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What are you really good at that you wouldn't put on your C. V?

Thanks to my job and parenting there are things I can do that actually sound awful and I definitely wouldn't put on my C. V. Like undress a sleeping child, sneak into a childs bedroom. Roll a fat person and manipulate a boob! ?

Josephine 7 Oct 15

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I am a natural asshole.i am rolling my eyes as I know your lips are moving while reading this.


I'm really good at making people groan at my bad puns. That's just how eye roll.

I write puns on my board at work every day. This one is majestic and will be used immediately.

If Mr. Potato Head became a cruel despot, would that make him a Dick Tater?


I was going to explain how I'm good at apathy , but then i thought, meh.


I am very good in bed. At least a dozen people have told me over the years. I don't know about that, but I love sex and I have a lot of energy, so there's that 🙂



Waking up before my alarm goes off. But, at that perfectly awful time when you know you aren't going to be getting any more sleep and it's too early to get up.

I am an expert on that as well


Hahaha! These are all great! I can actually clean someone's house while I'm over having tea and they don't even realize it. ?

@Byrdsfan hahaha! You wouldn't even know what was going on!

So you steal? Oh sorry not clean out.


Prcorastination and speliing



Holli Level 6 Oct 15, 2018

I make some killer instant ramen!


I'm good at avoiding questions...


Cunnilingus. Is that appropriate to say?

no... you gotta post a pic of that. lol


I seem to be really good at alienating people. Might be my RBF.

I have RBF too. The struggle is real.


Silently farting whilst walking through a crowded office.

Nardi Level 7 Oct 17, 2018

I was really good at not knowing what a C.V. was before this post.. I probably wouldn't put that on my C.V.

I don't know what a C. V. is .....?


Sticking my foot in my mouth, missing flirtatious signals, self deprecation, video game/war strategy, pirating movies, doing most jobs while somewhat high on the devils cabbage, better than most people can do them sober.

Also fixing computers and proofreading are things that Im careful about how many nearby acquaintances know I can do them. Unless youre gettin paid specifically for that, keep that shit on the DL lol.


Jacking off and blasphamy. At the same time...

Who says men can't multitask?

Everyone can do that. It's the cleaning up after that impresses me. Sukisue? You in?


Death metal vocals and moshing.


Oh, that's simple. Video games.
While the games I play have bestowed me with a certain level of historical and cultural knowledge, as well as the creativity to get through some of the more challenging quests, saying that I've gained these skills and attributes through gaming won't come across all that well.


Don't submit those any more. Retirement does that to a person.


Well-timed smart ass remarks in the middle of meetings

That's me too!


Being the Party Mom who brings you water between drinks, holds your hair while you puke, and will sock a boy or girl if they dare try anything shady.


Goofing off at work


My bosses job.




Sarcasm and pissing other people off. They are both related!


Athletics/social stuff/volunteering

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