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Why do they worship?

Even if I buy into their delusion for a minute that there exists an all powerful entity that is answer to everything they don't understand and more. My concern is what purpose does the praying, singing and the rest serve if this entity is so great. To summarise, why do they need to praise the 'Lord'?

DSGavde 6 Oct 13

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What it boils down to is fear of not earning eternal happiness, whether the alternative is going to hell or having no afterlife at all. when i was religious, i would have said something about how god is good and deserves praise, but... yeah. that’s what happens when you’re told the alternative is eternal hellfire.

Today they only use hell when all else fails. They call call it, saving you from jumping off a cliff.

If I accidentally fall off a cliff, do I go to hell also.

@Castlepaloma Maybe they need to know that cliffs are actually real and they would stop using them.

We are born with two natural fears.
Loud sounds and Falling.

Since Christainity is really about fear, they want to give an illusion of us falling into to hell.


Typically, they want something, either something material (health, wealth), or immaterial (happiness, luck).

Also they probably don't want to piss of Lord...just in case.

It's all coping mechanisms, ad hoc therapy. Even if they know it's likely not true, they'll continue because it's comforting, socially accepted respected and lauded, and appeases their apparently inherent instinct to bow cower and genuflect.

It also appeals to their tribal nature. Gives them a common tradition, to belong to a group, which gives them confidence and strength to be who they really are...and funnily enoughb it's almost always something bad.

That is brilliant commentary.

The utility as therapy begets the question ' Is it not factually correct to conclude that it is a mental condition?'


A overwhelming need to belong!

How does one learn to pray to something that is not there?

Peer pressure used to induce internal need to belong even if the individual has not a clue to what or how they are suppose to feel!

The greatest con on this planet religion, it is so entrenched that if one does not bow and sercume to it they are label and treated as mentally and physically impaired, just because they do not see or are able to touch or feel the fantasy of their religious peers!


Praising and worship is a bonding experience. It also is brainwashing, those tunes will stick with you. It is also team building and motivation. It builds that us vs them mentality.

You took the words out of my mouth. I've tried some non religious Sunday Assembly meetings, but you don't get the same feeling without all the hugging and singing you get at church.

@Eazyduzzit Could it be because you are using the Church meeting as a benchmark for comparison? I'm sure that people won't be as intimate when they're unsure about what they share with others.


Who doesn’t like a good singsong!

My neighbors at 2 am


Ritual repetition, routine and self justifying circular reasoning are known to assist in brainwashing and the suppression of individuality. Combined with fear based carrot and stick consequences and the punishment of "wrong thinking" from a very early age religion can become very addictive.

Religion is based on fear, it's the greatest motivator to control the Masses. It just doesn't work anymore.

@Castlepaloma It does not work to some extent, but still has a powerful grip on far to many. As evidenced by children dying in ritual exorcisms in London and New York, belief in witches again often resulting in the death of the accused, idiots in Mexico crucifying themselves at easter, people blowing themselves up for the approval of their imaginary friends, while others practice self immolation to protest on behalf of their own.
Fear instilled by religion still has parents disowning their own children, or killing them for bringing shame on the household, has brother taking up arms against brother and mothers proudly mourning their martyred sons and daughters.
Terror is the currency of religion terror that you can tell the terrified is the power and tremble making touch of the spirit of your own particular bespoke messiah.

That dose not sound like it is working, unless their Satan's boys and girls.

@Castlepaloma Since I don't believe in satan either I would rather say religion is the tool of the most successful con trick in history and so long as the cash of the gullible keeps rolling in and the happy hypocrites keep on doing as they are told, religion is still functioning fine for its intended corrupt purposes.

I let those a-holes be a- holes. If they think money solves all problems. Their happiness is sadly mistaken. At some point we have to clean up their suffering messes and get them to mental hospital.

@Noemi Well I tell you what, when we next need medical attention after perhaps a car crash, I'll go in the ambulances and I'll send you a herbalist and a philosopher, see which of of recovers first.


it's all a security thing. it makes them feel snuggly. some people need that more than others.


The Christian God has a flaw...he's an ego maniac.


The bible commands it, that's why they do it. I assume the koran is the same. So how does this being enjoy forcing anyone to worship him? The same is with suffering. He must get off on people suffering, because all I ever heard from believers was how God tests us, sends us pain, blah blah.

How brilliant 'God' would be to test someone by letting them die, more like you pass the test or pass away.

@DSGavde That's what the "accept God or suffer in hell for eternity" offer is like.


At my next opportunity, I’ll ask!

I’ve always thought ‘praying’ sounded a lot like begging.. If their lord’s got it all under control, they shouldn’t have anything to do but I do. But as I do, I hear the neighbors heading off to their weekly ‘praise their lord’ gathering. And yes, for what? Another day of living…

Varn Level 8 Oct 13, 2019

If only they ever think of 'What kind of a nefarious creature would possess the capacity to satiate the needs of all but would only use them should we revere it'


its commanded.


Yes, the bible tells them to worship and sing out to this Jealous God because if they do not the rocks and trees will do it for them. The glory and magistry of this god is to be praised forever and ever.

Of course, in my church daze it all appeared to be a giant club in which the members wanted to see who could tell the biggest lies. If you did not believe their lies they went on to another group or started another group.


The Bible tells them to do so. Whether they want to or not is completely irrelevant.


Out of a sense of awe. Ask me how I know...

How ?


Worshiping, adoring, loving, etc, a Mass Murdering, Genocidal, Misogynistic, Homophobic, Slavery Condoning Egomaniac who, etc, etc, presumably, is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, etc, etc, BUT merely sits back and watches and does NOTHING when there is diseases, cancers, starvation, warfare, etc, etc, happening everywhere WHEN, with a simple wave of a hand, he/she/it could prevent it ALL makes absolutely NO sense to me.
I suppose that the Faithfools everywhere do all this and more JUST in case their Sky Daddy has yet another 'bad hair day' and decides, yet again, to enact his rage upon them, one and all.


I have always wondered about that worship thing. Seems like they're paying dues, or tribute, or something.


Leftover primordial behavior. It started when we lived in caves. Along those lines, I like Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The fire cast moving, human-like shadows on the cave walls. Therefore, there must be a god.

The confusion was not accidental. That which created all this was not leaving things up to chance. We are what we are for a reason.

I would argue, the mix up came during evolution itself. It was a deliberate time line of events mix up. It was as intentional as you and I.

How to create a confused species 101:
Create a species which needs to fully mature before the mind can develop the ability to remember. The species will wake (become self aware) with no memory or acknowledgement of the past. In time, one side (science) backs up thru time and discovers our path. The other only backs up to the beginning of memory itself. Always remembering us looking this way, they created magic to make it make sense.

As they carry a book talking about walking your own path...


I agree....they could be productive, build homeless shelters, feed the hungry, etc etc...and in their afterlife they get to sing hosannas 24/7/eternally. UGH, the very thought of it drives me mad with boredom. I do believe that was the first rift in my childish "religious phase" What? For How !ong??????????

The best part is that a majority of them don't even know what the words mean!


There is alot of money to be made and God always needs 💰 In enchange all God wants is you to worship him.

Can it get any simplistic than that, for symbol minded people


Why do you not worship?
Same reason. Perceived efficacy.


Church leaders sell the myths of the Bible and brainwash the followers into brainless, hypnotic activities, so they can con them out of their money. The Moron (Mormon) church, for example, demands 10% of every member's income, plus other offerings, thus enriching the church and its leaders. It's all a scam based on mythology.

The Mormons cater to those who need to go above and beyond to feel like they are doing enough. They are proud to give ten percent to demonstrate how much more faithful they are than all those slacker Christians who actually get to decide how much they can afford. They are more concerned about it that than what the money is actually used for.


Praise is not for the god/s, but indirectly for those who claim to represent the god/s.

Remember the in Christianity, for example, the god thing and the church are said to be one of the same.


Great question.


Because the bible tells them to! (Wow... That was way too easy!)

Me? I only worship the woman I love! (Position currently open)


In the past people were not as educated as they are today. The bible (old testament) told people how they should live, what they could safely eat, and how to survive. Educational and technological advancements make much of that unnecessary. We better understand our world and the hazards in it, we have better established law enforcement, and we have better hygiene. It was easier to create a God than to explain things they sidnt fully understand. Religion has served its purpose, unfortunately it has also created new problems which have become the cause of many of society's woes today.

I do agree with you here. Fear indoctrination was pivotal to keep human population 'society compliant' when no established and enforceable law existed. But I'd also accuse that method of attempting to rob humans of independent and rational thought. But again this being a backward looking analysis, such consequences were difficult to foresee then when the fight was to survive.

@DSGavde not going to disagree with you at all. I've made the same point myself many times.

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