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Do you talk to yourself?

And, does your self talk back? ; )

I talk to myself a lot. Even while I sleep. You?

silvereyes 8 Mar 26

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All the time, but my dog listens to me so it doesn't count.

I'd listen to you too! Intently!

i talk to my dog too but sometimes I feel that he nothing but contempt for me. He turns his rear end to me when I am saying something.

@silvereyes I think my dog is waiting for those keywords puppy food, puppy treat, walk, go for a ride and who's here to see you


I live alone. If I don't talk to myself how will I have scintillating conversation? Actually I talk to myself less since I found this site, but I think I talk to the cats more. Maybe becasue there are now two cats.

I talk to the dogs all the time. Nothing wrong with that. 😉

I talk to any animal that will listen.


I do, sometimes.

> No you don’t, not at all.

Of course I do, what do you know?

> > I know you’re making shit up.

Dude, you always do this. You always try to start a fight.

> You’re the one fighting here, I was just pointing out the obvious.

Alright, we’re done here.

LOL! - what's funny? - shut up! - no, i won't! - this is getting an embarassment. - so what!? my inner child. - whoah! pulling more imaginary selfs out now? - bwaaaaah! mama! she's mean to me....

LOL Wow... its one thing to talk to yourself... but arguing? I got nothin' to worry about. LOL!
You two are a riot... so are your inner selves. Hehehe


Sometimes. But she's kinda a dick so sometimes we don't talk. But in the end I'm kinda stuck with her. Fuck you, me. Lol

Lol...makes ya wonder about our SANITY!!


Hey, sometimes I need expert advice 😉

Mea Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

Yeah! What SHE said!


Sometimes I need expert advice, so of course, I ask myself. Sometimes, the answers are astounding.

Occasionally, I end up in a three-way conversation between me, myself, and I.


yes. all secular types do.


No, I don't.
Well, sometimes you do…
Yeah, you're right, sometimes. But not very often.


I do, but I don’t talk back to myself.


Yes, and yes. Like, I'll answer myself if it's a question I know the answer to.

"Where the hell are my glasses?"

"Uhh, they're on your face."

"Why are my keys not hanging up?"

"Uhh, because you decided it would be fine to lay them on the coffee table."


Yes, but if you make fun of me for it I will swear I was talking to my cats.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 27, 2018

I live with only my 8 year old friend-a little mixed breed mutt. I talk to myself often, but will pass it off like I am speaking to him!


I used to hold conversations with other people in my sleep.

If I still do it - only the cats know!


Yes. Mostly the tv and my computer. My daughter says I talk to inatimate objects.


All the time. Talk. Respond. Oh yeah. That's me


Yes. I catch myself doing it in public sometimes, too. Whoops.


Of course. I have multiple personality disorder. We have solved a number of problems together, but I just hate filling out all of those name tags.


Yes, sometimes you have to consult an expert!

BillF Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

All the damned time!
Sometimes, I'm the only person around to have an intelligent (or otherwise) conversation with.


It is how I think. I play my own devils advocate to test out ideas. And I will talk to myself out loud when I am alone, especially while hiking.


"No I don't" -- "yes you do."


Mentally or out loud. Mentally, way too much but I haven't developed just Tourette's yet


A friend of mine could talk to himself on paper, as though they were two different people.


I prefer calling having a conversation with someone who knows me best.

Gozer Level 4 Mar 26, 2018
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