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Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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Well, I'm a guy, therefore take what I say with a large handful of salt. Also know that I have a thing for arguing both sides, because I see great points to both of them. Finding a satisfying answer for you is a hard as it is to find one for myself. To keep form making large paragraphs, I'm just gonna list the things that I believe to be true regarding the subject. Here goes:

-Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion.
-That being said, I don't think every child should be born into this world that is over-full to begin with.
-This world sucks, it's a fact.
-But a child COULD make it better in the future.
-But at the same time, they really DON'T deserve to have to be born here.
-It IS a woman's right to have an Abortion or not.
-There are many circumstances in which it is the ONLY viable answer.
-but, there are many circumstances where it isn't.
-Just because the baby is born of Rape or just plain irresponsibility does not mean the baby deserves to die.
-You can always give up your unwanted child for adoption (right?).
-Do Abortions hurt? I've heard they hurt pretty bad. If that's the case, you're not saving yourself any pain by having one. If that's why you want one, you may as well have the dang kid, and then give it up for adoption.

The line quoted below tells me everything; I don't see a point in discussing this subject with you any longer:
""Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion..."


My body, my business. Just that simple. I'm not asking anyone else to have one or not have one, especially since I don't know nor need to know their health or life situations. Treating people like criminals for taking care of their life as then need is far more wrong, It's their business and they are entitled to conduct their life as they need to.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 5, 2018

If you own nothing else in this world, you own your own body.

And to own something means you can do what you want with it, unless the government comes up with a damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to.

I haven't heard the damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to control whether or not your uterus is used to carry a pregnancy to term yet. And at this point, I don't think I ever will.

Out of curiosity, do you think people should be allowed to sell parts of their body? (i.e. Is their reason damn good?)

There may be a damn good reason to not allow this -- it'll lead to poor people selling their organs, sometimes even fatally, for the benefit of the wealthy. I'm not clear on how much or how far this would be useful to the wealthy recipient, and therefore on how widespread this practice would be, so I'm "undecided" on that point for now.

Cannibalism of body parts is now know and hard to get people to stop begging for them. And if one does do it, it should be consensual. Disgustingly, it has led to poor people selling organs for money. And how often do they get what was promised?


The decision is for each woman to make. Her body, her reasons. Has nothing to do with religion or science. It is not the best choice but shit happens and Roe v Wade is the law of the land. Let it alone and stop trying to legislate morality.

Great comment.


I believe it is at times the less crappy answer to a question where there are no good answers. I don't like it because it is a loss of life but I see where it is a necessary thing at times.


I am a hardcore advocate for a woman's right to choose. Until I was about 25 that was my emergency back up plan. At this point in my life, I wouldn't do it myself, but I still believe that until the fetus can survive outside the womb (with or without medical intervention) it is a parasite incapable of surviving outside the host and that host has every right to rid it from their body. I am against "partial birth abortions" but those tend to only happen these days in back alleys because legal and healthy avenues have been blocked. During the first trimester, there is no baby to kill- merely ejecting a collection of cells from the body.


I think it's fine during the first 2 trimesters. After that there should be a special reason for the abortion (rape, birth defect, danger to mother, etc.)


Bodily autonomy is a personal right that should not be infringed upon. I am not a woman, nor am I an individual who will ever have to bear the burden of child rearing. It is not in my right nor the governments to force a woman to carry an unwanted child to term for any reason. The decision starts and stops at the mother.

I find it especially deplorable when "pro-life" people are garbage hypocrites that care nothing for the child's well being after it is born. They do nothing to help the crumbling social support structures meant to help parents and children live healthy and stable lives. No they just condemn them to their fate and label them as parasites without realizing how their stance contributes to the problem.


I’m a conservative atheist and I fully support a woman’s right to an abortion but I think for the sake of human decency abortions should be banned after the first 20 weeks unless there’s something wrong with the baby like Down syndrome. I think it’s insane to try to force a woman to have a baby she doesn’t want as overpopulation is the worlds number one problem. I have a devoutly religious business associate who is so extreme he believes a woman should be forced to have the child of a rapist and that view disturbs me greatly.


I guess from the moment of conception a life is created. This is a very touchy subject.
What I believe is pertinent to myself only. IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS what other people wish to do.
Abortion should be legal and easily obtained. Much more intelligent than the back street abortionist.
[ my wife was employed by a man who spent many years in jail for shooting dead an amatuer abortionist who brought about the death his pregnant girlfriend, a terrible consequence of the laws of the day. ] QUESTION, is human life that precious ? [ the Spanish inquisition would suggest otherwise.]..


Bodily autonomy. We don't own people, regardless of Hayek's work.


Personally, I believe that life begins at conception. As soon as that happens, the cells of what starts out of two cells rapidly grows and changes into a zygote, and then into an embryo which has a heartbeat by week 6 of the First trimester. It is not as if two people have sexual intercourse, conception occurs, and then when some sort of baby fairy waves its magic wand, sprinkles fairy dust on the mother, and it is decided that the pregnancy is convenient for the potential parents, that the embryo and then the fetus that has been growing in the mother's uterus the entire time, gets the distinction of being alive. That line of thinking is a huge logical and scientific disconnect. Moreover, when a woman has a miscarriage, they don't say she lost her inanimate ball of tissue, they say she lost the BABY. All too often, the argument about the viability of a fetus and the "right" to abort it has nothing to do with science, or even religion, and everything to do with whether the pregnancy will cramp the style of the people who are responsible for bringing into existence, and they want a simple way to abdicate their responsibility for the creation of that life that they have irrefutably created.


I'm an advocate of "ounce of prevention", as in the use of birth control. Abortion is a last resort, but better than an unwanted and likely rejected child.

Excellent answer.


I remember being a young kid and asking my cousin what is an abortion. I remember her response about the fetus, that the doctor chops it up and vacuums it out. It seemed violent and scary to me. I believed in souls and we talked about what would happen to the baby's soul. She didn't know and I said maybe the soul of the baby goes into another person. When Dennis Miller asked the head of Planned Parenthood if she thought abortion was gross, I sort of appreciated him asking that question. There is something that is disturbing about it to me.

I think about coat hangers, illegal abortions that have taken many young women's lives and fertility. I also think about the shaming of teenage mothers and the lack of financial assistance for people to raise their children. I have always thought it was strange that the pro-life stance tends to be among the same group that is for cutting food stamps and assistance to the poor.

I have never become pregnant as the result of a rape. I have never been pregnant being used as a device in war. I have never been pregnant when I didn't want to be pregnant. I do not feel able to judge these people. I knew a woman who had a severely disabled child that was only capable of grunting to communicate and would require full nursing care for the rest of his life. She told me that she would have had an abortion if she could have gone back. She felt worn down and worried about what will happen to him when she is gone. I hope that she has found respite. Meyes Briggs may be right about me, I/ENFP...I favor discussion over banging a gavel.

One of the questions I have had is about fetal pain. I think that idea does make a difference to a lot of people. According to this article, the fetus is awake at 30 weeks. This makes abortion at that stage seem really creepy to me. []

When I was pregnant with my twins, I had a young baby, I was a CNA, and my then husband was still in school. I went to work and said I was worried about money and didn't know what to do. I had a lot of people rushing to my aid to tell me about abortion services. Some did not seem super supportive when I said I wasn't interested in having an abortion. I was told I would have a hard life. I have never regretted my children. They light my life.


I consider myself solidly pro-choice. I would never consider forcing someone to have an abortion but honestly think more women should have them than do. Too often parents boast about how strong they are and how well they're dealing with the torture they are inflicting on their children.


Her body, her choice.

No man or woman should demand a woman carry a baby she can't or doesn't want.


I think this is a first amendment issue since most objections to abortion are related to religion. No woman should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term.


I look around everyday and realize there have not been enough abortions. I am sure there are people who look at me and think the same thing. I don't believe men should have anything to say about. A woman should be in charge of decisions concerning her body, her health just like men are. Women do all the heavy lifting in these matters, it should be their decision.


I feel that as a man, it's none of my damned business what a woman does with her body


None of your business!


I believe in choice but it pisses me off when abortion is used instead of birth control . My niece has had 3 abortions befor her 20th birthday .

Only an ignorant uses abortion as birth control. Sexual education is in order

I have no issue with that. A woman who has had many abortions is probably better off not bringing any more kids into the world.

@FreethoughtKaty IUD


I'm in favor of abortion. Hitlers mother should of had one.


I believe that the soul, or whatever makes a person sentient and aware and unique, does not enter the physical body until the baby takes its first breath. Therefore, I have no moral issues with abortion. And I think that it should be a choice made by both partners.....but when it comes right down to it, I believe the woman has the final decision.

marga Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

I am absolutely pro-choice. Speaking from experience, I don't recommend it as a form of birth control. It is painful both physically and emotionally.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

I understand abortion is physically painful because is a surgery....but no emotionally. No in my opinion. See, I feel is a relief for the woman.

@DUCHESSA I think it depends on the reason and circumstance as to whether it takes an emotional toll on the woman - I know several women who have had abortions. All are older now. One is simply glad - others were unable to conceive and had to adopt or use alternative methods of conception, but were emotionally affected, and one has had problems with depression for years. All had different reasons for their choice. We are all different.

@ThinkKate JMHO...But those women "emotionally affected" are / were so because a matter of brain washing.
See, the moment a woman decides to abort -regardless of the reason- she only wants the moment to be over and start to feel -physically- well again.


Abortion is a piss poor form of birth control. I think it is only GOP men that think it is used this way. Other forms of birth control seem so much cheaper. Jesus said nothing about the issue at all. Yes, it is in the bible. Men need to learn that they have no control over a woman's body. I know. They ask in their brain where they would be if mommy did this. I understand, but you do not have control over a woman's body. Sorry. Abortion is a last resort.

And THERE is a huge part of the argument against abortion. It's made by people who say "Where would I be if my mother had chosen abortion?" Well. Guess what? THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU! It's about HER!

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