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What's something that has never (or will never) changed about you?

I continue to change and evolve. In many ways, I'm different than I was ten years ago.

But, I do consistently get lost in my thoughts and I have a love for making stories and creating new things. I doubt that will ever change. My life would be dull if I didn't have 100 questions running through my brain at all times. These things have been true about me since I was a small child.

What stays the same for you?

silvereyes 8 Mar 2

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69 comments (26 - 50)

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My sense of humor and oozing machismo have stayed with me through the years as my hair has started falling out and beltline has expanded????


My sex and species - like ALL other humans -remains unchangeable.


The one thing that consistently remains the same is my rebellious nature. The surest way to get me to do something is to tell me not to do it, and vice versa.


Those who are weakest and poorest through no fault of their own should have the best paying employment if possible. They should have the opportunities for the best training also. Even those who can't work should be equalized by society the most because otherwise they will have the worst lives simply because of bad luck.

Is that how they chose our president?

@OldGoat43 , Obviously some of the poor believed Trump would pull them out of poverty (with jobs). I'm not a news or political expert but I don't see where he's done that. As for the disabled, looks like they've been passed by for sure.


I guess the one constant for me would be my sense of humour 🙂


Humor. I always use humor. It's a gift and a curse.

except here I guess. talk about irony.


My political views. I am a liberal. My love for baseball. My love of my family. ( these are not in any order)
Being a nice guy. Not a Boy Scout. But really being a nice guy.


Resistance to any type of authority or groupthink.

I find very little value in popular ideas, objects or really anything.
If everyone is doing it or wants it, I don't.


I have two enormous front teeth I have grown into them a bit and the gap which was also enormous has closed but they are still formidable.


Love of the outdoors & animal kind. Iconoclastic in nature. A dark sense of humor. Eclectic interests.


What I do - hanging out with me peeps, learning new shit, having fun.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 3, 2018

I was raised xian , eveloved to Agnostisism . Did'nt realize I was Atheist till I went thru basic training . I can never know what's out there , but if it's anything , it will never be worshipped by me . Therefore , I am an Atheist , & always will be .

Dougy Level 7 Mar 3, 2018

My deeply reflective nature. Sometimes it's an asset, sometimes it gets in the way. But it's always there.


Brashly honest, loyal AF, sweet/Disney princess type with a vocabulary of a well versed sailor.


I will never become mean or spiteful as long as I have my faculties.


My cynicism


My love for nature. As a child I was constantly digging up differant bugs, catching tadpols, and any kind of fish. I remember finding a cacoon, and knew it contained life because it was wiggling. I did the wrong thing, and cut it open with my pocket knife. Out came the most beautiful Monarch butterfly that climbed on to a bush that I had choosen. It sat there for a while and moved it's wings slowly, and then it would rest. In about 20 minutes it flew away. It was wonderful. I feel at peace when I am in nature🙂


my personal rules and moral fibre


Three things in my life remain constant and have, going back all the way to my earliest memories.

  1. My love of learning new things and honing my current knowledge.
  2. My sense of humor. No matter how bad things get, and they got VERY bad several years ago, my sense of humor is ALWAYS making an appearance in my life and my words.
  3. My love of words has been the vehicle by which I deliver cartloads of humor.

Have I mentioned before that I enjoy your questions? The best teachers teach by asking questions.


I have thick curly hair. It's not leaving my head. I cut it periodically, rather I have it cut. If there was a person who liked keeping the rat's nests at bay, I'd quit having it cut. And I'm not going to stop loving women. And dogs, And babies.


Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. In the last 24 hours, I lost and found my I.D. twice!


My love for my children, all else changes for me.


I am reluctant to say "never" about anything but I do not see how I would ever come to understand WTF is wrong with some people. Don't get me started 😉

I suppose another thing that's pretty much an inherent constant for me is that I can't respect incurious people -- and by extension, have great respect for curiosity. To me, it is the foundation of true intelligence. So ... don't stop running those "100 questions" through your brain "at all times"!


The it's all water off a ducks back thing.


The voices in my head. They haven't gone yet, their there for good I'm afraid.

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