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Which religion in your opinion is the worst? Islam or Christianity?

I think both are just as equally as bad as the other.

Sarahroo29 8 Feb 25

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Islam. If I had to pick a worse. Its still where Christianity was 600 years ago.


The abrahamaaic religions are all just sects of the same religion, and they are all equally drenched in blood and misogyny.


@Sarahroo29 Or as some have pointed out, Christianity is a Jewish heresy, Islam is a Christian heresy. Although true believers of any can take great umbrage at this characterization.


They are equally bad. Just like the rest of them.


All of them..

Yes. I think so too.


Not a fair comparison. Christian extremist have so much more control over the world's wealth that their extremists seem more panacondaeaceful than the Islamists. Take away the world's largest military and you might see them strapping bombs to their chest, too.


that's a tie as far as I'm concerned





Horrible- both of them. All about subjugation of women, and freaky control, control, control.

Yes, control. It's one of the worst parts of religion.


All of the fundamentalist religions are awful. The non-fundamentalist versions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are silly but generally innocuous.



Both have had their share of murderous campaigns in the name of someone’s holy proclamation.



I think they're both terrible.

Me too.


I don't think either is bad, I think that just like atheism there are good and bad people



Basically they are both the same.Same book just different histories.



Both suck, but Christianity has a more direct and negative impact on my life.

What is really interesting is to look at the history of Islam. They are where all the math, astronomy, they named the stars. Almost to bad their civilization failed.

I was raised in an Xian home.


Probably Islam given how volatile it is. Christianity is pretty terrible in its own right, but it has had a lot of time to be de-fanged and become more benign that it was in the past. Now even after all this time, Christianity still has a lot of problems, but religion is still fundamentally toxic.

Islam never really had its enlightenment or anything in that regards, it still has a lot of social progress to catch up on to be on par with most of the modern world. When the crazier denominations still hold the most power, it's always gonna worse off.

I concur.


Islam is like Christianity except its still in its adolescence. Look at Christendom around the 1400-1500s. That`s where Islam is now.

Yes. It will get worse I bet.

@Gwendolyn2018 I would submit that if there is a golden age for Christianity it budded in the Renaissance and blossomed in the Industrial Age. I admit that it is fraught with flaws but from Newton to Darwin to Crick a lot of ground has been covered.

@Gwendolyn2018 To a large extent Christianity has been a victim of its own success. The sunday schools that were initiated by Methodists in the 19th cent. were just that, schools where the poor children could receive a basic education. This emancipation has led to a level of knowledge that made them redundant.
I still stand by my original post. The similarities between Islam now and Christianity in the 14 & 1500`s a striking. Not only it its age but in its behavior. Factional wars fought over differences in dogma, fatwas & excommunications etc. The very word " fanatic " stems from the inquisition.


In this century, Islam hands down,
thousand years ago, I would have said Christianity.

Probably. I think you're right.


I'd have to say Christianity here in the west as it affects far more people than Islam but it was no easy choice



Both horses have jaundice. As do their kin.



Before Muhammad , I would have said Christianity , but if you look at the world today Islam wins hands down .

Hmmm... I think you're right.

@Sarahroo29 In the world today it's Christian countries waging endless war on Islamic countries ... not vice versa. Been that way for a century, so how does this make Islam the worst?

@Druvius They are killing Xians.

@Sarahroo29 For every Christian they kill, Christians have killed dozens or hundreds of Muslims. The enormity of the crimes waged by Christian nations against Muslim nations since 9/11 is frightening. And Muslims have formed human shields around Christian churches in Egypt to protect them from the extremists. My point basically is when you're talking about faiths with hundreds of millions of adherants making broad generalizations is unsupported, especially since there's no shortage of horror to go around among them.


All religion is intellectual poison. There's no such thing as a good religion.

I concur.


If you read the books, Christianity is worse. If you look how they're behaving on the global stage at this very moment, Islam is worse.

Both are horrible enough it matters little.



Right now it has to be Islam. No doubt about it


There all the same


Isn't tht kind of like asking which form of slow torture is better?

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