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Religion is like a penis.

; ) ; ) ; ) This cracked me up.

silvereyes 8 Feb 7

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139 comments (101 - 125)

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How dare you insult my penis!!!


Oh this is sooooo good. I have not ever heard this before but it is dead on accurate and should be shared everywhere! And like most penis owners, it's frequently about mine is better than yours and mine is the biggest.


Luv it !!!

It’s the tongue that’s mightier then the sword


Personally I would much rather have people wave around their penises than their religion.


That’s just wrong. 😉


Lol. Some great comment and additions as well.




One of my faves too.. oldie but a goodie. 🙂


Religion IS like a penis. It can really fuck you (up).

Well said and accurate!

I love it ....

Eventually all Penises are buried 6' under in a grave yard or cremated and turned to dust.

So what's Religion waiting for...!

Hi there !
Friend you're definately right ! ))


A lot of people being jerked around


Now I know where my soul is


Over obedience so you don't go to hell. Is really swallowing the whole Satan's Dong.

Why not, just save Satan? So we can move on changing this prison planet.


And God is the big penis in the sky.

It's not just Christian but other religions as well. Wherever there was a Roman settlement there were phallic symbols everywhere.

In Seattle there was a bakery called the "Erotic Bakery". Lots of penis shaped cakes (I wonder who ordered those?).

@silvereyes See what you're missing in Okie land!


And the competition between nations as to which has the tallest (longest) high rise (penis).


A *circumsized one.




Though not quite as satisfying as a penis.


Religion is connected to 90percent of the world"s wars. Don't those bullets and missiles look like penises?

Only 90%? I'd suspect it's higher than that!

Actually the cult Government and Centro Bankers tool Religion. In order to fear control and enslaved most of us.

Yes, as George Carlin pointed out at least once on stage. I still miss him.


For some people religion is a penis!


@VictoriaNotes So my neighbor a long time ago had an abusive husband, who she convinced to go to promisekeepers so they could help him get right with God. Guess that's why he ended up losing his kids and getting divorced.

@VictoriaNotes If they were dedicated to being christlike by having no offspring, I would fully support them.


I need to remember not to be drinking anything when I read your posts. I wound up spitting coffee over my tablet. It's all good.



Religion is like a vagina.
What's the big hairy deal?


Religion is like a vagina.
It's ok to have one and to be proud of it.
But don't walk around showing it off and acting if yours is the only one that matters.

Wait a minute! Men have been showing/bragging/putting up statues and monuments of penises for eons and yet the vagina has been kept covered, secret and denigrated for way too long. Perhaps that's where the problem lies and it's just another example of religion and male domination gone wrong. Vagina's should be respected and honored more. They have been suppressed so much that even women don't understand much about them. It's unbelievable, the # of men and women that don't understand such things as the importance of the clitoris (or if it even exists) and the commercials and misinformation about hygiene and how it should smell (natural)! Now, back to the cute jokes. 🙂

@jorj they really had their heads on straight. Sex should be highly regarded and valued by all people.

@frosty2k There's something fishy about this reply...


Can I play with someone's else's religion? I'm curious.

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