football and homosexuality are two different things. some gay people eat a nice dinner. some gay people are murderers. some gay people play football. being gay doesn't cause any of those three behaviors, none of those three behaviors is caused by being gay, and none of those three behaviors is exclusive to gay people. the same goes for incest.
I've know people who since they started puberty always looked at the same gender. I've know people who have chosen to date same gender and liked it more and went gay by choice.
The real truth?
There are only two rules that matter:
Other than this, it's no ones business what someone else does and with who.
We cannot let heteronormativity or simply binaries define us. We are complex creatures who have numerous identities and labels themselves circumscribe us. It is nobody's right to label others. Our identities are our own.
We do not classify, ... and this Terminology, is puted by scientists to indicate something specific, We all know that all the nature is based on female and male,This is the balance .. But we only ask about the motivation. Is it instinctive or psychological.. I do not want more than Take advantage of your expertise and knowledge
@belfodil Nature has others as well, not just male and female.
Identity supercedes even biological formation.
@belfodil "We all know that all the nature is based on female and male"
Not in the way your describing.. "male" and "female" in nature is insanely diverse and many times barely meets the simplest definition.
Who cares? How does it effect me?
I'll answer that for you.
Unless I'm questioning about my own orientation, It doesn't.
None of my business.
Excellent answer!
No, It is your business .. because all people are part of the others .. I don't know, .. But perhaps one answer benefit all people ..
@belfodil It is something that happens throughout the animal kingdom to which we all belong. Homosexuality seems to be quite harmless. If it was harmful evolution would have wiped it out.
I read through these and I'll give you the benefit of doubt to start off with and say that you are woefully ignorant. Suggestions that one's sexuality is a choice or influenced by some trauma has no basis in reality. Do a little research.
If you're going to come back with some comments on that what you're saying is fact, then you are either stuck in some archaic dogma or a troll.
You are angry .. I just ask you man .. I respect all those who interact with me and who ignore me
Gender Identity and sexual preference is not a matter of morality.
So long as all encounters are with willing partners....all good in my book.
@BufftonBeotch it is, certain feelings, towards a particular sex ... Can feelings be controlled even if it is genetic???
I believe it's none of my fu@king business how and who someone wants to love as long as it's the same species and everyone is above the age of 18.
I don't think anything about it, the only time I do is when they are marginalised by people and cultures and it turns my stomach. It's normal, all species have hetro, homo and A sexual characteristics and/or members in any given group.
Btw Trauma does not make you gay or blonde or hungry, being gay is not a choice, it's the way you are.
I view sexual orientation like I view hair color, how tall you are, or whether you go bald. Some things just come with the package, it's how you were born. That is all.
You may want to reconsider hair color, zeuser. I'm in agreement on the rest though.
A way you were born .. maybe one day it will among your children .. What I mean is that everyone is responsible for research and knowledge
@zeuser actually sometimes hair color changes naturally as well, and not just with age (and not just with trauma, though it was interesting when after brain surgery liz taylor's lovely black hair turned white). sometimes a baby's hair or a small child's hair will change color as s/he grows to adulthood. i don't know how common it is but i know it's not rare. side issue, i realize and not terribly serious, but i thought i'd mention it nonetheless )
it is none of those things. it is likely mostly genetic. it is not something that should have a judgment attached to it; it just is what it is. humans are not alone in being sexually diverse. it's nobody's business who loves whom, and it's even kind of silly to try to find out where it comes from, as if it's a disease. it's not. furthermore, it doesn't really matter how we see it. it is what it is regardless of how someone sees it. it's like asking what you think of people's being tall, or short-waisted, or born in canada. it's a nonissue!
I honestly don’t think at all about homosexuality. We are attracted to what we are attracted to. It’s not ‘caused’ or a ‘result’ of anything. Men have been shagging other men in bath houses since the beginning of time. It is as natural as breathing.
Questioning the reasons behind it are insulting.
Why does a bird fly? Because it’s a fucking bird.
It is certainly more natural than a talking serpent.
I believe homosexuals are born that way....I remember from an early age liking boys....nobody could have talked me into liking girls...so early on...I was considered what is "normal" in this society. I believe it is as simple as some genetic or endocrine type issue.....and people should be allowed to love whomever they want to as long as no harm is caused to any other individual.
Being gay is instinctive and part who you are. Lot of people where born bi,gay,etc. I have still coming to terms with being attracted to men and no problem with spending the rest of my life with one. Religion created some issues for me and my pan sexual tendencies. This community has helped me with some of it and hope to put those issues out of my life one day.
@karen112 really?
Google is your friend. If you want to understand what is empirically known about homosexuality, look it up.
You'll find that it occurs elsewhere in the animal kingdom, that it is not a result of any sort of sexual assault, and a whole bunch of other interesting stuff.
But you have to be open to facts even when they contradict your conditioned assumptions.
From basic to advanced
It exists. Deal with it, it is natural (observed not only in humans but in hundreds of species, not counting the species that can change sex fully functional).
It is not a choice of the individual, it is like musical or food preferences, you can even say that a music or food is good quality, but it does not make you like it.
It doesn't need any trauma, but trauma can generate enough anger and rebellion to not hide it in a conservative society.
Most of people has some degree of bisexuality, pure hetero and pure homo are quite uncommon, but society rules can override it easily (with many degrees of damage in the process).
It is different from gender roles (a stay home daddy or submissive man is taking the "classical" feminine role for example), gender identification (how do you see yourself) and gender expression(how do you like to show yourself to others). On most of this there are 2 classical standards, but there can be mixtures of them on the same time or changing from hem over time, or even trying to assume a neutral position.
There are even evolutionary studies that says that activation of homosexuality gives advantages of protecting a family from overpopulation, or even protecting orphans etc.
The real problem of homosexuality today is in general the society that pushes this people sometimes to marginal places.
That is why rich people are more openly gay, because you need success first and them assume, the other way around does not work most of times.
Well said.
(((It is not a choice of the individual, it is like musical or food preferences)) .... Do you think, it's a normal , that a sister doing that with her sister, or her mother ?? ... or a father does it with his son ?? ...... This is just a question
@belfodil Generational differences seem to me to imply some sort of power pressure which constitutes abuse. All the replies so far have been about children amongst themselves or consenting adults.
@belfodil no one is talking about child abuse.
Child abuse is crime being it heterossexual or homossexual
@belfodil difference between an adult that has consent and a child? Do I really have to explain?
@belfodil anyway what is exactly your question? Are we talking about homosexuality or child abuse? I can't see relation between this 2 issues besides the abuser that can be sometimes homo, and it dies not make better or worse than an hetero abuser.
@belfodil why are you making this about incest?
Let's change it to "What do you think about sexuality?, Do you see it as instinctive or psychological?,Or As a result of sexual assault occurred before adolescence age?* And then we can see the absurdity of the question.
You speak in general .. But I asked for specific thing
@belfodil The problem people have with you is that you are not phrasing your questions clearly. It is not clear whether you are asking about homosexuality or incest in general or if there is a particular problem which is worrying you. Think out exactly what you want to ask and try again. Don't be afraid of us. We mostly try to be decent rational human beings.
I am a lesbian and this has been my identity my entire life. It took me time to understand what it was but once I did, I knew I had been me all along. I did not become a lesbian. I am and have always been a lesbian.That does not mean my experience is everyone else's but I do think my experience is common.
That must have been like coming home to sleep in your own bed after a long trip. ?
this is fucked. You seriously think putting a claim of homosexuality being related to childhood sexual assualt as one of these options for seriouus discussion is not disgustingly absurd? never mind your outdated ideas of gender.
I do not think I'd just ask the question
It is generally understood among professionals that homosexuality is not something people choose. Rather, it is fundamental to their nature and a manifestation of the natural variation that exists in all biological populations. We are not all stamped out by the same cookie cutter. Life is not simple. Attempts at "reprogramming" are foolish and cruel. We should accept people as they are, and quit trying to impose artificial expectations.
Do you know who were homosexual, then they revert to opposite sex?.. if there is .. why?
I don't think about it. The more hysterical assholes are telling me gays are destroying the country, the less inclined I become to think it's worth taking note of.
It's not as if homosexuality doesn't exist elsewhere in nature. Monkeys, our relatives, practice it.
And it's not as if finding fe/-males attractive is a trait normal people don't have.
As for why it happens? No idea.
My casual guess is whichever gene-sequence determines the characteristics you will find attractive when you grow up, are not bound to the process that determines gender.
You like boys even though you're a boy? You may have inherited that from your mum. You like girls even though you're a girl? Perhaps you inherited that from your dad.
Who is to say what's natural? Or right? It's the same thing when I describe a world in which most people are closer on the scale towards sociopaths/psychopaths. That world would be seen as normal if they had the numbers. I don't think it's chosen at all. Who would choose to be ridiculed and harassed and even worse in our society? It's about as much a choice as it is for a straight person to be straight. If it's such a choice then why wouldn't gay people save themselves all of the trouble and just choose to become straight so they wouldn't have to live with the stigma of being gay?
In terms of sexual assault:
So... as a genderneutral demisexual (i can't believe i just wrote that), i can tell you, not from a personal but also academic experience, that sexuality and sexual identity are NOT chosen or a psychological problem. While we can chose to be the role in which society tells us we should, it ultimately stresses the person, causing serious amounts of anxiety, guilt, depression, suicidal thoughts, and sometimes even death. Not to mention all the outside forces condemning something out of our control.
In the end, your sons need your love and acceptance, based upon what I'm reading here. I also have a son of my own who is bisexual, and frankly, i don't give two shits who he goes to bed with. My concern, as s parent, is to love snd accept that, and show him how to be good to other people, and ensure he is properly educated and responsible for his own sexual health, and that any partner he is with is doing the same.
It doesn't matter who we love, just how we love. Be loving; the world is hateful enough as is.
But if it's incest, well... I recommend family therapy either way.