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Who or what do you sleep with at night?

For example, I have my favorite pillow plus three others with my laptop at my feet and my cell to my right side.
Unfortunately, there is no whom right now.

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ashortbeauty 8 Mar 18

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WhenI sleep at night I usually have my dog with me


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You may have favorited it by accident.

@Blindbird thanks. Makes sense. On my stuff it says. "Favorite Posts : 3" and I didn't know what the hell that meant

@Blindbird you were right. I did. I learned something new today 🙂

@Rudy1962 no problem. I've done it before too.


Usually nothing, but occasionally I fall asleep watching videos on my tablet. Last night it was YouTube videos of "mysterious creatires."

JimG Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

My self and the pillows im single


Occasionally (but not often), a significant other. Every once in a while an insignificant other.


I've been accused of having an affair with my pillows. I usually have at least 6 on my bed. Oh yeah, and my CPAP machine. Can't live without it (literally).


I have a big pillow I can wrap my leg around, and I usually have a handy hair brush to scratch with and also the remote control. If the right female is present I can wrap my leg around her instead.


3 nights a week my kids sleep in bed with me. I've tried getting them to sleep in their own beds, but since the divorce they have some suble abandonment issues, so I don't push it.

I did the same thing after my divorce. People freak out about young kids not sleeping in their own bed, but in other cultures it is common practice. Child rearing Nazis can be annoying

About 40 years ago there was an American nurse who wrote about the benefits of whole families sleeping in the same bedroom. Perhaps someone can chase it down. @BookDeath?

@BookDeath No worries, you have elections coming up don't you? If so I'm surprised that you have time to scratch yourself let alone reply or research. I shouldn't have selfishly and lazily asked.

I asked the question and got pages of conflicting opinions and reports come up.
Personally I believe that when the child is mature enough to make the move from the sheltering comfort of the parent's bed and or room then it is up to that child to do so with the parent's encouragement and in the knowledge and support that the parent's bedroom door is not locked against the child.
Here is the response to my enquiry on the net:


Vastly prefer girl person!


My blanket and pillows.


The poor man's wife as it is known in former Dutch Far East colonies.
The poor man's wife is simply a cushion fastened to one leg to hold the knees apart to allow the breeze to say hello to the nether regions and to importantly help align the legs to the hips which in turn will correctly align with the spine.

You mean a wife is supposed to do that?

@Rudy1962 lol. It's been a long time but what else would you constructively use a wife for when sleeping?

@FrayedBear chase away potential home invaders

@Rudy1962 ROFL


I hope that your phone and computer are not left switched on whilst you sleep.


My dog and cat decided to sleep with my daughter and her boyfriend downstairs so now I have my plush dog.


I sleep with soft music or sounds of ocean surf playing all night. Other than that I sleep alone.


One of the cats chooses to sleep with me each night... although she will come and go all night long. Teh other cat sleeps with my sister.

I also listen to NPR on the radio, with only just enouhg voluem to hear it whiel I am still awake


This ...



Just covers and pillows? Or literally nothing?

@ashortbeauty Just covers and pillows and a pair of thermals if it's really chilly 🙂 (I'm kidding about the last bit)


A power board, my phone and my new smart light to blaringly wake me up in the morning. Holy fuck I'm dating Google



I live alone and not currently seeing anyone


Technology, either in the form of several interesting instructional sites on YouTube or read on my Kindle. I read real books as well. And often my landlord's cat who divides his time between us.


Always with the dogs, sometimes with the wife and definitely with headphones playing some type of music. Without the tunes and dogs my PTSD takes over. Biggest reason we do separate beds as I can be a handful in my sleep

It's good that y'all can work this out. Dogs and music are both calming


Absolutely nobody! A pillow under my head and at least a sheet over my body. That’s it, but not by choice.


Right now, just this guy and a ton of pillows.

Qualia Level 8 July 23, 2018

I love dobies ... They're my favorite dogs.

@SirDaddyGru Same. They're the best.


my significant other snores, flails and could wake the dead if he happened to sneeze. he wears a cpap. therefore we have our own rooms. i sleep with my bedroom door open so the dog and five cats can come and go freely; there is one cat named tevye who sometimes asks me to open my s.o.'s door so he can go in and snuggle with him, but just as often he is on my pillow, sometimes chewing my hair. his sister golde will vie for that position, though she is also happy in my arms. tevye's wife penny sleeps on my body. their daughter wendy sleeps on the other side of the bed, and their other daughter kuma sometimes snuggles with her papa. ramona the dog sleeps in her doggie bed on the floor, and sometimes tevye eschews both me AND my guy and instead sleeps in the doggie bed with ramona. ramona loves this. oh and i have a TON of bolster pilows and bed pillows too. (when i was in college i slept with books, records and a guitar on my bed!)



Two little senior dogs. ♥

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