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Are most agnostics intelligent and left-leaning?

I have to say it as a question because I live in the middle of red state hell, but it seems apparent to me that most agnostics/atheists in the US at least are intelligent and lean politically to the left. Is that a good generalization? I know no one is going to admit to stupidity but I do wonder if many are conservative. My stereotype could certainly be wrong ... many intelligent people may be conservative and agnostic and I just haven't found many of them. Thoughts?

JeffMesser 8 Mar 3

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I am in the uk but labour to the core, never been anything else, havent ever beeen anything else but agnostic either - I was in my youth and up to forties - a big fan of demonstrations- My children seemed to get in the swing of it too when they were old enough to get out there and protest- bit too old now with creaky jointy hips, but I always vote.socialist.


I think atheists and agnostics generally tend to be more left-leaning because conservative views more often entail an allegiance to traditions like religious practice — but that doesn't mean there aren't a fair number of conservative atheists as well, only that the balance seems to be tilted toward the left.

As for intelligence, that's debatable. It may be more likely that intelligent people think critically about religion, but lack of belief doesn't guarantee intelligence — and, to be fair, a lot of religious people are quite smart. I think religion maintains a psychological/emotional hold on people, so it's not necessarily a matter of limited intellect.

Well-said. Unlike some on this site, I am also loathe to label all believers as ignorant, unintelligent or mentally unstable.

@silvereyes This sort of reply is why we need an LOL reaction. It'll save me from typing out an agreement like this.


I would guess that the majority of agnostics and atheists are both intelligent and left-leaning. They are people who do not automatically accept dogma, tradition, or authority. They ten to be more critical thinkers and people who ask questions.


I find that accordingly to Pew Research in the US on stats and nonbelievers, that Republicans make up 15% and Democratic/ independent 69%.

Conservative 10%. Liberal 56%. Moderate 29%

The data is included here.


Make of it as you will. I suspect the figures here on this site would be similar, on US members.

Personally, I find agnostics and atheists and alike lean more to the progressive side of politics and on social and equity issues.


I am agnotic, and I am both liberal and conservative, depending upon the issue. I don't meet many people who can walk that line.

well I am a Buddhist so I don't support the death penalty or abortion.

I don't exactly walk that line, but I use as a guide for my mental slalom course.

@Meep70 I am so going to steal that line, mental slalom course.

@HippieChick58 If the shoe fits.. 😀


I have encountered all types on this site, we cover the whole spectrum. United by lack of belief in a deity.

It's awesome!


I'm a socialist.


My politics/thinking has revolved around what I call 6 basic human needs as things we owe each other by the nature of our common humanity: Food, Shelter, Clothing, Basic Income, Education, and Health Care.


Most, for sure, but not all. I just saw something today about a conservative atheist organization reiterating their support for Trump. So, by that, this group seems to be neither liberal nor intelligent.
Some of this relationship is correlation - people who are intelligent, curious, empathic, willing to question what they are told by authority, are more likely to be liberal and also are more likely to be atheists, by way of logic and reason.
Others may arrive at atheism by other means - anger at god, a lack of belief in ANYTHING. This doesn’t require much in the way of intelligence, reason or empathy.


The nonreligious tend to be more liberal than the general populace, but conservative ones do exist. [] Education also appears to significantly higher. []


And, in my case, left-handed, as well.

Are you in the U.S? What did they do to you about being left handed or were you taught well?

@jacpod I am in the United States. My first teacher was left-handed. She encouraged my left-handedness. No one discouraged me from being left-handed, but the nuns pestered me about my penmanship.


Well, I am an atheist and left-handed. A follower of Karl Marx and Timothy Leary, an admirer of Albert Schweitzer and Albert Einstein, a great fan of Betty Friedan and a slew of disreputable rock n' rollers.


nah dumb people can be found everywhere


Left leaning for the rest, Highly variable.


Yes and I am also left handed lol


Kauva,I think you are correct.I am very left leaning but not very academici intelligent that I am not sure,I leave that to others to judge me,but over all I think Agnostics and Athiests are left leaning and more intelligent than religious types.otherwise why would they believe in a tooth fairy called god.

I am working on some sociology theories regarding "me" versus "we" thinking and I think the main variable is intelligence. Then there is a mid point where both exist and various factors influence whether they change or not.


Most atheist and agnostics I know are liberal. I know a few libertarian types too, but yeah, most are. I'm in New Orleans, which is a blue city in a red state so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

JeffB Level 6 Mar 3, 2018

I find it interesting that MOST cities are blue regardless of the political leaning of the state. One reason is the type of people who are attracted to the city lifestyle. Another theory is that people who regularly encounter people who are different them develop more of the empathy that is associated with liberal beliefs.

@A2Jennifer There's also the fact that in major cities you find a lot of poor & disenfranchised people. A lot of these people rely on government assistance and/or social programs to get by. There are a lot less high paying jobs in the city which doesn't help people any. While all politicians are out to get rich, its glaringly more obvious I think with conservatives (at least with this administration!)

The long and short of it is liberal politicians work the "we're going to make it better" angle (regardless of whether or not they follow through) while conversative ones tend to..not. so much.

At least that's what I tend to think, as well as the other things you mentioned above.

@A2Jennifer I've noticed the same, but I always wondered if it was a US thing.

@A2Jennifer The second is the reason I see most often. Conservatives are extremely self centered and all that matters is what they encountered. So when they live in cities and are forced to encounter far more they tend to slide more to the left as they have more of a known stake in it.

@A2Jennifer I believe in that second reasoning you give also. I have found over the years that the persons who have encountered more cultures and meshed with them in daily life have a tendency to be way more tolerant of the views of others. way more. This is why I believe we increase tolerance and accrue the strength offered by diversity by mingling cultures instead of letting these min-chinatowns and other isolated areas of foreign culture and push more integration. Like Brown vs. Topeka.

@JeffB It's the same in the UK (though we reverse the colours - red for socialist Labour, blue for the Conservatives). Cambridgeshire county, for example, is strongly Conservative while Cambridge city is solidly Labour; the same is true for Oxfordshire and Oxford. London has a Labour mayor. Of the other large cities in England and Wales Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Southampton, Leeds, Newcastle, Liverpool and Cardiff are all Labour; Brighton and Hove is Labour-led and has a Green Party MP and eleven Green councillors. In Scotland Edinburgh is held by Labour in coalition with the Scottish National Party. Canterbury, which has a Conservative-led council, voted in its first Labour MP ever last year.

It's notable that all these cities have large universities - areas with large concentrations of highly-educated people do seem to tend to the left.

@Jnei I wonder why that is? Some people propose exposure and maybe there is something to that.

I agree on encouraging mixing of groups, but don’t think immigrant enclaves are the problem. It’s the Americans who are already here who need to be exposed to people who are different - immigrants can’t help but encounter people who are different from them, even if they spend much of their time in areas with concentrations of immigrants. These communities are functional and preserve some of their culture and heritage. pushing people out of those areas, might force them to assimilate faster, but comes at a cost. @kauva


yes most seem intelligent but i stand upright


Most? Dunno, I've met a lot of really horrible atheists that are the exact same as the hateful and hypocritical Christian zealots, and use no logic.

However that said, I also live in the heart of one of the worst red state hell to exist, and have not met many others of us. So I cannot say yes most are for sure, but I'm confident

yeah Kansas is pretty close-minded. you have my sympathies there.


I can only speak to the frequencies, but if one looks at the data gathered across national surveys approximately 50-60% of non-theists identify as liberal and 50-55% of non-theists have either a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree. Compare this to the general population where about 30-35% identify as liberal and only 35-40% have a bachelor's or graduate degree. Take from that what you will but as I see it our odds to be liberal and have a degree (which is usually a marker for intelligence) are probably much greater than the general population.


There is a large group of atheists who are extremely conservative. They are Libertarians and some are on this site.


One might accuse you of using an oxymoron.


Since I've never met them all ... can't say.


I can't speak for anyone else, I was brought up christian, I take the good from it but am an agnostic. I consider myself fairly inteligent, very creative and my politics are right of centre.

Kitz Level 4 Mar 3, 2018

I'm the founder of the conservative atheists group here, we have 25 very intelligent members, that number is growing daily.


Yes statistically speaking and from my own personal observation. They by definition admit there humanity something right wing religious people are not too privy to.

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