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People like you are the problem. How many people are going to be killed before the liberal idiots realize that a no gun sign will never stop a dearranged or criminal person! @Lancer, @Captain_Feelgood

What I find funny is that no body actually listened to what Trump said about the teachers being armed. He said any teacher who is 1) Ex military 2) Ex police or 3) A well trained firearms instructor, AND is also a teacher. Should, as long as they are licensed, be able to carry a concealed firearm IF they so choose. AND they should be given a small bonus if they decide to take on this responsibility.

He NEVER said to arm all teachers. But the mainstream media and liberals have decided that he said to arm every teacher. It just goes to show how brittle their arguments are. They don't even use primary sources of information, they just believe what the biased media say.

If America does give up their right to self defense then the government better invest in body bags and doctors. Because innocent people will suffer.


Imagine this scenario ....suppose teachers are armed.....what happens when police arrive and are looking for an armed perpetrator and here are all these people with do officers tell who is the so-called "good guy" with the gun and who is the "bad guy"?
I think we need to look more into what drives these people to do killings. Because it is usually buried in the news accounts that the first people killed are the perpetrator's family member/s....most often a wife. So we need to be looking at the drivers of domestic violence. May be described as toxically violent entitled angry males who feel thwarted? Thoughts?

I read that 84 of 86 mass shootings since 1982 were committed by males!


Anyone asking why now? why not in the 20s,30s,40s,50s.60s.


Ya think?


Teachers definitely didn't sign up for combat, so I agree.


I totally agree. I'm a veteran too (Army).


I was shot , but not officially in combat. My extensive repetitive "I can do it blindfolded in my sleep" training enabled me to shoot back and take lives. It also took over 20 years of my own with the resulting survivors guilt and PTSD. Arming anyone unless they are trained almost every day of the responsibility, safety, marksmanship, and consequences/baggage/PTSD and resulting life changing experience involved in taking another life is asinine! Teachers are not police officers or soldiers and have no business playing that role. The near pornographic relationship we have with guns in this country is a true Mental Illness.


As a vet, a gun oner and former hunter, and a retired educator, I totally agree. Only a fool would recommend the arming of teachers.

Let’s just disarm all law abiding citizens. Then only criminals will have guns. How many people are going to be killed before gun control nuts like you realize that a no gun sign in an unsecured area only makes places more dangerous as Criminals will never pay any attention to them.

That is not what we are saying. Do not try to argue against a position with a falsehood. @Trajan61

@wordywalt What falsehood? The gun control nuts are calling for another assault weapons bans along with high capacity magazine bans.

@Trajan61 I am a veteran who fired "expert" with the M-1 rifle and a gun owner. Count me among those rational people you maliciously label "gun control nuts."

@wordywalt Some schools already have armed qualified teachers and there have been no problems. The main problems is the libtards insistence on unsecured no-gun zones.

@Trajan61 Can you not write anything without using made up derogatory terms? Reason and civility are simply not your strong suits.


100% one of the dumbest ideas going.


I'm a vet of years ago and I was never in combat. I traveled and served in the European theater and can certainly agree with you. Arming teachers is just asking for more people to get shot and will cause the confusion that allows police who come into the scene to do so. Cheap assed Republicans think they have a solution. If this is what they want then just put more police in schools and hire them just for security. They would have daily meetings, know each other, and each take care of and watch certain areas.


As a teacher, I agree

PDF Level 5 July 13, 2018

Yeah. It is. It should be a no brainer that just giving people more guns is the most backwards "solution". Ever

They are not just going to give out guns. A few people who already know how to handle guns will become certified to carry a gun on campus only if they desire to do so.


First, and foremost thank you for your service! I enlisted in 2007. I tried to re-enlist recently, but can't pass the MEPS due to medical problems. Soldiers are trained to protect people. Teachers aren't. They are paid to TEACH! My Father served from 1965-1971. I was three years old when I was taught how to fire a rifle. No, not a Davy Crockett story. It was a Marlin single shot . 22 LR rifle. Here's a good idea... how about we give homeless vets a JOB. They are already trained!

First and foremost give homeless vets help...mental, emotional support, housing, medical...before going into the job thing.

Here's an idea that to me would help solve two problems at the same time. Right now we have trained dogs returning from the theaters of war that are already trained for ordnance locating! These dogs in most are being euthanized if know one claims them! They are veterans also! I don't know of anyone who knowingly would argue with a 100 lbs of angered dog..

@Crimson67 I forgot to mention go through a pshc exam,


I so agree with that. They are teachers, their degrees are in education not law enforcement. There has already been a report of an accidents when a teacher’s weapon was discharged in a classroom.

If that question was for me I wasn't quoting any study. I was making the statement that teachers in the classroom have educational degrees not degrees in law enforcement. And that there was a incident of a discharge of a firearm in a classroom.


I notice that no one is talking about more nuclear armed countries to make the world a safer place. Why would that be?

Probanly because right now the school shootings are increasing and have an impact on the mental health of our children and grandchildren
But off topic, I am glad you mentioned that. I was wondering how we demand Iran and North Korea are sanctioned for not agreeing to destroy nukes and have inspections when we aren't.


The gun trouble in America is truly concerning. I looked up,after about two months after the Orlando shooting, and there had been 65 other events classified as mass shootings in the states... Why do people keep thinking more guns will bring safety?

Precisely couldn't agree more. More guns in Society has not made us safer. And putting guns in schools is an accident waiting to happen. Teachers are not law enforcement and they haven't been trained for such and they shouldn't be, their teachers. No teacher signs up to be a security guard at a school they're there to teach because they love teaching. And then for some folks to say that enacting gun control doesn't do anything is disregarding the statistical evidence for an emotional response. There are many examples in other countries where they have strict gun control laws and they do not have nearly the fatality due to gun violence as we do in America. Furthermore when we had the assault weapons ban in the US there was a large drop in shooting fatality by removing those weapons.

I am not mad at the gun. I'm mad how easy it is for dangerous people to get a gun. A gun is an object, being angry with it makes no sense.


Well, I've been shot in combat, and I must respectfully disagree with the generality of this.
I'd suggest that if a teacher or school administrator is comfortable with carrying a sidearm, and is proved competent to do so, then they should be allowed to.

Your one of the few who’s making any sense. How many people are going to have to die before the liberal idiots realize that a no gun sign with an unsecured perimeter is just an invitation to a shooter!!

@Trajan61 how are going to secure all the ‘perimeters?’ It is not just schools! Will we all be forced to stay out of the ‘public square,’ because some disgruntled person wants to express his frustration by shooting up a few people or as many as possible?


I work in education as a therapist, so on any given day I see children from under 3 to 22. I have to be mobile, since I have to work in many different rooms. I'd like to know how and where I'm supposed to keep a weapon secure, focus on the kid in front of me, and keep a firearm out of the hands of any of the several young men and women I work with who are larger and stronger than I am!

@Renickulous, I don't want one, but legislators have been trying to FORCE me to get and carry a firearm.


It is that simple people!!!!


What is the answer?
I have no idea

dc65 Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

GET RID OF THE GUNS! It is that simple. They have done it in every industrial nation on the planet and it works.

@Sticks48 I think those mentally ill will just find another way to kill people I really think we need to get them out of our society and get them help also.


I am a retired cop and also a veteran and I agree with you.
Firearm definitely should not be in schools.


As a vet who has had interface with trained dogs, I can assure you that a well trained dog can identify a hazard such as a gun and will point it out! And is totally safe in all environments. We had a well trained dog chase an officer testing our outer defenses up a tree and sit there waiting for the light of day and him to be identified! The missile defense world used them without incident for years. A bullet fired with good intentions can hit the intended target pass through and take out an individual quite a ways away from the intended target! That is also something not being considered in arming anyone in a class room environment. I do feel that a well trained dog is the best option!


I am a teacher,and I totally agree.


Thank you for your service, Sister Veteran...I agree 100% with you on this...DANGEROUS Indeed!!!!

Very dangerous, for the would be assassin.


I think we knew that too I think the only person who doesnt know it is Donald - Ban guns worked for us in Scotland and England

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