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What is worse?

What is worse, cheating or lying?
Whould you rather be with a loyal liar who lies about trivial things or cheater who hides what they do?

Streetburner 3 May 3

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My ex did both.
At the time I thought maybe he was mental, but now I see that many/most men routinely lie to gain advantage of women or evade responsibility for their errors.

But I also noticed women protect themselves from their more powerful, dangerous male lovers and mates, by being flattering and evasive, telling men versions of events that more likely won't provoke jealous revenge.

>I see that many/most men routinely lie to gain advantage of women or evade responsibility for their errors.

Sound like you pick out the wrong guys.

@WonderWartHog99 You know men who tell the truth when they're in trouble? I'll pretend to believe you. But if you start to troll me, I'll just block you.

Another of a sea of promises to take my cold black heart and stomp that sucker flat.

I find it difficult to forget the late great Hunter S. Thompson: "Yes, officer I knew it was wrong when I did it but I did it anyway." It always takes the wind of the sails of law enforcement.

Then there's Zero Mostel "Guilty but with a hell of a good excuse."

Zero's wife is almost never quoted. She's the one who said "I didn't want to be famous. I just wanted to upholster the sofa."

>You know men who tell the truth when they're in trouble?

I promise not to point them out to you.


Cheating and lying are both evading the truth. I don't see much difference. I don't want either one in my life. The Catholic church had a few things right, there are "sins" of omission and "sins" of commission. Both are not behavior I want to put up with.


Can we play outside the box? Cause neither.

If you're lying about little shit you're lying about bigger shit. Every time.

I was writing my answer as you submitted yours.

I agree. Both are pretty bad.


How can you separate the two, cheating is lying!



If they'll cheat 'with' you, they'll cheat 'on' you.

It is somewhat amusing when someone is shocked....SHOCKED when the two-timer two times them.

Thought it was true love this time...ehh?



Personally, I find them equally repugnant.
Cheating requires lying.
Lying about "trivial things" is indicative of larger issues.


A cheater is a liar, and a liar is a cheater. And both of them are thieves, as they steal the truth and force a false reality upon those they lie to or cheat on, making the ability to make well-informed decisions concerning them impossible. Liars, cheaters, thieves... same thing.


I fail to discern the moral or exact meaning, to cheat is to lie.


There is no such thing as an “honest cheater.” Hiding what you are doing is lying. Telling someone that you love them and are in a monogamous relationship when you are unfaithful is lying If a cheater was honest about their cheating, then the partner is consenting to be in that relationship, so it’s not cheating, it’s non-monogamy.

I agree

@Unity There is no such thing as an “honest cheater.”

What if they're up front about having random casual sex? I've know women who asked the best question ever: how about both of us?

Currently, Petunia runs them off with a broom. I've been too honest with her. She spent too much time reading my cross referenced leather bound address book. It has entries like "Verlene: also see Suzi."

That'll teach me to marry a Southern Baptist.


I'll take option c). Neither

Definitely wouldn't want to be with a cheater, but why would someone lie about trivial things?

What is an example of a trivial lie you'd be okay with? That they had salmon for lunch, but said they had tuna?

That's still pretty weird.

"Do you like my new hairdo"? "Yes dear". And that is just one. If someone shows me a picture of their baby and it is ugly, I will certainly lie and tell them how adorable their baby is. No one is 100% honest. No one. If you do find someone like that, I will guarantee you they have no friends.


That's certainly a fair point and good reason to withhold an honest opinion. I would not classify that as a trivial lie. To me that suggests the truth doesn't matter so it's "no big deal" to lie about it.
In the example you gave, it's an act of kindness, with no intent to deceive and the answer does matter.

What do you think?

@Athena Exactly, if hurting someone is all the truth will accomplish, go with the lie.

>why would someone lie about trivial things?

One does not want to join the club of those of have said "No, the dress doesn't make your butt look fat. You got a big ass. The dress has nothing to do with it."


I'm not for trivial lies where the truth would be just as good. If someone was late because they stopped to run an errand versus having to stay at work late, lying about it is unnecessarily deceptive. It also suggests you don't value honesty, and I'd wonder what other lies are being told.

In the case of not telling someone they have a fat ass (you silver tongued devil) it is being kind. That is not to say you couldn't be honest with the person in a different context, but there are ways to deliver hurtful information.

In this case, I will tell you honestly, do NOT open up your own charm school.

@Athena In the case of not telling someone they have a fat ass (you silver tongued devil) it is being kind.

Petunia grins like a mule eating briars when I tell her get her scrawny butt in gear.

It's a case of being too kind.


If I had to choose... I’d stay single.


Ohferpetessake. Either is Awful!


Both are bad and the same. I force myself to answer your question but my answer is always the same: none of them, thank you!


There is no such thing as a 100% honest person. If they exist they are riding unicorns.


Both bad


If they're only lying about trivial things then I would say cheating is worse. However, I'm not sure I know of a liar who can compartmentalize. For instance, our U.S. Liar-n-Chief

lerlo Level 8 May 3, 2019

They are both negative reactions.An niether is better in a relationship in my opinion.


Seems they are one and the same.....attempts to get something for nothing....same as stealing...lying, cheating, or stealing....saying "only a little" doesn't change what you are. That being strive for perfection is a expect perfection, in yourself, or others, is irrational


My ex did both. I didn't care for either.


We all lie about trivial things. I recently read where the average person lies three times in a five minute conversation. And, of course, there are always the white lies we all tell to keep out of trouble.


Aren't both the same? If you're cheating on someone, chances are you've told some sort of lie to facilitate it or cover it up. Even if somehow you've managed to cheat without explicitly lying, you're lying by omission because, in my opinion, just by being in a committed, exclusive relationship, you are tacitly saying to your partner that you are not physically or emotionally involved with anyone else.


Neither. Just walk away.


It's all tell me, which is better:
a. Faithful partner that will have you killed to collect insurance, keep your wealth, whatever...
b. Promiscuous partner that will be there for you when you are sick, broken, desperate, lost, etc?



They are both bad. I wouldn't want to be with or around either.


Lying and Cheating are nothing more than 2 sides of exactly the same coin.


Two sides of the same card really.

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