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Our movement appears to have a public relations problem!

ATHEIST--Based on a negative. Some associate it with devil worship & such. Victim of demonetization by organized religion.

AGNOSTIC--Appears wishy-washy & indecisive. Has questions but not the easy answers people want.

SKEPTIC--Appears anarchic to many people. People are afraid of something that questions the status quo

FREETHINKER-- Again appears anarchic & a threat to people's sense of security

HUMANIST--Squishy soft & vague. Sounds non threatening & nice, although some may confuse it with socialism.

I think we should choose HUMANIST for our branding. How about you?

Remiforce 7 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I hate labels but always answer that i do not believe in any gods or religions


As a lifelong atheist, I don't care what people think about my lack of belief. If someone judges me, that's their problem.

I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs.


Branding is of no concern to me as I don't see this as an organized movement. This is more of a realization of what is. The last thing I want to do is join another organization that tells me what I must/should believe. I believe what I believe and don't really care what you believe unless you try to convert me to your way of thinking. I think if you have to have a brand, mine is leave my fucking beliefs alone and I'll leave your fucking beliefs alone.


What's all this labeling nonsense?

I just like to be referred to as "the person to whom you give all your leftover halloween chocolate."

Watch out. It's fattening


Oh yes. I workout maniacally, just so I can feed on it like a rabid dog.



Queen of chocolate. 💗

@Athena Good for you. I found a 95% dark chocolate with very little sugar. It does have saturated fat, though, so I have to be careful. I understand dark chocolate lowers blood pressure


Dark chocolate is delicious too. I like the Lindt dark with chili peppers and the roasted almond and sea salt. They're both under 50% cocoa though.
What most don't know is that the higher the cocoa %, the higher the saturated fat. Milk chocolate is much higher in sugar but low in saturated fat.

All the new research states that we have been vilifying saturated fat, unjustifiably, while sugar is the culprit for obesity and spikes in cholesterol.

The key is to eliminate sugar and starches on days you want to eat high fat. Eggs, meat, butter, bacon etc aren't as "fattening" unless you eat high glycemic foods. There's a very reasonable science that goes with this and many training athletes are eating 70% fat in their diets (ketogenic diet) and getting extremely lean.

I'm not recommending this diet for you!... I tried it for 6 months for my own research and had to force feed myself so I wouldn't lose weight. The diet is not for everyone but has been known to cure seizures in epileptic patients and some other seizure related illnesses or afflictions.

More info than you were looking for but fyi anyway. 🙂


Whose movement? What movement? I just don't believe any gods exist. I'm not moving anyone, anything, or anywhere. I'm an atheist, nothing more, nothing less. No branding required. Interpretations from others say more about the person judging than the one being examined.


Just as a point of fact, atheism is NOT a "movement".
It is simply a state of being.

Oh dear,. I tread lightly. No I don't. F. It.

KKGator, I look forward to your comments, but I disagree with you on this one. I can sort of agree on the state of being thing. Atheism is a lack of a belief. I hate that I am called something simply because I don't believe in something.

If atheism isn't a movement, shouldn't it be? Let's face it. The biggest supporters of the orange turd are brainwashed Christians. Brainwashing Christians wins support for a ton of corporate crap. This includes warfare and destroying the environment.

Atheism has a negative stigmatism. Getting rid of that stigmatism might like improve things in the long run. Let us atheists stand tall and make a movement somewhere besides over a toilet.

@Heathenman Knock yourself out. If you want to start a movement, start one.
If you want to brand said movement, brand it.

@Heathenman That's right. As long as people who agree with us behave like a group of herdless cats, we will be political neuters & the dumb-dumbs will lord it over us


IamWhat IamRegardless of the branding


Offer free barbecued babies at all events! Nom nom



Spin is what the others do. The theists, etcetera. I am on this site because I don't conform to irrational thinking, like a belief in some magician who solves all believers' problems for them.


I don't feel a need to be branded. I am not a free range cow.


I do not feel the need to change my branding, or even concern myself with this at all.


I wasn't aware of being part of a "movement". This would be a proactive effort to convince, or dare I say, convert others.
If asked I will define my belief as agnostic. If pressed I will define agnostic. But then I let it go. I basically say that there is little point of attempting to convince me to belief or non-belief.
It just doesn't matter to me. So many more important things for my attention.


Embrace it! Remember “Queers?” Now they’ve their own ‘Q!’ ‘Atheist’ has been demonized for decades. But, it stands. It’s what the best of us are.

This debate’s gone on for some time… even among ardent Atheists. Wimping out or backing down only encourages those having looked to denounce us. They’d win. If, in our ever-increasingly vulgar society, they can’t take or respect us - fuck them. We are Atheists ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 12, 2019

I’m an atheist. You be what you want.


Sounds speciesist.


I would say SKEPTIC, because I'm a scientist, and real scientists by trade are skeptical. The problem lies in the fact that I'm not skeptical about my atheism. Lol


Humanist works for me. But I consider that a separate thing from being an atheist.

To my mind, a Humanist may be an Atheist, but they may also be an Agnostic, a Skeptic, a Freethinker, or simply a Humanist. I believe the other terms are based largely on oppositional values, but Humanist expresses positive values.


Humanist? Nope... Are you trying to convert us lol

Are you trying to resist by any chance - without evaluating?


Hail Satan


AGNOSTIC - They THINK it is a weak position until they run in to a tornado like me who demands that they prove what they say, then it is THEM that appear weak. Agnosticism requires courage to face truth even when it is not beautiful, something that they have mountains of difficulties with. Truth does not emanate from authority, it comes from a disciplined mind, and, is not found in some quick, easy "revelation" as religion would have one believe. Religion claims it is a difficult path . . . . but it is nothing but lassitude when compared to the work required to understand things like philosophy, science, mathematics (mathematics is one of the scariest things for most of these people . . . . facing it is an anathema to most of them). People of science should face the truth that they have done a piss poor job of selling it, and religion has for a long time outstripped it . . . . to many non-believers sitting on the sideline.



I prefer "Baby eater". 🙂

Honestly I really dgaf about a label or branding. I am more apt to value another on their merits as a human being regardless of their political, or belief affiliation.

But IRL, if we don't have a voice, we are voiceless

@Remiforce i have a voice. look, you're reading it now. i don't need to proselytize about nonreligion. that is not how i choose to use my voice. i'd rather work on separation of church and state, which presupposes the existence of "church." it's like... i'm a blonde and blondes need a voice! yeah, but not necessarily about being blonde. let others be brunette if they want. until and until they chase me around with the clairol, i don't have a dog in that race and i am not wearing any placards.



I prefer to remain unbranded.


who's our?

Beyond agreeing on not believing, what do you share with the other groups?

I use Ignostic, because it is a better definition for how I think.

I am an Ignostic

I was raised a believer
AS a believer I thought understanding God of the utmost import.
SO I studied that.
Which is why I am today an Igtheist/Ignostic

Ignosticism is an Epistomologic position; it is a set of ideas refuting the importance of determining the existence of God. It claims that knowledge regarding the reality of God is altogether unprofitable.

It is the idea that every theological position assumes too much about the concept of God and other theological concepts; including (but not limited to) concepts of faith, spirituality, heaven, hell, afterlife, damnation, salvation, sin and the soul.

IF you cannot even define what you are talking about, or consider it beyond human understanding, how is it you can claim to know anything about it and keep your intellectual integrity intact?

Ignosticism or igtheism is the idea that the question of the existence of God is meaningless because the term god has no coherent and unambiguous definition.

I agree. "god" has no clear definition, or rather definitions all over the place, so the question of whether he,she,it exists becomes irrelevant. If you cannot define it, you cannot determine existence or non existence. Of course you can't definitely prove something doesn't exist--Russell's teapot


I'd like to opt out of your branding movement. I think I speak for many when I say I really don't care what other people think. I am absolutely okay being misunderstood by those who aren't interested in learning these things on their own accord.

Tell it to the nonbelievers losing their jobs by Christian bosses. Atheists have the fewest rights of any minority group.

@808Girl Religion, or lack thereof, is a protected classification in the United States. Employers have been successfully sued for discrimination against atheists, a violation of the 1st Amendment. Were you aware of that?

@Shawno1972 Yes, but it's a difficult thing to prove. Bosses could say it's due to other factors. The federal government recently OK'd rules to allow religious federal contractors to discriminate. Were you aware of that? []

Take a look at the Hobby Lobby case, which allowed an employer to deny contraception to his employees on a religious basis. Businesses don't have religions, but business owners have, & their businesses are considered to be "persons" who can discriminate based on religious views.

Or take the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding on religious grounds, even though his bakery was a place of public accomodation. This was like denying blacks the right to sit at the lunch counter based on race, but the Extreme Court decided with the baker.

Atheists & other non believers are an oppressed minority. We must fight for our Civil Rights & refuse to accept the status of second hand citizens

@808Girl: That's not actually what that regulation is designed to do, nor will it be the effective outcome.

@Remiforce: Your infamous examples are a little more disturbing, but they're not even remotely apropos to the discussion. Whatever the case, your assertion that we atheists are oppressed second-class citizens would be terrific standup comedy were it not for the fact you expect me to take it seriously. I'm not really into the paranoia thing, thank you.

@Shawno1972 Of course the new regulations allow the religious to discriminate against those who don't share the same views. They're taking their tips from the Hobby Lobby case. Did you even read the new Dept. of Labor regulations?

@808Girl Of course I did. It's an anti-discrimination regulation clarification, not a discrimination regulation clarification. You've attempted here to flip-flop the meaning of the whole thing, for goodness sake.

@Shawno1972 It allows discrimination by the religious (read Christians) to discriminate against those who don't believe as they do, based on their personal belief systems. There are 108K+ comments. Try reading a handful of them if you don't feel like reading the legalese of the regs. It's Hobby Lobby all over again but specifically applies to federal contractors.

That works will with me, I must say!


Because Atheism isn't a business... No branding.


I, for one, subscribe to no brand. I only hope that my deeds and manners allow others to assume I am one of theirs. For in being nobody's, I am everybody's.

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