I try not to take my business to any restrictive religious health system. I do use Methodist, but they're comparatively liberal. I'm going to seriously look into the University health system soon.
They also won’t perform a D&C to remove the remnants of a dead fetus after an incomplete miscarriage, because it’s the same procedure used in abortion and abortion is murder so it’s murder even if the thing you won’t murder is already dead and even if it effectively murders the full grown adult woman who made the unforgivable mistake of losing a pregnancy.
Well, that's Cat'liks for you. Some Bishop once was quoted as saying " Better two deaths than one murder". Not his mom, of course. I could have it wrong, he might have the same opinion if it were HIS mother. She should have dropped him on his head more often.
Yes, look into a University Hospital. Not NC, that's where Billy Graham graduated. Medicine is progressing so fast that the younger the Doc, the better your outcome.
Vaginal bleeding in high risk pregnancy and looked for appendix/pneumonia problem?? WTF? How is that in itself not medical malpractice? And they say religion isn't harmful! How are they not in violation of hippocratic oath? Nothing has authority to override that oath. So how the hell can religious hospitals get licensed? This is exactly why religion must not be practiced in hospitals OR schools.The evils of religion only go to prove further that God does NOT exist. No way in hell the "father" of every child on earth would ever allow evil to disguise itself as agent of his and proceed to rape children and kill people in his name. Obviously priests KNOW God doesn't exist as well. If they believed in God they would KNOW they will burn in hell.
The fact that religious institutions are tightly embedded in healthcare, research, and science oriented care has never set right to me. Consistently we see ignorant followers of such faiths use their religions rights to censor or suppress knowledge and clinical procedures. They do so either from within the institution or through social or political means.
From my point of view corporations should never be owned by religious institutions. Corporations should never be allowed to use religious status as a means to be protected from paying taxes.
Government and Religion should not mix, nor should corporations and Religion be allowed to mix either.
I remember learning in Catechism classes (aged 9, 10 maybe) that catholic doctrine dictated that in a decision as to whether to save a baby's life or the mother's life - the baby would always be saved (first). I said that seemed kind of illogical since the mother could at some point have another baby - but a baby's biological mother would never be able to be replaced. Three guesses as to how that comment was received.... hahahahahaha
My ex has the same mindset. I had an abortion shortly after we were married, early 1980s. The baby had birth defects incompatible with life outside the womb. We were sent to a military medical center, ex was an Army officer at the time. They did genetic testing, ultrasounds and xrays. They saw all that was wrong with the baby. i was 5 months pregnant. They told us and other documentation I've read supports the concept that carrying that baby to term would have threatened my life and baby would not have lived anyway.During delivery she came out in parts, one of the defects was the skull was missing. When we divorced over 25 years later, ex told the kids he regretted that decision. He thought the baby should have had a chance. ALL my daughters told him to STFU, that they were glad to be alive and have me alive to give birth to them.
@HippieChick58 It takes a special type of insensitivity to say what he said....my heart goes out to you and every other woman who has been in your position and had to make that difficult choice.
Sounds like a court case and happy retirement to me
Bloody oath there my friend, I'd be suing the arses off that hospital if it were me or my family.
Absolutely sickening and totally disgusting that religions are even permitted to operate hospitals and base the operations of said hospitals solely upon religious beliefs.
Do the Doctors.etc. at these places merely DISCARD their Hippocratic Oath the very second that they gain employment at those dens of religiously driven torture and iniquity?
@slydr68 Not really, as a Nurse I worked with countless truly great Doctors in many hospitals but only ever struck a few rare ones that, imo, as doctors would have made far better Bricklayers, Carpenters or even Abattoir workers than doctors, they had the bed-side manners of lumps of stone, etc.
I know that hospital as I go there for my endoscopes. A friend whose husband had Parkinson's and who ruptured his bowel was helicoptered there. When his wife got there they had performed surgery and put him into an induced coma. She informed them he had a end of life directive and if they didn't comply her lawyer would have him moved to a hospital that did. His being in the hospital meant money for them so they complied. I hate these places but the state has ordered they must comply with the laws.
Catholic hospitals will go bankrupt if enough patients avoid them.
Too often the catholic hospitals have bought out smaller hospitals and they are the only game in town, especially in rural areas.
Policy non-disclosures, pain, waiting periods, death, and profit before allowing lifesaving medical treatment--that's what makes me detest greedy, non-compassionate catholic institutions.
See my comment. Sometimes it's just the opposite and not life saving but allowing one to die to avoid suffering. This is a Death with Dignity state.
I hate religion and it should be kept out of the medical profession.
Religious hospitals cannot give adequate care if they're basing their
policies on religion.
They shouldn't be in the business of providing medical care.
To anyone.
I don't understand how they can make money and grow when so many other public hospitals are crashing.
@JackPedigo Welcome to the wonderful world of religion for profit!
@KKGator It's always been for profit just not with the IRS. In some places (like Germany) people have to pay to belong.
@JackPedigo I really wish there were a way to outlaw religion worldwide.
Confiscate their assets and turn all their properties into places that actually help people.
I do not believe respecting anyone's religion.
I only tolerate it because it's the law.
@KKGator I stilll believe in freedom of religion but I also believe it needs to be strictly controlled. When we visited Viet Nam I noticed the Catholic Church was still active and it even split families. However, the communist government controlled it. Today I heard the same tactic are used by the Chinese toward the Muslim religious groups. Our first amend is a start but, again, money and greed has reared it's ugly head. I am sitting here watching the 2nd season of Netflix's "Explained" and looking at the bodies from the Jim Jones cult group. (really,,,weird). When will people ever learn?
@JackPedigo I don't believe in freedom of religion anymore. They can't be trusted to keep their delusions to themselves. They feel compelled to do everything they can to influence public policy, and make everyone live according to the way they think they should.
As far as, "when will people ever learn?", most of them never will.
I'm getting damned tired of them being given the option to be morons.
@KKGator But what can we do. I really am watching the Netflix show I just posted. We are losing control and online sites are only making matters worse. We may get a handle on overpopulation through a thousand cuts via the internet. Watch it if you can.
I know that I flat-out refuse to participate in any religious bullshit.
As long as the law says we have to tolerate that nonsense, oh well.
@KKGator We can only act or believe for ourselves and not control others. That is (or is supposed to be) the basis of a democracy. Unfortunately many people have personal issues and are ripe for exploitation.