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I was told by a Christian that atheist stay stressed cause they always doing research on everything. What do you think?

So there is a Christian girl that knows I’m an atheist. She spotted me at the library one time when I was doing research on all the different type of religions and their similarities and decided to bother me. She told me that atheist must stay stressed out with all the research we do. So I told her it’s a bad thing now to want to be educated and know what is real and what isn’t real? I mentioned to her that things must be stressful for her, considering her belief teaches eternal hellfire and her always needing to ask for forgiveness and always doing things just right if she doesn’t want to go to Hell. Her life must be stressful to think everyone around her is going to Hell all the time. I told her that there was nothing wrong with learning and wanting to be educated. That’s what the human brain is for. It’s not my fault she doesn’t care about her mental health and refuse to bother to educate herself by feeding her brain knowledge, yet just accept things on blind faith from a book written by Bronze Age people from thousands of years ago.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 29

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Christians are stress free because they can do anything they want and then just ask for forgiveness. We, on the other hand, have to be accountable for our actions.

Duke Level 8 Jan 29, 2018

We are real adults in the real world.!

Ya, being "accountable" for one's actions is VERY depressing- and that is why I 'try' to lead a better life. I can remember all the evil things I have done----- I must have, by chance or design, done something good.



She sounds smart. Lol.


They just do not like anyone more informed then they are. Seeing they have an all knowing powers in their side. LOL


We're always stressed because believers keep telling we're always stessed.

I am NEVER stressed by evangelicals, ( I am so far past religion that I can talk with and work with some 'good hearted' people) but religious loons may cause me to laugh


bull shit


I love learning, and I don't find research stressful, well depending on what I'm researching. Too many people lack critical thinking skills. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!

I agree when it comes to questioning. That is so important in becoming more knowledgeable and insightful. The fact that Christianity tries to intimidate people from questioning freely was the main thing that turned me off of it.

That is what I really like about this group, the fact that a big proportion of the people who come here actually seem willing to put a little effort into knowing and learning. I get tired of trying to carry on a conversation with people who lack factual information, refuse to GET factual information and are unable to "debate" a subject intelligently, instead resort to insults when provided with sources for info. Learning is NOT STRESSFUL, at least not post-school. I find it quite enjoyable.

@DotLewis I agree!!


Research relaxes me. I need a job as a researcher.


No. We stay cognitively active and alert because our minds are working == and it is fun!



I've been on both sides. My ignorance as a Christian was short lived. I couldn't take the constant hypocrisy all around me.
Learning about different religions, cultures, etc. takes away some of the stress. I always try to see things from both sides, and I'm sad she was taught that ignorance is bliss. Honestly I remember being told how great it was that I was close minded and not into secular things at all. Christianity and other religions, in my opinion, often push people to be that way because it's easier to control the masses that way.


Ah yes, ignorance is bliss. The old religionist argument: don't ask too many questions, don't question too much, just believe. Just like in the Dark Ages. Dark Ages thinking, you just can't beat it. 🙂

At first I thought you were being snarky. I was going to have to report you to the "Thought Police."

@DavidLaDeau. Don't bother, I'll do it myself. I'll go noisily.


after some initial research, when i was 11, i have found no farther need to research fairytales. religion has no place in my life, as such causes no stress. sounds like neither you nor your friend are sure about whats real. uncertainty causes stress

turf Level 5 Jan 29, 2018

Amen brother 😉 13 for me, never looked back.


EmeraldJewel, Gosh does it hurt when you exercise that brain organ so much? I can watch Ken Ham without having to risk brain strain all day, I don't even have to think. Greg Hovand is nice also, he tells me what to think all the time. If I am afraid that my brain is too stressed, then I watch Dennis Prager, there is always a nice numbing sensation that qucikly follows.

Ugh I can’t stand Ken Ham! I just want to slap his ugly old face every time I see him on tv for being so deluded and trying to poison the minds of young children with his lie fest of a creationist museum.


I came to the conclusion years ago that cows are happier not knowing the whole story. They're better off stupid. So why not be a cow? I pondered that question all through lunch at What-a-Burger.

"A cow is stupid"- I didn't know that. It loves its calf- and that is more than many humans can say about their parenting. While you are chowing down at "What-a-burger", and being 'flippant' (being flippant gets to be tired and worn out) you have, we have, no idea of what Nature has in store for us; maybe we will come back as a cow, that is just being loaded into one of those murder transports.

Dick, I love the analogy. It might seem flippant to some, but I think it encapsulates the essence of life very well.

Neither do I think you are denigrating cows - they are just a useful analogy. Sentient beings that have reached the end of their mental abilities.

The big difference is that humans have the ability to extend their knowledge

Douglas Adams
"I'd rather be happy than right"
"and are you Happy ? "
"Well, no, that's where it all falls down you see"

And to quote one of the masters of modern morals "The Truth shall set you free"

Knowing MAY be more difficult sometimes, but in the end, it produces a lot more contentment than purposeful ignorance.

@BanjoTango you've said that well. A cow may be contented or discontented. But happy? Probably not in the sense that we understand.

Well, if my ultimate fate was to become a meal for someone else, might just not want to know.

@arnies we're all worm food, right?

@Dick_Martin Nooooo!!!!

@arnies May I ask your plans to avoid being worm food? Burned to a crisp in an oven? And the ashes used as fertilizer for crops somewhere?


I'm as far as goggle can take me.... that's not hard. Utube makes it easier... wheres the fuss?


I am in no way stressed by researching to find answers, and I am constantly driven to learn new things, been that way all my life. Religion is the easy way out: heaven/hell, good/evil, and when you should be concerned with finding the truth or mending what's torn, you just say "leave it up to god and everything will be fine." It also helps, if you are poor, to send money to the millionaire that preaches to you so he can pass your tribulations on to god for you in the style to which he is accustomed.


Religion = Emotional, Mental and often Physical Stress whereas Atheism allows one to avoid such stresses simply because an Atheist knows and realises that the only thing that truly matters is the here and now.

That’s right!

Well said...


Fear is the most stressful thing there is. Death I'd bad enough but then add the element of eternal pain only makes it unbearable. The meaning of life for the religious is to do what they're told so they won't have to suffer that eternal pain. The real meaning of life (all life) is to evolve and for us humans that means learning. The more we know of this world the more we can appreciate it.

My niece is a Jehovaha's witness. We were at a family reunion and her daughter said she was graduating from HS (home schooled). We asked if she was going to college and my niece said no because they didn't believe in higher education unless it was for a job! We all wonder how these people can be so ignorant.

What's sad life they live....

@AtheismIsLife Funny, they think it is we who have the sad lives.

@Atheistman I disagree. My degree was in European History. I already had a job but was living in Europe and was fascinated by the history. An undergraduate degree in this field gets you nowhere. It has, however, helped me to add a more informed opinion on this site.

Also, what happens when one retire's? Does what one has learned no longer matter?

@Atheistman I attended with the University of Maryland European Division. I worked for the school and attended for free. Also, because of the GI bill I actually got paid to go to school. A big perk of studying Eur. history and living there is I got to go places (like 2 weeks in Rome) where the history was made.

The main professor had a unique way of teaching. There were no 'normal' exams or papers. At the start of class he would have several questions on the board. We were to pick a couple of main questions and a couple of smaller ones. When exam time came we entered the classroom and started writing (for 3 hours). No test papers just what we wrote. He told us that for this field one usually go on to graduate level and one must know how to write. Also, there was non of the usual names and dates. Mostly causes and effects. After 35 years I still retain a lot of what I learned. Also, the internet didn't exist then.

I apply my knowledge in life and in places like this site.


those kind of people desire somebody to lead them because their brain is different than ours, people that think are always trying to understand new ideas and concepts.

dc65 Level 7 Jan 29, 2018

Im sure she was speechless lol



Some ppl with religious views are anxious about their doubt, always looking for validation and attacking anything that seems to produce positive results from a non theist approach (I.e. your researching).


Christians sound so sad, silly. I love learning. It sounds like you stood your ground. Religion is big business, and, they have to keep selling.


I simply have no deities. Nothing to research, I just don't believe. No stress. I'm not out to convince anyone of anything, it's a free country believe, or don't, I don't care. Next time you see Kitten, tell her to talk to a few more people.


well, they can be obsessed with the same fairy tale.

Oh, they're not obsessed with the same fairy tail, everone has their own little spin on it- and if the stories are just barely different from the other person's, they're going to burn eternally. Gotta hope ya picked the right story!

I'm a happy heathen

@LeighShelton I am NOT a "happy heathen"; wish I could find a female heathen to argue with and laugh with.

it would be nice

@Diogenes you could find a Christian female and then you would get at least half of what you're after lol.

@LeighShelton NOT that kind of "argue"- that kind of arguing usually causes me to blow up. I like to be around someone with a brain- and I pretend that I have one too. LOL

I'm only trying to help mate lol


I've been researching and analyzing things most of my life. Never felt stressed, even when working to a tight deadline.


Ignorance is far more stressful than knowing the truth. I’d rather think out a problem and find the best possible solution than wait for a non-existent deity to “show me the way” 😉

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