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Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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179 comments (26 - 50)

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Whew! Ive already had my butt clobered for one comment i made. I say the female has the right to abort if theres a unique problem with the unborn child and or her health/life may be compromised. Unique problem - only the doctor and the female know this, i dont. I feel the unborn child has rights to live if there are no complications. Theres other avenues to take if the female can't take care of the born baby.

Don't you think if the woman doesn't want the child...eight then and there there is a problem?
Nothing worse than to force a person into doing something he/she doesn't want to do.

No... the healthy child is not the problem. The child has a right to life. If there was rape, the hospital could of helped the female. If the women doesn't want child eight, then she should of thought about the consequences of her actions. She had a chance to take the pill or see a doctor. Don't put this off on the child. There's adoption agencies she can deliver the baby to.

You got a couple of months to decide on an abortion . Get it done then.


If it is a medical necessity, or rape I have no problem with it. Use birth control, abortion won't be a problem if you do.

Are you aware that pills fails and condoms break?

I didn't think about that when I posted, condoms slip off too. All three are also a reason to abort.

@egt1977 So then why even mention them? If anyone can just say, "Uh, the condom slipped off" and be granted an abortion we can just assume everyone will say they used some prevention method and allow unrestricted access.


I have no problem with it as long as it's done early.. If you wait until the third tri... then you should have the child, and by that point,,, it is a child, not just a fetus.

Legally is a fetus until the birth.
BYW, to wait until the 3rd., trimester is stu...d and a risk for the woman.

I'm not concerned with if the courts say it's a fetus or not, and it may be a risk to have a late term abortion, but it happens enough to be an issue.. Just for the record, if the doctor shows it to be a risk to the woman to have the child at any point, then I'm fine with the procedure.

You do realize that's one of the avenues people use to prevent abortions, yes? In areas of the country where they have legislated away most places one could get an abortion, pro-life organizations set up "abortion clinics". They tell the woman that she is unable to have the procedure for various reasons (like she currently has a fever and it would be unsafe to perform) and string her along until she reaches a gestation point after which an abortion is no longer legal. Basically, if you believe in any restrictions, you DO NOT believe in a woman's right to choose.


Ooooh! CAPS LOCK! Of course on demand. No woman takes this decision lightly, but she makes it on her own. Her body, her decision.

I will never understand a person saying "To abort is a difficult decision for a woman." Is not.

@DUCHESSA - it is a difficult decision, if only from a medical perspective - no one wants to undergo surgery.

@Agnostic1 Medical is just about the only reason....and compared with pregnancy / delivery said surgery is nothing.


It's weird that there is a site where people can debate this issue without attacking each other.

Don't you think it has to do with no believing in "A child is a God's gift"?

@DUCHESSA That, or the fact that we all agree??

Maturity finally has arrived. 🙂


Well, I'm a guy, therefore take what I say with a large handful of salt. Also know that I have a thing for arguing both sides, because I see great points to both of them. Finding a satisfying answer for you is a hard as it is to find one for myself. To keep form making large paragraphs, I'm just gonna list the things that I believe to be true regarding the subject. Here goes:

-Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion.
-That being said, I don't think every child should be born into this world that is over-full to begin with.
-This world sucks, it's a fact.
-But a child COULD make it better in the future.
-But at the same time, they really DON'T deserve to have to be born here.
-It IS a woman's right to have an Abortion or not.
-There are many circumstances in which it is the ONLY viable answer.
-but, there are many circumstances where it isn't.
-Just because the baby is born of Rape or just plain irresponsibility does not mean the baby deserves to die.
-You can always give up your unwanted child for adoption (right?).
-Do Abortions hurt? I've heard they hurt pretty bad. If that's the case, you're not saving yourself any pain by having one. If that's why you want one, you may as well have the dang kid, and then give it up for adoption.

The line quoted below tells me everything; I don't see a point in discussing this subject with you any longer:
""Like it or not, you ARE killing a baby if you have an abortion..."


If you own nothing else in this world, you own your own body.

And to own something means you can do what you want with it, unless the government comes up with a damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to.

I haven't heard the damn good reason why you shouldn't be able to control whether or not your uterus is used to carry a pregnancy to term yet. And at this point, I don't think I ever will.

Out of curiosity, do you think people should be allowed to sell parts of their body? (i.e. Is their reason damn good?)

There may be a damn good reason to not allow this -- it'll lead to poor people selling their organs, sometimes even fatally, for the benefit of the wealthy. I'm not clear on how much or how far this would be useful to the wealthy recipient, and therefore on how widespread this practice would be, so I'm "undecided" on that point for now.

Cannibalism of body parts is now know and hard to get people to stop begging for them. And if one does do it, it should be consensual. Disgustingly, it has led to poor people selling organs for money. And how often do they get what was promised?


I believe in choice but it pisses me off when abortion is used instead of birth control . My niece has had 3 abortions befor her 20th birthday .

Only an ignorant uses abortion as birth control. Sexual education is in order

I have no issue with that. A woman who has had many abortions is probably better off not bringing any more kids into the world.

@FreethoughtKaty IUD


You're talking to someone who works at Planned Parenthood. I sit /hold hands/help calm breathing/etc, with patients as they're having the procedure. How do YOU think I feel about reproductive choice? 🙂

What you are helping to calm down is the fear a person experiences when undergoing surgery...nothing to do with guilt. Please.

@DUCHESSA Duchessa....I'm as pro-choice (obviously) as you seem to be. I'm also PRO-WOMAN! I've seen hundreds of women going through the procedure and know perhaps a tad more than you do about their feelings. First...they're full of pregnancy-related hormones, which can affect emotions much more often than you'd think. Secondly...we may have unresolved issues which cause distress. I remember a woman who wept bitterly.....she's Catholic and fully expected she'd go to hell. You seem very vehement about what women are feeling before/during/after abortions. I'd suggest a little less "I know more than anyone" about what's possibly going on. Some women have a very difficult time, while others do not. It's an individual thing.

@LucyLoohoo Indeed is an individual thing.......but after 26+ years educating teenagers and being informed about many pregnancies before the girls told their parents counts for something about what they feel. I, also, have knowledge of the impact the hormones have on a pregnant woman, I have seen one or two fetuses (in a jar, of course) and studied Anatomy, Histology, Embryology while wanting to become a dentist (Yes, in Argentina a dentist wanna be studies those subjects too). IAW, I am not as ""out of the road" as you may think. Yes, some feel guilty but not for the idea of aborting but about the fact they had sex before marriage....and I am just to hear one of them to say he wasn't happy after aborting. I guess it has a lot to do with how the info. is presented to them. Sure, you see a lot more pregnant women than I will ever do but I can assure you relief is the first emotion they state.


If birth control was easier to get( and cheaper) abortion wouldn't be necessary.

Yes and ....since there are cdertain medical conditions that surface late in the pregnancy.

Not necessarily ... contraception is hardly ever 100% guaranteed.

@PontifexMarximus The modern pill is about 98% effective.


If the man gets to choose too it's okay. After all, if she wants it and he doesn't he still has to pay for it. If they planned to have a kid and she changes her mind, not cool.

lerlo Level 8 July 28, 2019

The man doesn't suffer on his body all the changes / problems a woman does during nine months........neither risk his he has not saying about this issue.

it wouldn't be the first man who "agrees" to have protected sex and, then, conveniently, finds out the condom was faulty...and he does so hoping his partner will be happy with becoming a mother..

Third, the biological father has to contribute monetarily

@DUCHESSA it's nice to just announce these proclamations but to have some basis for them would be nice. Let's start with your third one. The biological father has to contribute monetarily but he gets no say as to whether or not it gets born in the first place. Makes perfect sense to you right? The woman that had no idea while having sex that she might have a child right? And you believe that Man created the sexual production requiring women to do it so this is their penance right? So since the man can only get a child if a woman bears one, he has to keep having sex with women until he finds one willing to have a child, is that how it works? I understand you're just spewing the party line. How about we make it fair and if the man doesn't want the child and the woman does she's the one that contributes monetarily?

@lerlo Is the man responsibility to protect himself against getting a woman pregnant. The rest of your post is so full of sarcasm that it would be lowering oneself to answer / comment on your words. Bye.


I base my decision on science. Prior to 5 months, the baby could not survive on its own, so it's up to the mother whether or not to have the abortion. After 5 months, the baby could survive on its own, so at that point it becomes murder. Mothers who decide after 5 months have the option to deliver the child and give it up for adoption.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 19, 2017

Jodyfine, There are many opportunities to determine whether a baby has SERIOUS abnormalities prior to 5 months.


In a perfect world no abortions would ever happen. In a perfect world, every fetus would develop without problems, every woman would survive pregnancy and every pregnancy would be an intended one. But, this is not a perfect world and there are a myriad of reasons why a woman makes that decision; and, ultimately, it should be hers.

perfectly said!!


Totally the choice of the woman until the fetus reaches a certain developmental stage.
I don't believe there are any ideal situations a woman has who doesn't want to have a child other than abortion.
The adoption process can be difficult and very slow at best sometimes (I know this first hand.).
Another child being dumped into the foster programs in this country isn't good either.
There's no reason for a mother to a give birth to a child she doesn't want or a child who will be miserable within 'the system'.

The problem with the adoption process is not the problem...the nine months to produce a child for adoption are. If a woman doesn't want to become a mother WHY TO FORCE HER TO BEAR NINE MONTHS OF CHANGES AND RISKS? This is very selfish on the part of society.

@DUCHESSA I meant to say "The length / difficulty of the adoption process...."


The choice is entirely up to the woman, with some consultation from her doctor. Nobody else has any say.

I guess the "some consulting with the doctor" goes only as far as health risks for the woman.



I would have one depending on the situation. I would never tell anyone what to do. I just want that person involved to weigh out all the options and make an informed decision. It's crucial to not do anything rash.

Don't you think as "enough reason" the fact the woman doesn't want to become a mother...then or ever?

Yes of course.


I don't believe it should be used as birth control. that being said there are times when we find ourselves in a situation that would not be congenial for a new baby. having a child is a major responsibility adoption isn't always the answer for everyone. Abortion is a very personal decision and should not be taken lightly. it's her body her decision.

Please, di tell me who in her sane mind uses abortion as a form of birth control.

You just contradicted yourself...


Should be legal on demand and paid for with tax funds for women who are unable to pay. Period.

Abortion should be covered by the insurance. Now, those who say "" Why should my taxes be used to solve the problem.when the woman can't pay for the surgery."....Well, if you know how much it costs to support a child (welfare) during 18 will want your taxes to pay for the abortion.

@DUCHESSA Furthermore, if the woman doesn't have insurance, it should be covered by the state.


A fetus gets equal rights, not special rights. If a 2 year old needs a kidney to live it doesn't have the right to have the mothers kidney without consent. If the fetus requires the mothers body in order to live the mother must consent. The woman has choice. Pro choice.

Dear, a fetus has no the rights of a person. Period.

You don't understand the argument. I'm pro choice. Calm down now.


If the mother wants to end the pregnancy, that is her decision alone. I do not think ill of it because the entity that is reincarnating will just move on to another baby. The body is not so important, it is the entity reincarnating that is important. The body is like a vehicle and when it cannot be fixed, the entity driving that vehicle moves on to another brand new one.


I'm coming back as a ham on rye; hold the mayo.


I'm a blood donor, on the organ donor list, various different bone marrow registers etc. My belief is, if you're going to have a healthy, happy child, what right do you have to get rid of it? BUT. In cases of Rape, predicted illness (Spina bifida,Downs syndrome etc.) Is it more or less cruel to let that baby be born. In the case of rape, that woman didn't chose to be violated. If a child is going to be in constant pain and sufferring and you know you could stop it, isn't that the right thing to do?

So you do not believe in a woman's right to choose?

@JeffMurray Sorry, I wasn't clear. Yes she does have the choice. Maybe she's want to keep it, maybe she wouldn't want to, could be a permanent reminder of the ordeal she's been through. Totally her decision.


This is a simple thing to understand...until a human is born, they have no sensory input. And without that you have no thought processes. Also, you have to be born to be a citizen of any country. Without citizenship, you have no rights.

I agree with your words...but to make them understood is a job that I rather leave to others; the ignorance engulfing mankind is too large / thick.

I completely agree with your sentiment but according to ""The science shows that based on gestational age, the fetus is not capable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ACOG. The third trimester begins at about 27 weeks of pregnancy.


My position is that I don't have a vagina and therefore am not particularly qualified to have a position to begin with.

Abortions will happen. If a government takes away access, the poor will resort to spurious folk 'remedies' or sketchy black market operations and the rich will simply find an international doctor somewhere it's legal. The way it was before Roe vs. Wade. This cultural nonsense in America where the religious assume absolute knowledge about embryonic/fetal sentience, insist upon inclusion of the soul (which science has never verified or confirmed) as a scientifically valid factor, and the priority of 'state of life' above 'quality of life' in service to the Grand Design of some unsubstantiated absentee landlord, whose last representative was 2000 years ago and politically assassinated, and whose last correspondence was a disjointed series of self-aggrandizing narratives told so many times no one even remembers the original words, is farcical and absurd.

If you had told me when I was a kid in the 1990s that legalized abortions and social programs prioritizing responsible sexual practices and reproductive health would be in danger...I would only have believed the second half. Abstinence only sex ed and just overhearing old men talk about women showed me that sexually responsible social programs will be in danger every day for years to come, but I honestly believed that we had at least finally closed the official book on whether at least some types of abortion should be legal and that providing legal access to them was the more responsible choice than leaving hundreds of thousands of women to situations where they're dying or severely ill from unsanitary procedures in non-sterile environments and then going to jail.

I guess I overestimated the humanity of the ruling class.

I also want to add: the idea that children are our future/legacy is, in my mind, one of the primary rhetorical crutches used by men who seek to control women's reproductive rights.

Children are therefore a social/community resource (read: property) and since 'men run society' they have the right to dictate the means of production and distribution of that resource.

They don't want you having abortions, but that didn't stop them trying to chemically sterilize women of color on basis on race.

This all sounds more and more like a build up to a Lebesborn program...

@geist171 And what you say also happened in Puerto Rico...where many women were sterilized...this is known as "La operación".


Needs to be available but is a lousy form of birth control.

Dorijo Level 2 July 16, 2018

Whoever use / thinks of abortion as birth control is an idiot. Abortion is the last option when all the other ways fai;ed. No, adoption is not an option.

OK...not your fault but that's a TERRIBLE cliche! NOBODY uses abortion as ''birth control." Unless you want to stretch the implication (it DOES, after all, control an unwanted birth)...abortion is a more serious act... the termination of an unwanted pregnancy.


I will never have one.

I never had one either ...

I never had one, but I believe it is my decision and no one has the right to tell me what i can and cannot so with my body.

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