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Being Completely Honest, Is There A Bible Or Cross Anywhere In Your Home Right Now?

For those of you who didn't know, I have only been Agnostic for 2.5 years now. I guess I am still in a transition from Christianity.

I will be completely honest when I say that I do have one bible still in my home that I have had for years as part of my décor in my living room. Of course it is here merely as a decorative accent but I have now bagged it for garbage.

Please tell me if you have these things still in your home.
No need to be shy or embarrassed unless you are still doing sunday mass and paying

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twshield 8 Feb 4

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NO. I did find one in our funeral home (the warehouse location where we keep caskets etc) I think we had it along with some antiques we have stored. No idea where it came from, it is NOT on display, we don't even order or sell "cross or religious jewellery" We just don't want it around. We sell wind chimes that contain capsule for cremated remains (ashes) and I won't even order the one that has the same notes as "Amazing Grace" LOL,,, can't stand to have any religious ANYTHING in the funeral home. lucky for us, we live in Canada where it's not a big deal.


No sir I do not.


I don't have a bible, but since I collect Dia de los Muertos items, a few of them have crosses on them.

what kind of items do you have? sounds interesting.

@Funeralgirl I have mainly skeleton stuff....figurines, some wall hangings, paintings, pictures, floral stuff. Once you start collecting, well, ANYTHING, people find great things to give you. BTW, love the screen name...I hope you are a funeral director!!


I have various religious texts knocking around for reference but they're not there for my guidance or spiritual fulfilment. I'm currently sitting on a rug with sections of the Qu'ran woven into it, it's a great rug from a great holiday experience but Allah has nothing to do with it (for me)


I'm a non believer with two bibles. One older than my mother and the other is "the message" it's the old and New Testament translated into contemporary English. I also have the Book of Mormon


Yes, I have a couple of Bibles in my home. I was a Jesus freak in my earlier years until I found by experience that it doesn't work. I used to be interested in hidden meanings in the Bible but now I don't need that stuff. After having original texts along with English versions on my computer at one time and finding that they didn't match up, I got suspicious. That's to say nothing of the inconsistencies throughout the book. For a long time now I believe that I am responsible for me and that no one else can remove my 'sins' (whatever they are). That all said and done, I am a church organist with quite a bit of experience and some of the behaviour I've observed in the name of Christianity makes me shudder. I'm there because I like to play organ but they can keep their silly ideas.


I love religion personally. I study it. So I have Celtic crosses, Christian crosses, and Greek symbols around my place.

I also have a tattoo of a cross.


Absolutely! Know thy enemy! How can you know all the falsities, lies, and historical mistakes if you don't have access to them? Just reading the opinions of others like Hitchens is not enough, and sometimes I need to check the references of Sam Harris and other faves to understand more deeply. Besides, they're the detritus of old periods of "born againism" which help to remind me not to go to such deep and perhaps outspoken ways of believing or not believing. And they help me come up with my own "proofs"... Like the real number of animals on the Ark was not 2 of every kind. It was different for clean / unclean, and some interpretations (versions) of the Bible are not even clear about that... The words of men are often folly...


I have my bible and I read it. I happen to know more about it than the average Christian. Nothing wrong with that on the contrary.


Oh Crap, I answered NO and then remembered I have a 'stage' shirt that has a drawn symbol of a cross using 2 Fender guitars' with "Rock n Roll Religion" emblazoned on the back. Does that count??


I live with my aunt and she's religious so there is lots of religious things.


I have no Bibles in my home but I have some earrings that have crosses on them because they were really popular in the 1980s LOL.


I support my wife my brother... she's still
A believer.


I have a Bible with my name printed on the cover that I was given 50+ years ago by my father. Like listening to Christmas Church music it is a reminder of someone I loved.


I have multiple translations of the Bible, a Koran, and Book of Mormon. Reference material, you see.


I think I have an old bible from when I was a kid packed away somewhere.


Oh god yes. My house is chock full of art of every description. Books on all religions, mythologies, and psychologies, images of deities and demons, the first Bible I was issued by the Baptist church I was raised in, an ancient family Bible with dates of births and marriages, etc., and the last one I was issued by the Mormon Church before I finally got all of that kind of psychosis out of my system (I have a much better kind of psychosis now!) and a cross my closest Christian friend custom made for me from a section of bovine vertebrae…

skado Level 9 Feb 5, 2018

I have a planter that I got from Beni Hana in Key West shaped like a Buddha. It contained a rum drink when I got it. Does that count? I also have an Aztec carving from Cozumel I bought as a souvenir. No bibles or crosses, though.


My middle child is teetering on the edge of Christianity. He has a couple of bibles in his room. I also have a few of my hubby’s Norse nicknacks.


I checked, there is a bible on the bookshelf, my son said he will try and get around to reading it one day, a buddha statue, plaster characters from the TV series "Monkey", some of the armor here has religious type symbols on it, no idea what they are. Best of all, and I suggest you all find a copy and read it is, "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny.

BTW "Lord of Light" is a humorous sci fi based on the Hindu pantheon mostly but had Buddha and Christ as well.


I have a bible in my home. I also have young's analytical concordance to the bible, Josephus the essential writings, the dead sea scriptures (english translation) by Theodore Gaster, Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey and The Buddha and his Teachings by Narada Mahathera. I also have another book of fairy tales called Dianetics by L.Ron Hubbard. In my opinion you can't know about a thing if you don't have the measure of it (including all sides). As a footnote I still have sixty of my college books.


Let me add that it is a pocket bible handed out in WWII to servicemen who wanted one. It belonged to my great uncle Harold and on the first page is a note from him saying if he didn’t survive that the Bible was to go to my late father. My aunt sent it to me so it’s more of a family memento rather than a religious object.


The bible I have was given to me as a gift (hoping to lure me back to religion, I believe). I don't consider it a religious symbol, therefore I answered "NO".


I haven't owned a bible in 10 years. The whole book is online anyway. Spoiler alert we all die and come back as zombies.



I do not have any religious symbols in my home, but my wife does. She is a devout Catholic who respects my right to disbelieve.

@twshield NO. I do not own or possess those, nor do I display them. They are not mine and I have nothing to do with them.

@twshield No it was not. The question was if I , and I repeat, I have any . . . .

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