It doesn't happen often, but I can think of at least two people I worked with that the sight or hearing their voice made me want to leave the room. And neither of them had actually done anything to me personally to make me feel this way. It was just an instant feeling of dislike.
Yes, Trump, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Newt Gingrich all do that to me.
Big DITTO there!
The last guy i went out with. And of course the current president.
Just the dumb Trump. I literally hate hearing his voice or seeing his face.
Lol can’t stand him!!!
There is a guy in Washington, masquerading as the president, the sound of his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
it is all I can do to listen to trump for more than 20 seconds
I can't listen or look at him either. I quit watching news just so I wouldn't have to see him.
@germangirl90439 , me four. If there's a clip with him I mute the tv until he shuts his ignorant mouth.
I have almost stopped watching the news because I cannot stand Trump
Me too
Yeah, trump obviously is the king of both a face made for radio and a voice made for the deaf. Also my dad is a mumbling moron that can’t keep his pants up and irritates the shit out of me in both appearance and voice a lot of the time. People with thick Boston or cockney accents are usually hard to listen to. And quite a few entertainers are insufferable for one reason, the other or both. Nominees for worst voice: Fran drescher, worst face: Walton goggins (although he’s a brilliant actor and I love to hate him. Not sure his face annoys me per se and he’s not awful looking, just somethin about his face and roles that immediately makes you dislike him intensely) and finally worst personality: Justin Bieber just to name the first few that pop in my head.
Donald Trump- immediately turn off the radio when I hear his voice.
Bernadette Peters- her sharp, high voice hurts my ears.
It's not the face but the voice. I just never know what's going to set it off. If there's someone talking very loudly in a room and I'm trying to talk to someone, I find I can't concentrate. I listen to the loudest voice in the room. This just happen when checking into a hotel and I was very tired. I couldn't focus on the desk clerk because the man next to me and the group behind me were extremely loud. It didn't help that my ears were plugged up from and cold and flying cross country. I felt sorry for the desk clerk because I asked her to repeat information.
I can relate
Every time I see or hear the Fake President of the USA on TV or radio, I must turn it off to keep from barfing.
Hell yes. Not just Trumptwat.
Certain northern accents grate on my nerves. So do people who let their mouths hang open. Whining tones. Ugh.