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QUESTION A Bunch of Religious People Think Stephen Hawking Is Currently Burning in Hell – Friendly Atheist

This is exactly why we need more science and less fairy tales. In general, religious people are the most hateful and mean spirited people in the world. I am glad not to be counted among them and share their pettiness.

SkotlandSkye 8 Mar 14

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oooh, he didn't accept the "lily white bearded one" as his lord and savior - so of course he's doin' the slow burn. For too many there seems to be no other way of thinking ... none. eeesh !


This makes me want to slap people. sigh


Well said. His light bubble races away at the speed of light, but it's center is now hollow as is a place in my heart. RIP, good Dr.


If there is a god who would send Stephen Hawking to hell and surround himself with evangelicals for all of eternity, he certainly would not have been intelligent enough to create the earth, to say nothing of the of the universe.

JimG Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

Damn, that's about the best thing I've heard about SH's death!!!


The ability to move beyond this infantile need for the security of a "god" figure is part of the hurdle set we must negotiate to evolve. just pity those who cannot do so yet.


I see this as a pitiful ploy to convince only themselves. Maybe someone should ask these fanatics how can a "loving" god have put someone in Stephen Hawkins position in the first place? It is especially sick when said brilliant person uses what little he has left (his reasoning power) to shed light on the workings of the world to then be condemned to eternal damnation. I guess that is what these illiterati think of science and knowledge!

I love the word "illiterati."

@ElizabethI I don't know where I learned that word but it instantly came to mind with this posting. []


They can go to hell!

I am pretty sure hellishness is part of it


That just makes me so angry how anyone can be so cruel.

Not surprised in the slightest, mind you, but angry nonetheless.


...I don't need the link ..but would you call that "Thinking?" 😉

Varn Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

That is a horrible way to think of a great man who just died. Stupid religious people.


It may seem like it if he is being cremated. But no burn.


It is not surprising. It is not even disappointing. It is consistent with the character of the majority of fundamentalist evangelicals. Fortunately they do not represent the majority of believers. However, this is a public admission of who they actually are, and that may be a good thing in some respects. It might just be advantageous to us for them to proclaim loudly, "Look! I really am an asshole, in spite of all my not quite honest comments to the contrary."

If anything, I am saddened by all the vitriol, even though it was expected. I heard comments like this on Christian radio all day today. Yes, I listen to them sometimes and even watch a few of their TV shows on occasion. I am, after all, a student of Sun Tzu.



Well I would rather burn in hell with Hawking than be in "heaven" with that lot and their bigotted sadistic god.


My condolences to Dr. Hawking and his family but seriously if their is a hell though and trust me I got the going to hell speech millions of times then Dr. Hawking is having a blast down there where he aint paralyzed there is booze, weed, girls, other atheists Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, Christopher Hitchens, Albert Einstein, and Ronnie James Dio seriously Christians make me wanna wish such a place existed but oh well. And yes why do they gotta just shit on everything.

Don' forget Ronnie James Dio ROCK ON!


I don't care what they think. 🙂

marga Level 7 Mar 14, 2018

It's those kind of people that are pushing me more and more to anti-theism.

@irascible For years, I have really tried to embrace the whole 'live and let live' philosophy. I know there are no gods, but I also know the religious faith really does sustain many people, and who am I to tell them they're wrong? I know quite a few REALLY good people who are very devout. I always thought it wrong of me to tell them what they believe is just so much bullshit. However, I'm growing increasingly disgusted with the overreach of the "faithful". I can't take it anymore.


This asshole takes the cake:

Ugh. Ugly inside and out.

and god created man in his own image , really, must have been a bad day at the office


Looks like a bunch of us atheists believe they are ass-clowns. Unlike their notions of what what happens after death, we definitely know this to be true.

godef Level 7 Mar 14, 2018

What sick fucks!


He's alive. I just saw him out in the desert west of Tucson.

loo65 Level 3 Mar 14, 2018

Of course they think that. :-/


Their lives are so bitter and unfulfilled that they hope and literallly pray that they will get another crack at a new life, hilarioulsly though, filled with all the same people and pets they treated like shit first time around. they are nuts.


Oh. I was hoping someone would post about this so I could comment. I think I shared it on my Facebook timeline with the caption, "What a bunch of MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLES!!"
All of it is apalling; the smugness, the delight at their sky daddy burning someone for eternity and the self-righteousness, fake humility and feigned sympathy. Argghhh!!!


Stephen Hawking is actually now out of hell. a hell that he was put in by a %¥#*^ "loving" god. maybe this same god has a similar place for the "loyal" sheep!


Those tweets were so judgemental...when THEY don't know for sure, if hell exist! THEY seemed so ignorant, why did THEY condemn a person to hell? THEY, took it upon their selves to speak for the CREATOR, no matter who/what that could be. I think that attitude is what keeps me at a distance from these people and their 'poison' judgement! No human being is more powerful than the 'force,' that created life! Even, if it turns out to be a spark!

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