179 4


Yes...No? Do you base your position on religion or science? Does the woman have the right to chose?


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179 comments (176 - 179)

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Without any context, this question is pointless. It is also my opinion that extremes of "the woman should always be allowed to choose" v "the unborn child has a right" are also warped with first explaining the context.

Some examples - the child is 1 week before being born, the child will be severely disabled when it is born, the mother will almost certainly die in childbirth etc. etc.

Nobody is talking about late term abortion....which should be ALSO LEGAL when the life of the woman is at risk. Remember, the woman always comes first.

Exactly. You've just provided some context that is NOT in the question! Which was my point.

What I provided is not "context" but logic. The life of the woman is the only one that matters.

"Nobody is talking late term abortion", "the life of the woman is at risk". You're jumping to several conclusions that aren't even mentioned in the original post, but are using them as "facts". I didn't respond in order to have a debate - I was simply pointing out that the question could have been clearer. Anyway, I've had enough of your preaching.

@DUCHESSA Why only when the mother's life is at risk? Who determines that? Possibly a man who you said has no right to opine? Stick to your guns woman! (What if said woman was actually held prisoner in a basement and was raped for years on end. Manages to escape her captor in her third trimester. If she is at no risk of death, are you saying she shouldn't be allowed to terminate the pregnancy?!?)

@JeffMurray Who decides the woman life is at risk? A medical professional, guy. About your example: Yesssssssssss, no woman should be forced to deliver a baby she didn't / doesn't want....and I doubt any intelligent woman will want a child from a mentally disturb man.

@DUCHESSA So I again ask, why would you say, "when the life of the woman is at risk"? If a man, even a medical professional guy, has no right to opine as you stated earlier, why should he have any say or control in any way whether or not a woman can get an abortion? Most everything else you've said on multiple posts seems to claim you're pro-choice 100%, and then this. I don't get it. ANY conditions or restrictions means you are not actually pro-choice because any of them can be used to deny a woman her autonomy.


so far looks like no women opined here.hmm


The only times I think abortion should be even remotely legalized is in cases of incest or cases of rape.

In cases where people just make a poor choice and end up getting pregnant, it should not be allowed. It takes two people to make a baby. if the man involved pushes for an abortion then he should also have to get a vasectomy so it never happens again. If you don't want one child you're never going to one another

Not necessarily about "never wanting another". The moment the woman finds out she is pregnant could be the wrong one,,,,for many reasons. Besides, a couple may have taken all precautions but the devil introduced his tail.
And never forget that an unwanted chidl will become a neglected one.


I base my decision on science. Prior to 5 months, the baby could not survive on its own, so it's up to the mother whether or not to have the abortion. After 5 months, the baby could survive on its own, so at that point it becomes murder. Mothers who decide after 5 months have the option to deliver the child and give it up for adoption.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 19, 2017

Jodyfine, There are many opportunities to determine whether a baby has SERIOUS abnormalities prior to 5 months.

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