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What brings you a sense of purpose/meaning?

Kelkat 5 Feb 5

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To sing my songs and reach out to the audience.


I've never felt a "purpose" and I don't believe that we have any high moral of philosophical reason for being either. I just live by the 3 principles:

  • Try to be happy and enjoy life - you're lucky to be alive so don't waste it
  • Try to leave the world a better place than when you arrived - discover something, make something, help people do that stuff, just advance science or improve the world in a little way.
  • Try not to upset too many people along the way - do no harm while you're having fun or inventing stuff

Other than that, my love for the natural world gives me strength and my constant curiosity and desire to learn about the world around us 🙂

My answer is like yours, except for the part about not upsetting anyone along the way. 😉

@birdingnut Well you can upset some people ... I can think of a few I'd like to upset ... just not too many 😉


Many years it was raising my kids, they are now in their 30s, so I focus on environmental issues, trying to protect the world they and their kids must live in.


Helping others.


Volunteering for and donating to good causes.


My kids. I am a single parent. They are my world


My children and their children. I want an inhabitable safe world for the babies.


Art. Music. This site. Answering this question. I have learned in life that the simplest pleasures are the sweetest berries to be savored. Did I just write that? I think I puked in my mouth a little.

because of the berries? try a different kind


Intellectually, I think relationships (family, friends, etc.) give life meaning and doing good for others provides purpose. In truth, though, I don't really feel it.


I am retired. So just getting up in morning gives me purpose. Meaning in my life comes from helping others and doing volunteer work. I am involved in my local town government and am politically active in state and national politics.




Being in the community


I usually do it on purpose..


My purpose is to live each day the best I can and to help those I love. Beyond that, I have none.


Something that you enjoy doing and that offers the possibility of accomplishing something worthwhile.


For a lot of years it was raising my kids but their grown now so without any hesitation it's playing music. I play a LOT of music 🙂 I'm in a morris dancing band and run a fortnightly session and play in other sessions. My kids laugh at me because I'm over 25 years clean but i spend a huge amount of time in pubs 🙂 we also have 'kitchen sessions' where we go to each others homes and sit around playing tunes, drinking tea and talking 'bollocks' 🙂
? a session is when a group of musicians get together to play -usually folk music
? morris dancing is a very strange phenomena and probably best you-tubed
?a pub is a lot like a bar
? bollocks are actually male genitals but in this sense used to mean 'chatter chatter'


Improve yourself. Improve your environment. Well, those are the ideals. I think that as soon as you ask yourself "what's it all for?" you've fallen into an intellectual trap. Look around you. Have fun. Purpose is subjective.


I devoted my life to another person, long ago.
But beings I'm no longer bound by my words to her...
I don't know...
I guess it's just survival.


You can only give yourself purpose because the universe is nothingness.


The balance of the universe.


Nothing... I never choose any of the things I have, I have never asked for this life in the first place.

  1. Being a Dad......only got here through divorce
  2. Music.....I'm getting psychotic about it.
  3. comes from many angles now that i never appreciated before
  4. Taking care of myself physically
  5. Money.....makes life fun and more bearable
twill Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I live day to day. I'm alive because I have to be.

not to mess with your head but why do you say you have to be? I don't think we have to be alive and somehow we create our own meaning

I don't like life rn. I also don't have the guts to kill myself either. I live with depression.

@Sarahroo29 I read in what you just said.... depression lives in you and is sucking you dry!!! Do something about it... that should be your purpose.


@GipsyOfNewSpain Okay.

@Kelkat Thanks.


Humility. Realizing I don't really matter by myself. I am only truly powerful when I understand how I fit into bigger wholes. My purpose is to understand who and where I am in relation to everything else. That is when something can get done.


I'm pretty sure we are here to create. It doesn't matter if it's art, music, carpentry, inventions.... It seems to me that once the basics of getting by are covered, making new things is really the only thing we can do to add to our world as we know it.



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