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What Are Your Thoughts About Spiritualism ?

Spiritualist seem to be a different breed of cat.Some are god believers and some are not. My fathers second wife was heavy into it and I attended a few seances where the MEDIUM supposedly communicated with the dead.ALL BS as far as I am concerned.

alon 6 Mar 27

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spirtuality, as in the title of this category (being what some on this site call spiritual), and being a proponent of spiritualism, which has an actual definition, are not the same thing. you mention seances so i know you are using the word "spiritualism" correctly. and you have pegged it correctly too; it is bullshit. don't let the category title fool you into thinking that spiritualism is a big thing for us on this site (although there may be sone stray believers). meanwhile, spirituality is, to me, just religion light. spiritualism is... not even religion light. it's just crap.



My spirits come in liquid form


Ohferpetessake, discredited over 100 years ago, and lately, nobody claimed The Amazing Randy's offer of $1 million dollars by offering any proof whatsoever.
Plus, ever see any mediums winning the lottery?

You don't see psychics winning the lottery for the same reason you don't see faith healers in hospitals.


I believe spiritualism is just more bullshit.
I don't believe in it any more than I believe in gods or religion.

I also think that being "spiritual" is bullshit, as well.
I won't even apologize for thinking anyone who claims they are "spiritual"
is an idiot.

Sounds like the beginnings of a belief system there!😉

@Geoffrey51 Not in this lifetime.

@KKGator Hahaha. Glad to here it. Enough out there at the minute!


Fucking load of nonsense []


I actually enjoy and respect some aspects of it, others not so much. For instance, the brand of spirituality some of the Native North Americans had (the kinds that didn't demand war and sacrifices) seem pretty benign, and even useful in many instances. Spirituality is also often not evangelistic, which is one of the things that annoys me most about religion. Still, there are some pretty far out, and decidedly unhelpful brands of spirituality circulating. Especially those that undermine science and reason.


As long as they don't push their beliefs on me, I really don't care.

My thoughts exactly.


If, I was still spiritual, I wouldn't be on this web site. Logic is more comforting than spiritual bs.


I am spiritual.

Spiritualism has nothing to do with religion. It's ALL about mind, body, soul energy.

It's the idea that you have a soul that people have a problem with. If you just get hit in the head your whole personality can change, therefore I reject the claim that we have souls.

@nastynifty if you crash and damage your care you can still drive it if it’s not written off. Perhaps a lot of it’s functions might not work though. Still driveable, just not as efficiently as before the crash


My wife gets solace from occasionally going to our local Spiritualist church, and values the stuff there. I go with her, but she knows I am an atheist. The people there are usually elders and pleasant.


Spiritualism -- [spir-i-choo-uh-liz-uh m]


  1. A belief in stuff that isn't real
  2. May or may not include a magical deity who is also not real
  3. Another word for dumb people believing in dumb things that aren't real
  4. Dumb
  5. Stupid
  6. etc...

Glad to see that empiricism, using an unbiased scientific method is still being employed by some. The technical terminology is also quite insightful.

@Geoffrey51 Admittedly, my patience with people who embrace nonsense is pretty much non-existant now. I was more tolerant in years past but those days are gone.


Everything is a result of a physical interaction between atoms, therefore nothing can be beyond that. Unless your version of spirituality is compatible with this, it's not real.

Perhaps explore basic quantum mechanics from the 80’s and before.


Well... I feel like the basis of all religions are pretty much the same.

With spirituality I guess I get that they feel that there’s some sort of interconnectness with humanity.

We have come from the universe and that’s pretty magical in itself


Why would you call yourself atheist or even agnostic if you are going to make something else up?


I'm new here, so perhaps this sort of question is more common than I'd have thought. Personally I put belief in magic, however it's labeled, as beyond the scope of rational belief. That said, I guess one cannot prove some sort of quantum entanglement might result in something that appears magic? I include "agnostic" in my list of self-descriptors on this site (also named because while I'm 99.9% sure there's no higher power(s) out there, I certainly cannot prove there's not.


Woowooness maxximuss


Pretty much the same as my thoughts about the fairies at the bottom of the garden. 😏


Indeed it is all bullshit. Done in the dark so as to better fool you and just another brand of supernaturalism. In earlier life I studied these things. Today I believe in nothing supernatural. No spirits, no gods.


All that needs to be said about spiritualism is that it was a movement/religion begun in the middle of the nineteenth century by Kate and Margaret Fox who reported that they spoke with the spirit of a murder victim. A lot of people attended their sceances, and believed that the were really mediums. Later the sisters admitted it was all a hoax, but that didn't dissuade their believers.

JimG Level 8 June 7, 2019

If it gets someone through what’s the problem? You don’t have to get involved!



zesty Level 7 May 1, 2019

Spiritualist Bullshit but energy different story

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 24, 2019

Some responses here seem to be confusing spirituality with spiritualism. Spiritualism is the belief in communicating with the dead via mediums. As I see no way to obtain information about supernatural beings and realms, it falls into the same category as gods ... no knowledge claim, and therefore no supportable belief, can be embraced in the total absence of data.

As in two comments above, I think it's the idea that we have souls that is off putting to most people who reject spirituallity.


I have doubts about spirits.


How about someone ACTUALLY gives a DEFINITIVE meaning, etc, to exactly what 'Spiritualism' is truly is?


Spiritualism is made of the same concept as religion. To me, we're brains, minds, inner world, no spirit. When there's no more life, there's no more what we call more us.

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