In the Bible and in churches, Jesus is represented as a lover -- a bridegroom and his followers as a bride. When I look at these actual church signs I can't help but think these are intentional. The last one cracked me up. Come on. No adult can be that extremely naive, or can they?
I think these are hysterical. Thank you for sharing. I have never seen them before.
I also think they are not the sharpest knives in the draw.
OMG! Hilarious!!!!
Ok, some may be intentional, to grab attention, but most I think have just not been thought out. LOL
@VictoriaNotes, definitely messed up! I don't remember that being taught, but maybe I'm just blocking it out. LOL
Supposedly nuns used to put curtains up so god couldn't see them when they bathed! What, he didn't have x-ray vision?!?
@phxbillcee, right? Hahaha....lmao....
@phxbillcee I used to hide under the bed when I was about 4 so god couldnt see me
@btroje Yes, but you were 4. Sorta makes a difference!
@phxbillcee like maybe he couldnt see me then?
Hello Mae West. I see what you see. LOL But they are serious and maybe on some can not even go there.
My favorite actress.
Some were intentional; others not, but clueless; others probably photoshopped and some pretty funny.
Lol. That brings new meaning to innocence
@VictoriaNotes rofl
I think it's both. The one that made me howl was "Peter in me". One I'm surprised was not there was the second coming of Christ.
I think a bit of both but some like a "4 inch tongue can bring a 6 foot man to his knees" definitely intentional.
To avoid these duel message problems, I have heard it suggested that the proofreaders need to be 13yo boys. If they giggle, there is a problem.
Sounds like a reliable test
I’d say it’s a mix. A little of both.
I've seen a few goofy ones ove here too. I think that's what they are.... I people hanging them are nuts...
This is really about titillation! Every newsletter from FFRF has lots of these. These people have so much sin on their mind they miss the sexual connotations every time.
@VictoriaNotes Every one of the pictures/signs in the newsletter are unintentional.
I get a lot of fun out of questions like this!
They were all written by Phil Dunphy
I picked "other" because it could be a manifestation of them having sex on the brain while actively promoting erotophobia.
Cults sell submission. ...Geebush Geehobah GhostHoles = Islam too. ....BBC TV broadcast a translation of so called First Century Scrolls found in Palestine 18 years ago: " secret nude male only ceremonies" go figure
I think some are intentional, some are not, and some could be shopped.
@VictoriaNotes Sorry Victoria I am having a problem understanding that. To show what I mean I am adding a post.