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Serves him right and no the campaign was not cleared of criminal wrongdoing in fact Mueller specifically stated that Trump and many of his associates had in fact committed felonies and many charges were filed with no small number of convictions. The sole reason Trump himself wasn't formally charged by Mueller was stated in his report.... AS PRESIDENT CONGRESS MUCH IMPEACH TRUMP SO HE CAN BE CHARGED.... This is a legal requirement for the charges to be filed now but since his campaign is tanking unless the Democrats do something stupid like forcing another Third Way tool on the left after he leaves office you can expect a list of charges to be filed against him, his family, and nearly all of his appointees and associates which will result in long sentences in both state and federal prisons...


I listened for fun to" ultra right" radio broadcast,and they are attempting to spin
alot of public data to fit thier agenda.
It's disheartening to see what's getting
pushed to people , while true journalism is
under attack.


Surely one of the most bizarre aspects of the Trump loyalists (and Trump himself) is the claiming of being a victim. Maybe it's PR, but I believe some of it's real. These people proclaim a lack of accountability and that it's the fault of their political opponents when they're caught participating in a criminal enterprise.

Maybe they're right? Maybe they expected to be treated according to the rules of the elite kleptocrats and figured the Justice Dept would ignore them also.

Between the 1% and the rest of us, it's a race to see who gets wiped out first.


Boo fuckin hoo. The wages of profiting off of others misery. I hope they spend the rest of their lives in terror and shame.


I bet Heather Heyer feels just terrible for your inconvenience. Oh, wait...


Lie with dogs, get fleas.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 29, 2019

The post begins, "If you believe Attorney General William Barr, the special counsel report issued March 22 found no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign staff conspired or coordinated with Russia."

I don't believe Barr. Maybe Mueller did not find enough evidence to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt (a high standard), but that is not proof of innocence. There was obviously lots of shady dealing going on. It is very likely that Roger Stone lied about his conversations with Trump and his people.

On the bright side, Mr. Trump and his cronies face legal jeopardy for a multitude of financial crimes: money laundering, tax evasion, bank fraud, illegal campaign financing, and illegal use of charity funds. Many State charges are coming, and the President will not be able to pardon his or his criminal partners out of a reckoning. So there is reason to think that justice will eventually be served.

Whatever sanctions he receives will be small consolation for the damage this President has caused the nation. His rolling back of environmental protections, his demonizing of the press, his empowerment of white supremacists, his disregard for truth and embrace "alternative facts," his misogyny and bigotry and racism, his hollowing out of the State Department, his gigantic addition to the national debt via huge tax breaks for the rich, his attempts at eviscerating the Affordable Care Act, and his lowering of the level of political discourse will negatively affect the country for years to come. Trump and his minions deserve to be slapped hard.

Tell it, brother!


Boo Hoo, so sorry you sided with a con man bigoted asswipe. Rallies for trump incite violence towards anyone who speaks against trump, it is a fact and all one needs to do is watch. You reap what you sow.


I have a lot more sympathy for the victims and their families attacked by Trump-inspired racism here, in New Zealand, and around the world.


This entire piece was nothing but one long whine.
I don't believe most of what he claims.
I've seen him speak a number of times on CNN.
He always comes across as a petty little whiner.

Sorry dude. No sympathy for you or your family.

They call other people "snowflake" while whining about their victimization. Like Trump's "speech" in Michigan last night. Everybody mistreated the poor, crooked billionaire. Blamed the poor guy for everything he's done, without knowing everything he's done.

@david75090 Exactly. And the automatic assumption that anyone who is against 45 and/or the republicans and/or the conservatives, simply MUST be a democrat or a liberal.

Guess again, snowflakes.


I hope they all lose everything. If you associate with anyone as slimy as Trump, you deserve whatever bad happens to you and more. Boo-hoo-hoo. 🙂


Gee, that's too bad. Hey, who do y'all like in the Duke game tonight? 🤓


Fuck this guy and his version of the truth.


I’m trying real hard to feel some sympathy for this guy who works hard for a man who threatens everyone he disagrees with everyday but it just ain’t coming. Sorry, but it seems to me that he and the rest of the Trump enablers deserve whatever retribution they receive.

When you work for an asshat who's against everything that's decent, you're bound to piss some people off. Some people are crazier than others. It's not the people who threaten who are dangerous, it's those who are more seriously pissed and will act.

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