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Do you believe in karma? reincarnation??

What are your feelings about karma? Is it reliant upon some moral code or is it merely cosmic momentum following your thoughts and actions to fruition? What happens to the karma you created when you die? Is there a tie between it and the physical body? Does this make you come back after death?

JeffMesser 8 Mar 4

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I think Karma is essentially what goes around comes around, giving out the positive, seeing the positive in what comes back, probably really just a frame of mind.
I like to think/hope that what's accrued in terms of karma, to use your words, isn't just wasted but have no way of knowing what comes next. And reincarnation...never seen anything convincing to suggest it's real.


Karma is just more random speculation about what's behind the curtain of reality, another desparate attempt to make reality "fair" or at least following some sort of ruleset. Reality owes no one anything.

Any attempt to suggest that there's a system for delivering consequences for action beyond simple cause and effect must account for how reality is actually experienced. Karma actually uses itself to explain the random, indifferent nature of existence by saying that seemingly random outcomes "must" be the influence of karma from past lives. Additionally, in most systems with karma or karma-like influences, the objective is to eventually escape existence itself, not to realize an idealized existence finally free of suffering. So to me it's just utterly pointless hogwash.

you miss the point. on both karma and the Buddha's reasoning regarding suffering and why.

@kauva Do enlighten us.

motivation and appreciation.


No - I think as its soemthing we say after the event like "Ah so they got their comeuppance at last" that its not valid to count it in some people just seem to be able to squeeze past all the problematic bits - When I am dead I am counting on staying dead I don't want to go thorugh this drama another time.


There are extensive studies that have been done with children all over the world, ages 2-6 who remember past lives, and their detailed memories were verified.

As for karma, I don't think that happens. I suppose someone could get theirs in the next reincarnation, but people who remember past lives, say that's not the case, and that people take one role in one life, and another role in another just to experience different things. This is hard for me to believe, but that's what they all say. Dunno.

There's a book called Life Before Life by JIm B Tucker that gathers many of these reports into one good read. I cannot allow myself to believe it until I see evidence for myself - I used to have out-of-body-experiences which seemed real but the mind is capable of many things including self-delusion. Robert Monroe's books were like my holy scriptures when I found those, along with the Celestine Prophecy 😀 In any case it makes for a fascinating subject to read about.

@Crimson67 True Real Life Stories of Reincarnation: Amazing Past Life Memories, Richard Bullivant,

The Laughing Cherub Guide to Past Life Regression: A Handbook for Real People, by Mary Elizabeth Raines

Reincarnation: Exceptional Cases of Past Life Memories, by Eirik Leivsson

Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation, revised edition, by Ian Stevenson, M.D.

12 Real Life Reincarnation Stories : Global Evidence of Reincarnation and Past Lives, edited by Richard Bullivant

@Crimson67 Not true. The books are based on research done by others, following stringent rules to make sure none of the kids had any access to the knowledge they were born possessing. But I'm not going to argue with you since you apparently are like any person who has already made up their minds. Plus, I was also born remembering a past life, as well as my sister. I did look up one of the details of a past life on google and it was accurate, but I can't prove it happened to me, just know what I remembered.


No, the whole ‘Karma’ thing is simply consequences catching up with actions… Sure, some A-hole cuts me off on the highway, I don’t feel karma’s going to get him, but I do feel he’s going to pull that on someone with a lot less control, likely packing a weapon, and battle it out with his own kind. It’s rarely ‘instant’ 🙂

Reincarnation..? Never, ever ~

Varn Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

Many years ago traveling in a car with my cousin and siblings on NY's Day - two cars went racing past us - one on our left - one our right - and then they hit each other and both went off either side of the road. It wasn't karma - but it sure was awesome!


if you keep being a dick someone or something will not like it and show you hopefully but not always the case.

Words to live by...

lol yes


Not a believer in karma, I believe in action and consequence. You make a choice and the result is determined by your action. In the case of misinterpreting someone's poor decision which results in a poor outcome for them as karma doesn't sit right with me

AdieG Level 4 Mar 4, 2018

I agree. Every action results in another action. So making a poor choice results in poor consequences. We are in charge of our own lives, and hopefully learn from the consequences of bad choices.


No and No. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people. The closest thing to karma is if someone pisses you off, they get hit buy a bus and you refuse to help them.
Dead is dead is dead.


I definitely believe in Karma...I've seen it applied at least a couple times in the lives of others. (I remain hopeful that the GOP experiences a boatload of it.)
Reincarnation, I never really knew what to think, but was open to it if others discussed. However, since I read the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" (Brian Weiss) I'm fascinated by the subject. I've always believed humans are composed of energy and that our energy could likely take many forms, so...I can't discount the possibility.


No and no. The last five years have been full of surprises and I would like something to pin it on but common sense says no.


The question is really....Do you beieve in the Supernatural?
IMO there is absolutely no credible evidence that the Supernatural exists. The Supernatural is a delusion invented by mankind to explain things that mankind does not understand. I say...Put your "faith" in Science and eventually Science will have all the answers. But maybe not in your lifetime.


We exisit right now as the inarnation of the remnants of a supernova. The entire solar system may well be reclcyed again, but I don't think we have to worry about that. The only thing we have to worry over is right now, our incrediabily short and wonderful lives. Thinking one will live forever following rules somebody made up seems pretty silly, and usually benefits the people making the rules. IMO, don't worry, work on being happy.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

Karma is a myth, period! Secondly, there is no evidence that supports "cosmic momentum". Thirdly, when an organism dies, it decomposes and becomes energy for something else. Fourth, there is no proof that we come back the way most people think we do. We are made up of matter and matter can be destroyed. However, energy, on the other hand, is conserved.


Karma in its most simple form is "doing." That's all it means is doing. The saying of "what goes around comes around" is not demonstrable but is a part of cosmic momentum if given enough time. What happens to karma that you create? Does it tie in with the physical body and will it help you come back after death?
Apply the same questions to a sculpture or painting that you did.
Reincarnation is an unvalid belief that has about as much evidence as a god belief. God belief is supernatural by explanation. Where is the logic? Where is the evidence? To believe in reincarnation is about as good as believing in Slenderman. These beliefs continue because no one can face their own non existence.

Except for the extensive studies that show that it does happen. I was born remembering where I was before being born, and my sister was born remembering a past life as a boy.

These studies were done on children 2-6 years old who remembered past lives in great detail that were verified. The children were even taken to their former homes and remembered everyone, conversations, and even often retained scars from accidents that happened in those lives.

True Real Life Stories of Reincarnation: Amazing Past Life Memories, Richard Bullivant,

The Laughing Cherub Guide to Past Life Regression: A Handbook for Real People, by Mary Elizabeth Raines

Reincarnation: Exceptional Cases of Past Life Memories, by Eirik Leivsson

Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation, revised edition, by Ian Stevenson, M.D.

12 Real Life Reincarnation Stories : Global Evidence of Reincarnation and Past Lives, edited by Richard Bullivant

I'm sure there are many books. Writing them is how people make a living and get a following. I've studied phenomena for over 20 years and just like our mainstream writers I find no evidence for it. BTW, I do remember some of my claims as a child. Today I see them as false, but to each his own.


"True" karma only comes into play when you're reincarnated. The concept of karma catching up to people in this lifetime is a new age misunderstanding of the Hindu concept. It may also be related to the "three fold law" of Wicca.

No, I don't believe in that or reincarnation.

JimG Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I have a question for all of you that don't believe in Karma or reincarnation! How do you equate the facts that are most of you here are born in the greatest country in the world with all the choices, 24 hours electricity, enough food to waste, clean water, etc, Versus almost the rest of the world that's born with practically none of these things! What is so special about us that we are enjoying this good lives and they don't! In other words! What have we done in the past to inherit such a blessing! Even though I know money can be a Mother Fucker for some of the nouveau rich, but it sure help not worry about the next meal. Myself I was born in Haiti, the poorest country in the new world and have the privileges of coming to the richest country in the world! Why am I so lucky to have come here in the Good old USA and they don't! In conclusion! Why are we so fortunate?


I really don't believe in either. Although, I will use the word 'karma' when something comes back on a person after they've done something shady. I think what I call karma is just some people's bad behavior coming back to bite them. I don't think there's any invisible force in the universe causing it to happen.


I do not believe in karma, yet I do believe in reincarnation. Have my reasons to do so.


Keyboard Mama, there is some evidence that we can inherit skills from our family as well as family traits. I can look up the study if you're interested?


Everything is reincarnated, All matter and energy that exist today is what we got with the big bang. Our atoms are 14 billion years old and have been reincarnated into many types of energy. It never dies , only moves onto a new entity

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 4, 2018


JK666 Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

Like a lot of things that can't be demonstrably proved or disproved, I really don't know what I think about it. I can't really divorce myself from the idea of souls and of some kind of continuing energy, though.


I hope for Karma





No. No.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I do. I believe in positive and negative energy and believe we are made of energy. And karma totally. I know, but I do.


Karma to some extent that your actions can affect your future. If your actions are "good" towards others, you are more likely to have them reciprocate with "good" actions towards you. Re-incarnation - I like to beleive could happen, like the existence of gods, but do not beleive exist.

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