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Sex, fine food or good company?

Sex, fine food or good company? If you had to give one the three up for the rest of your life, which would it be?

WishYouWereHere 6 Mar 29

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I wouldn't miss any of them. I have been happily single since 2010, I eat mostly natural, raw food, and try to avoid processed or cooked food, when possible.
I hang with people at work, friends, etc. but I can take people or leave them.
Same as sex.



If they're not good company then the sex isn't likely to be much good, so I guess fine food gets the chop.

Kimba Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

Ummm, there is no way in hell anyone is forcing me to pick between those 3!!!! I say...all 3 and f you!

If F means what I think, I guess we know for sure which one stays.


Fine food, as a chef I can cook anything...and mush is fine for me, porridge, I don't care really.


I have been essentially been celibate for years, so sex could go. I'd like to find good company, I cook most of my own fine food.


I already gave up sex, but ?I guess that doesn't count. I'd give up company.


Is it gourmet pizza? Then the food.


Why can't it be all three?

That's what I'm talkin about


Life,if you are forced to give up anything, you aren't living.


Bloody hell, the more I think about it the harder it gets.
I like my food, of the 3, it is the only one I get often enough.
I really love sex, but am getting older as are my potential partners,
I crave great company but seriously it has been so rare in my life.
I owuld give up fine food if I was certain to have the other two,
but if thing were to continue as is, then by giving up good company, that is the smallest sacrifice by far,

rugglesby, what is your answer, then? lol..i was reading, laughing, following and all fucked up with the comma at the end...

@nightowl Probably give up the good company, because I almost never get that, so not much to lose.

@Rugglesby allright, then, sunshine. 😉


fine food


Fine food! Definitely fine food! ?


Owh, fine food. I can cook some pretty decent stuff from quite plain ingrediants.


Fine food. Easy one. I have the refined pallet of our current president.


Good company, because conceivably fine food and sex could follow afterwards.


Good friends are better than good company, who are not necessarily good friends. However, sometimes I like my friends BAD, BAD, BAD !!!!!


Damn, that's tough! All three kinda give me the same good feelies.


Sex, most def.


fine food


That's easy... A. Then B. Then A again. C throughout.


Fine food.


Good company I suppose with then comes good sex

Rosh Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

I can eat beans and rice for the rest of my life as long as I have good company and good sex


Fine food ofcourse!! One can have sex when you find a good partner.


One would expect good company followed by good food and then sex.


Good Company for me.

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