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How do you de-stress?

I was a christian for 26 years and was used to praying through the hard times to feel better. Now that I don't believe there is a god out there in control of everything, I've had to come up with other ways to de-stress. Sometimes I just remind myself of how far I've come and what I've been capable of. Sometimes I take deep breaths. How do you de-stress when things are tough?

LisaL81 7 May 8

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84 comments (26 - 50)

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Creative sex usually helps.

zesty Level 7 May 8, 2019

Lol. That's if the stress allows you to get into the mood.


I have myriad ways. A nice glass of wine. sex, I live on the beach, so taking a walk watching the sunset,
My daily walks to the market listening to music.
Although, I've always been pretty good of letting things go, so loosing stress has never been that hard.
And, I like to do all of those thing anytime.


an hour at the gym, long walk with my dog (see profile pix), good single malt scotch, time with friends and family, afternoon at the beach, and most importantly . . . put it all in context and don't sweat the small stuff . . but thats just me


Trying to de-stress stress me out so I don't, that's what I do


I bundle all my stress up into a little dense ball that dwells deep inside my diaphragm. There it sits quietly, until like the inside of a golf ball, it unwinds violently, making breathing feel impossible. It's a pretty good system.


@FrayedBear that actually works sometimes if I can catch it early. Thanks!




your methods sound good. if they work, they work! me, i smooch on my old felines and young puppy, give my guy a big hug is he hasn't been too big a pain in the ass, i play three computer games and one mobile game, and they're intense, so my concentration goes solely on them and not on my problems. i am not the type of person who lies in the sun at the beach; i splash in the water or walk around collecting shells. so concentration is my relaxation. it doesn't work for everyone.



Talk to friends, Meet new friends with the same interest. join clubs or even do somrthing you passionate about. Like reading books, ebooks, manga or watch clips, movies, learn something you like or listen to audiobooks, music. There are lot of things you can find.


My puppy


I make bread by hand. The process of kneading the dough allows me to decompress.

GwenC Level 7 May 8, 2019

I analyze my thoughts and determine if I’ve been thinking untrue things ala Dr Maxie Maultsby. That is usually the case when I am stressed. The stress could also come from being in danger. In that case I try to go with gut feelings.


I go out and take pictures, flowers, plants, mountains, animals.


It could be Music or a movie. Or maybe a long Walk somewhere . It depends , sometimes a talk with a friend


You are on one track - see my link below.


Religion is stress....hell threats and heaven bribes induce fear and impossible goals....our Atheism is a return to our Feminist and city life commuter traffic and fake news all raise stress levels BUT being calm is identifying each stressor and seeking refuge in your safest spaces....bubble baths sweet music having a tender lover comfort food swimming bicycling gardening or keeping fresh flowers in your home are lifestyle patterns of stress ELIMINATION rather than diversions from unidentified stressors


a nice indica and a good song usually.


Ripping out weeds in my gardens is great during spring and autumn, winter= grabbing the axe, the steel wedges, the 10lb sledge hammer and the chainsaw (if needed) and splitting wood for the wood heater, it gets the blood flowing, the temperature up and I often imagine the face, etc, of some annoying person, problem, etc, being on the piece of wood.
As for the accursed Telemarketers/Survey Pollsters ringing my landline, well, answering and speaking in either German, Latin or some meaningless drivel language I've invented at the time usually annoys them and release my stress.

Btw, I 'de-stressed' quite well yesterday afternoon, split, cut and stacked 4 wheelbarrow loads of firewood, the axe, sledge-hammer, wedges and saw got an excellent work-out, now I'm waiting for the Election Results from the Federal Election next weekend and BOY will there be wood chips flying after they come out....LOL.


Sometimes, I must remind myself that I need wait it out. As there is not always anything that can be done. I also do the other things that you mentioned.


I play drums.


It is thought that certain types of music works well. I lie down as if to meditate and listen to classical adagios such as baroque, Tchaikovsky and Chopin.


Draw. Go for a walk. Play video games. Drink. Get a massage.


Take my dog for a long walk by the bay


Games, gardening, wine and chat with a friend (or friends).


I take a long bike ride.

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