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LINK Bishop who preached 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of COVID-19

Yeah. Uhm ... the first press release? "Why?" His people wanna know why God did this AND they want more prayers to God to help them understand.

I think someone should send a memo. These people should be praying for wisdom and guidance. From mental health care professionals.

As most of us know, this'll turn into a message from God. Only the good die young. A test. Let's all coagulate and pray. sigh


SeaGreenEyez 9 Apr 14

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I think we will need to put limiters on the Darwin Awards this year because of the outbreak of stupidity regarding the pandemic.


It's even tougher to understand why many Christian Ministers (Including the one at my church) believe God will protect them while they preach. No Christian can name an Apostle that died of old age. John maybe, Thats maybe one out of twelve. Personally, I don't like those odds.


I wonder if he died at home praying, or at a hospital?


Karma strikes again

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 14, 2020



If there is a god he has an evil sense of humour.


I guess the tiny virus that can only be seen under an electron microscope is bigger than his god after all.

That would make an interesting thesis at some religious college.


Yesterday morning I posted the same news in the religion and spirituality group and got zero comments. My prrsonal comment was: instant karma!

I, for one, never think of going there, but good on you.


Poetic Justice


God works in hysterical ways. That man and others on FB should wake up.


I really don't want to make a mocking comment at this time. They're stuck in the worldview they were brainwashed to believe, it's not easy to escape and look at the world rationally. The whole world is in an unexpected situation right now and dealing with it as best we can.

His comments are best viewed as dramatic irony.


these folks have no idea that their (un)thinking drags them into the sink-hole of deluded idiocy!


Clearly the will of Glob.


Let's ponder how his congregants are processsing this..

I imagine publicly they are touting God has brought home to Heaven his faithful servant. Privately many are thinking "Holy Shit! Are we deluded?"
(Hopefully they are)


I just read, no source, I lost it, that if there was a dog that made the Universe there was no freedom for this effort. Everything that exists has to exist in the manner it does. I am talking about the physics, nothing political, they have nothing at all in common. Interesting in that if there was a dog there was no freedom of creativity. This should make some of the religious cringe. It is in a pod cast as a short note on the existence of dog.


Well, well, we’ll who would have thought.


If god exists he/she/it should be more powerful than the virus he/she/it created. So if God was all loving and all powerful that virus should have never existed in the first place.

God is bigger than the virus... He /she /it isn't sick 😊😜


Their god IS larger than this dreaded virus. Much too large to spare any of us, even children, from all manner of tragedy imaginable. It's all a necessary part of his higher plan.

When will they learn that believing so makes anything justifiable, and stop pretending to know what their god intentions are (e.g. a plague sent because of sinfulness, homosexuality, promiscuity, blah blah blah).


On the other hand he could have said as large as the ever expanding universe that God created and as old as he's gotten he just can't put in appearances in every corner of it at the same time the way he did right after the creation. For all we know he might be stopping a war among unicorns on some planet at the other side of his creation and considers them more important than a bunch of humans who think they have exclusive rights to his time and abilities....


Folies en masse.


And the really crazy part......his "flock" will tell you that it was simply his time - "God's will" - and that it nothing to do with the virus. That bubble they live in is made of bullet proof glass. 😟


I hope covid kills off all these sick fucks. The would would be a much better place. Although all the governments would disagree because they all play the jesus card as well, so fuck them all and lets wish a slow painful death on them as well.


I talked with someone the other day who got really sick with all of the symptoms of Covid-19 and he, who believes in all of the measures the government is taking, sought to be tested. They (the CDC, hospitals, doctors, etc) refused to test him because he did not fit a specific profile. So the data, information and statistics we are being told right now very skewed and manipulated. So when I read something like your post, I wonder why. Is your goal to foment hate? To what end?

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