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Can an atheist be a hippy?

With the summer of love showing a side of human nature which ( in some regards be considered humanitarian ) with the mind altering substances such as marijuana ( I will not do anything harder than weed and it derivatives ) free love and some of the greatest bands in history had made themselves known ; is it possible for an atheist to be a hippie, I think so ( minus the religious bs ) I even think that an atheist would actually be a better hippy than a believer ( not only from a moral vantage point but also from a humanitarian point as well ).

AJimboShep82 7 May 20

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An atheist can be any damned thing they please, except for a believer.


I was born in 1946, came of age in the 60s. I have always been an atheist, a hippy, a pagan. ( Yes, I am an atheist pagan)I am a 72 year old, tattooed, long haired, living close to the land on a farm where we raise most of our own food, and what we can't raise, we barter with our other organic pagan/atheist, hippy friends.


An atheist can be anything except a politician in the USA. People just won't vote for us 🙂

Yeah your not shitting , damn shame there is political bias has church really been separated by state I’m sceptical ; you only need to look no further than each of our national anthems.


I'm a happy Atheist! I don't know much about being a Hippy, but if it's about free love, peace and helping others then cool. I' m in!


I have been a gypsy hippie since I can remember. Has nothing to do with any sort of organized religion in fact, hippies are free spirits meaning they are free from dogma, rigid ways of thinking and believing. They have their own moral compass and don't need anyone to follow or to follow them.


I associate most hippies are atheists...

MsAl Level 8 May 20, 2019

Me, too.


I AM a hippie! And I am a happy hippie Atheist. Why would it not be possible.

I was getting at the spiritual side of hippies ( like eastern philosophy even Taoism or even Buddhism.

@AJimboShep82 I do yoga and meditate.

@HippieChick58 I myself do meditate to ease the mind ( with the ADHD my mind does appear to resemble a cyclone spinning and whirling around in my head which from time to time I need to slow it down just to focus)

@AJimboShep82 I read 10% Happier a few years ago, and realized I've done some meditating much of my life, we just called it prayers. I was impressed by the description of taming the monkeys. Having given up prayer and xianity, I had not done much with meditation for a while. Then my daughter had a crisis and her psych recommended an app called Calm. I started using that, and made some changes in my life and it has really helped.

Have you considered ending an iterrogative sentence with a question mark? Try it. You'll be surprised how effective it can be.

Ohh. A spoiled sport.

@MattChanning1 That would bring clarity and that can be a dangerous thing.

Yeah, because who the fuck likes being understood?

@t1nick The spoiled sports are the ones who write badly because they think anything will do.

People who don't write well don't think well. Those who don't think well are usually more than happy to let others do their thinking for them.

@MattChanning1 but don’t you mean interrogative (I think you forgot the “n” ) if we are talking about proper grammar as you pointed out that also includes spelling errors.

@AJimboShep82 I do. And thank you for pointing it out. Correcting. Or rather I would do if the "edit" option was still available on that particular comment. Darn.

@MattChanning1 you might want to let admin know.


I was under the impression that most hippies were and are still atheists yes. Some into more spiritual woo otherwise than others but that usually resembles pantheism or paganism more so than monotheism; and at a certain point if everything is god you’ve gotta admit that the word god is meaningless.

I would have called myself a hippy in spirit long before I was willing to call myself an atheist but hippy, spiritual seeker, getting into eastern religions and atheism all go hand in hand for me. Different stages of the same realization that monotheism is bullshit and consciousness, life, love and psychedelics are the only transcendent experiences available. I’ve tripped a few times and it changed my life for the better but it’s not for everyone for sure. If you’re uneasy about it at all, don’t. That’s the surest way to have a bad trip is to go into it worried.


An A-theist can be anything he/she wants to be but a believer in god(s).


Sure why Not? I'm an old hippie, and an atheist.


Of course.


I thought most were.


I think the real question is, "Why would an atheist WANT to be a hippie?"

Mainly for peace , love and marijuana

@AJimboShep82 Did you know you can have all of that without being a hippie? Hippies don't own any of that, and they didn't invent it.

They just co-opted it, and made it look ridiculous.


That’s the best kind of Atheist I’d say.

Yeah we do it better than believers do


No--Rule #23 of the hippy handbook says: "No atheists"

lerlo Level 8 May 20, 2019

Really? Where is this handbook you speak of?

@ronnie40356 check the card catalog for "Hippy Handbook" Do you think beatniks are allowed to be atheists?


Can an old washed-up hippie assume the label of “atheist”. Certainly!


Why wouldn’t they be able to?


Totally agree-why don't yo join our group Hippie Land.


There are preachers, priests, and military chaplains who are atheists, why not hippies?


Why not? I was born in 1953... I interacted and hung with Hippies in Puerto Rico during my Teen Years. I have no contact with current hippies but I had considered myself finding me a hippie community... after all I am Retired... In my Mind Frame... Everything Possible. After all I am "The Bastard Prince of Santurce and Gipsy of The New Spain".


Yup no problem

bobwjr Level 10 May 20, 2019

An atheist, as with anyone, can be what they want. I don’t see any preferential ideology for being a hippy. You would need to read Timothy Leary and own a Che Guevara tee shirt, pretend you’d been to Woodstock even if you are only 45, and speak of the cosmic nature of Hendrix


Love the second photo because it shows your gorgeous, thick hair.

Normally, I don't wear shirts with words. But this T-shirt was a hit on Election Night 2018!

@ToolGuy you’ve got to be in for sure?!

@ToolGuy While in the Navy I bought I believe was in Bulgaria a Poster of Che, not with his famous black beret but instead with a Pava (pava is a straw hat used by the farmers in Puerto Rico and CUba). I gave the poster to one of my long time best friends.


why would the two in any way, shape or form be mutually exclusive?



Being a "Hippy" isn't about a religion.... Many Hippies when I was growing up were Pagans not Christians. Many of them have "evolved" into new age religions like crystals and such but a higher percentage of them than the population at large used to be agnostics and atheists. More or less Hippies were communists and socialists in their ways rejecting society's dependence on commercialization and mass production. Much of their philosophy was more like Native Americans old ways of living in harmony with the land...

native rules morals & whateevr treatt their women like the conservatives or muslims


I’m a lifelong atheist, and was definitely in on the tail-end of the hippie movement. Late 60’s early 70’s. I missed out on going to Woodstock as I was about to give birth to my first baby/son:1969. I often tell people “this is what an old hippie looks like.” I’m 67 now, a writer and artist in many formats, still have long hair, (never dyed it) and I’m just enjoying what nature does to it. I’m happy most of the time, trip out on the reactions to my writing and my art, and never “turn off” in that I’m always on to 5-10 projects that I switch off on if I get temporarily bored.

Funny thing is, all my close friends are believers in God, and are fully aware of my lack of belief, yet they leave me alone and respect my right not to be preached to. I don’t try to reprogram them, they don’t try to program me. It’s a deal.In the last yr-yr and a half I began occasionally smoking a bit of pot again. I never take more than 5 hits as that’s enough to give me a nice buzz, but still have enough “me” left to function rationally and logically.

I’m having a blast basically... and I intend to live another 30 years because I’m just having too much fun to croak. Oh, and when I DO, UCLA will get my carcass to teach fresh new doctors about anatomy etc. I told my sons “you’ll get a call that I’m gone, that’s all you have to do, and it won’t cost you a cent!” It’s my last gift to them!

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