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Who or what do you sleep with at night?

For example, I have my favorite pillow plus three others with my laptop at my feet and my cell to my right side.
Unfortunately, there is no whom right now.

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ashortbeauty 8 Mar 18

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85 comments (26 - 50)

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I sleep with a white noise machine or even a big floor fan. We grew up in Houston with no a/c and I will always love the hum the attic fan made. It was also good at drowning out my parent's fighting. I absolutely cannot sleep without it.

queen pillows on ass and stomach and ambien in the brain

Nothing. The dog decided long ago that she preferred her own space and I moved too much for her liking. She has her own bed.


I sleep with my phone charging next to me. I am single and sleep in my own room.


Best friend. We’re not intimate, so if either of us has a date or something then we may be with someone else. But it’s been a long time for either of us.

Oh, and the cat.

miffy Level 5 Mar 18, 2018

Spoiled, old dog--who would think she's being punished if she wasn't allowed on the bed.

Sometimes she has bad dreams and I rub her back until she stops whimpering. I hate it when she cries--especially when she's asleep.


Just me.


Stuffed animals to the side where they get put for the night (what can I say, I'm a big kid at heart) my laptop and cell phone on night stand.


2 cats on the bed. Or on me. Depends on if I'm on my side or my back.

We kept each other warm during the last outage.


This stupid contraption


The cats come and go as they please, I usually wake up with at least one of them on the bed with me. I have a white noise machine on, and the ceiling fan is on. The cell phone is on the nightstand charging. I do not use the laptop in the bedroom, and I don't have a TV in the bedroom either. The bedroom is for sleep and.......... and.......... well it has been a while.


Kindles are always there. In some respects we could be considered technology we are a bundle of chemicals that work in a defined manor .


Sometimes it's me..sometimes myself..


Occassionally my cat will come down and join me. My dog enjoys sleeping at the foot. And I also sleep with 17 pillows


All of us seeking warmth in so many ways.


I like a cold jacket or two


I sleep alone. Most of the time I have a horror movie playing on Netflix.


Dog but she often jumps off and sleeps on her bed or on the window seat in my office. White noise all the time. CPAP. Amazon Echo - alarm clock & lighting control. Tablet for guided bedtime meditation.

Never my phone or a laptop.


I have two Cats who have adopted me. After I lost my last dog I figured not to get another pet. They had other ideas. Elvira is hogging-up my lap right now.


I usually sleep by myself or with a giraffe plush that my significant other bought for me. Once in a while I get to sleep with my dog or my significant other. 🙂

Mea Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

I sleep with these two bitches


Me, myself, and I.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 19, 2018

My thoughts.


I can relate.....4 - 5 pillows.....waiting for the empty space to be filled.....soon I hope.

Nena Level 6 Mar 19, 2018

Two pillows, comforter and my cell phone

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