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LINK Christian Nationalists Call For Secession, Formation Of White Ethnostate | Michael Stone

I really have to question the inclusions of "patriots", if they plan to leave.

These white supremacists would be very upset to find out that none of the characters int eh bible were actually white.

snytiger6 9 Apr 28

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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My thinking is if they can’t find a Country that needs more people in it...they could start on the newest lastest planet! That should work all the way around, they wouldn’t have the ‘others’ to be bother with! They would finally have EVERY THING to themselves! And ofcourse take your guns!

I would think such a group settlign on another planet would likely kill each other off.


and please remember Canada is an open and welcoming place but there are also assholes.

Hey, I know quite a few Canadians and they're no as bad as you seem to think.

@Triphid I'm not saying they are bad . . I'm saying that there are assholes everywhere and that Faith Goldy is not indicative of Canadian society

@bookofmorons Yep, I agree and that's one of the reason why we were only too glad to export Ken Ham to Kentucky.

@Triphid oh you did that? I used to like Canadians. 😀

@JacobMeyers I did what?
Australia exported Ken ham to Kentucky, not Canada, and I am a 100% born and bred Aussie who has been living in Australia for all his life.

@Triphid I see. I misunderstood the conversation. America once attracted the brightest minds in the world and now Ken Ham comes here because that’s what we attract now. Sigh 😔

@JacobMeyers No prob my friend, no probs.


Sounds like Israel to me. So, what's the problem?


Go back to Europe. Perhaps Albania?


Fingers crossed they actually do it. 🤞🏻


Sounds all very sensible and following the concepts of how the States were formed.
Problem is, if Jesus were real, he would fail their ethnicity test - being a Jew. This causes a major problem that Jesus could have never been a Christian!
Then which state? Would it be recognised as a sovereign state by the UN? Who would trade with it? Given a peaceful separation, but an ethno-state, the USA may well find itself having to isolate it.
So could it survive? As a mind exercise it would be interesting at least for me to run through what would happen.

ISIS comes to mind.but there would have to be a war to find which religious leader was in charge. The large police force could make sure everyone conforms to the rule of what the leader finds to be true that week. Then it would strike out against its neighbors as they would have no resources, then we would have to kill all of them so they did not spread and start another war.

@dalefvictor Exactly with the ISIS comment. I found it interesting when visiting VA about 23 years ago, that the division between them and the USA sat quite strongly with the white folks. The Afro Americans making sure to call me sir and my wife mam. They appeared quite taken by all us Britis and Canandians at an event who didn't see 'colour'. I hope things have moved on since 1997.


Well I don't know about the rest but every painting of Jesus I have seen shows a white fair haired dude.

Shit , and here was me thinking he was some itinerrant Mexican Peon working as a Gardener.

@Allamanda No, he was 100% imaginary.

He was a dog. I saw the geninue picture of the last supper.

Here is proof! An original photo from the last supper.

@PondartIncbendog Yes, and the US motto was supposed to be changed to "In dog we trust." Someone really messed up.

@PondartIncbendog And such good table manners

@PondartIncbendog, @Allamanda Actually according to the "big Yin", Billy Connolly there was a misstransaltion in the bible and instead of Golgotha it should have been Gallowgate, a district of Glasgow. He wasn't crucified but just got wasted on cheap booze with his mates. I wonder what Billy's old parish priest made of that one. ?

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