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Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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My position on abortion is my body my choice. My first pregnancy was ended by abortion because the fetus had neural tube defects that were not compatible with life outside the womb and may have been threatening to my life. Yes I wanted a baby and I was heartbroken to end the pregnancy. And because I was so far along I had to go through labor and deliver that baby. When the baby was born there were more defects than they realized. The baby had anencephaly, spina bifida, front line didn't close, cleft lip and cleft palate. 20 years later the father of my children told those children he believed we made a mistake ending that pregnancy. WTF. Which is why we are no longer married. He was at the delivery, he saw the baby. I consider that a betrayal.


100% pro-choice.

The person with the uterus gets to make that call, its theirs and theirs alone.




In theory, I think it should be entirely a woman's decision. However it really isn't that simple. In a perfect world, all children conceived would be wanted and would be free of physical defects. That's not the case. If she chooses to continue the pregnancy, there's going to be a child to raise and support. I was lucky, when I got accidentally pregnant I was happy (he wasn't) and had the resources to go it entirely alone. His name isn't even on the birth certificate. But I was lucky in being able to handle it this way.
I do think that whatever the relationship or lack of one between the potential parents, it's the woman's body and the woman's life that are going to be most affected. Therefore it should be her decision.


I believe in a woman’s right to choose. ... ... !!!
... religon nor science has nothing to do with my position.

Tomas Level 7 Aug 26, 2018

It’s a Discussion between a woman and her doctor and the decision is hers. It is outrageous that there are laws about a woman’s body. We are fully capable to make decisions about our bodies. I am not an advocate for abortion, instead I am an advocate for birth control. However, abortion should be a woman’s right to choose.


Women should definitely have the right to have an abortion.


Ladies choice.


We are deciding on death or life. Those who accept abortion must accept infanticide. There are a few months and moments between these possible events.


i don't know anyone who is in favor of abortion. abortion is sad. however, i, like many folks, am in favor of a woman's choice what to do with her own body. a first-trimester fetus is a clump of cells with nonfunctioning nerve endings. it's a potential baby. it's not a baby. it's literally a parasite. that's what it is physically. emotionally, it could be a baby. if you want a baby and you're pregnant, it's a baby, and you don't have to say "potential" because that's understood; you're already imagining it as your baby, picking out the daycare, thinking about which college, imagining your grandchildren. there's nothing wrong with that, but that doesn't make a similar fetus a baby for someone who does NOT want to be pregnant. technically, it IS a parasite, and a woman should have a right to protect herself from a parasite and maintain control over her own body. you can talk about planning, poverty, sin if that's your concern, the rest of the woman's life, the odds of death in childbirth (yes, it still happens!) and whether or not to buy stock in coat hangers, but what it boils down to is a woman's right to control her own body. religionists who oppose choice (they say they oppose abortion) call it murder (a legal term, not applicable to abortion since abortion is legal), talk about killing babies (a fetus is not a baby, i repeat) and drag all kinds of other issues in, but religious considerations applied to the irreligious amount to bashing down the wall between church and state. not all are sincere, either; what's with requiring doctors to lie to patients? but even the most sincerely concerned religionist has no right to tell another human being what to do with her body. that religionist may refrain from having an abortion; that is her right. she may not control another person's body.



Not a fan of it, but even less a fan of forcing a woman to give birth to an unwanted child. Abortions are generally done when there’s not a lot there — and the potential to become a human is not the same as being human. Shoot, we have the technology to clone things now — and although no one is “officially” cloning people, as far as I know, but we could likely do it. That means essentially every cell in my body has the potential to become a person, but we certainly don’t consider them as such. An embryo in the first trimester is not much different.

When it comes to later in a pregnancy, I would certainly try to keep those restricted to the more extreme situations, like risk of the mother’s life. And yes, she takes priority over the fetus that is still a parasite at that point. My nephew and his wife had twins at 27 weeks — barely viable, though doing great three year later. At that stage, I’d rather have a fetus delivered early and given lifesaving care, although I’m not sure how “person” is there at that point — and obviously we will be able to push this back farther and farther with better technology. We will have to make a decision about how far we’re willing to go, and honestly, I think that although I’m fine with people trying to save a child people want at, say, 5 months, I don’t see it as too horrible to sacrifice one at that point, either.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 5, 2018

Realistically, until the foetus becomes a viable baby, able to live independently of the mother, then it is none of my business. I cannot insist that a female should be used as an incubator against her will.

I do genuinely believe that in the interest of both mother and unborn child that there should be a point after which the pregnancy should continue to full term.

This is, however, my rather simplistic view, and as ever, there are lots of variables and other subtleties that require consideration.


It should be legal, and all women should have bodily autonomy to make decisions about their own bodies. So sick of religious men making decisions about what I can and cannot do with MY BODY!!!


Women have been finding ways to abort for an eternity, ever since anyone knew they could do so. Particularly young, poor women. Even if it meant potentially killing or maiming themselves. Poisons, eating various types of animal feces, deadly herbs, throwing themselves from heights and letting people beat them.

Sadly, some people would prefer or say they deserve to go to these lengths. I hope they never have daughters in that situation.

Wouldn't do it myself, regardless of the situation, even though I don't really care if I ever have kids of my own. Still not my place to judge someone's sitiation. Would rather women have safe options. We have plenty of humans, let's take care of the ones already here first.


Yes. Women are adults & entitled to make their own reproductive decisions. Period.

Carin Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

I see it as no ones business but the body it is in. PERIOD.


No one should have the right to decide about as the person itself. Her body, her life, her decision. If someone has the the right to say no, others should have the right to say yes.

If we would say no to abortion because of killing a life, then we also need to say no to condoms, pills and sex for pleasure.

Yucel Level 3 Dec 15, 2018

Neither my position nor yours, nor that of anyone else in the entire world matters - except for that of the individual woman considering an abortion.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

I believe firmly in a woman's right to make her own decision about abortion, AND it's none of the government's or anyone else's business.


It is my body! Don't try to shove your bible up my ass or ....

zesty Level 7 Mar 1, 2019

I have never neededyo terminate a pregnancy. My body chose to do it three times. That is an abortion. A medical termination would involve a deliberate personal choice. There lies the issue it is a personal decision and in the same way as my miscarriages, no one else's business.


I believe every individual woman should be able to choose what’s right for herself. No one else, especially a man, should decide what an individual (female) should do with regards to their own body.


While i would hope if I impregnated a woman, that she would decide to carry it full term, I have to go with it is a woman's choice.


Your body, your decision


The numbers are extremely low for abortions after 21 weeks, so called late abortions are by no means a common procedure in most countries and are usually due to fetal abnormalities or mothers health or mental health. Late abortions are not even a thing, it’s been blown all out of proportion by the Pro-Life crowd who stretch any truth until it’s a scary lie. Kind of like the story that goes around every few years of an aborted fetus that cried for an hour before it finally died and the medical personnel did nothing, just let it lay there crying and suffering until it died. Complete fabrication, it’s be run down and is not true. Doctors that have been questioned about this say it would be impossible for a fetus with immature lungs to cry at all.

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