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Is this all there is? I don’t mean philosophically. I mean, the confines of No one can empirically answer the first question. I’m trying to grasp the nuances of participating here.

Opinionated1 4 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Well yes I have noticed that hardly anyone talks here.. and no one seems interested in meeting anyone..

Aw, that's sad, but have you ever actually asked to meet anyone from thissite, I mean REALLY asked?

@Triphid .. Ha ha... sorry I didn't see this till today.. YES I have asked 2 people that leave nearby.. have had some conversations and talk about meeting.. I find You guys are too picky.. lol.

@LisaBostlund That's sad, maybe you should try a few of us Aussie blokes instead when the Covid thing is over, most Aussies around our age group are pretty laid-back types it kind of goes with the territory.

@Triphid. Talk about long distance dating..


Yes - I can confidently say that this is indeed what this is. is exactly itself.



Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

You've been here all of five minutes.
It's takes time to learn the "nuances".
What's your hurry??
Rome wasn't built in a day.

I'm telling you.... When you say things like that I can't help but be transported to that abode ...."Hotel California"

Is this all there is? Perhaps if you first define what you are seeking. "This" is a pretty all encompassing term. How much is enough, how much do you or does anyone need? I had a friend who told me his son was trying to "find" himself. I asked how his son got lost. That did not go over well. However the real answer to that dilemma is that we don't "find" ourselves, we create ourselves. To bring this back to your question, if this is not what you need, what are you doing about it. No one is going to find it for you, you have to create it yourself. Only you can do that, we can only offer support and encouragement, or something that looks like that. I encourage you to figure out how to use photo editing software and straighten your picture out. Or if having your picture sideways makes you happy, go for it.

@Donotbelieve Thank you!!

I think you nailed this one for most of us, HippieChick! 👍

On the mobile version, it didn’t offer me a way to rotate it. It’s oriented right in my film roll. Honestly, I’ve had almost no interaction with anyone here. I didn’t think anyone would even see it. In the end, it’s become a conversation piece.

See, no rotate feature. Probably a bug in the software. It’s oriented correctly in my phone so I’d have to rotate it sideways there, in order to make it ‘correct’ for here.

@Opinionated1 Hi! I'm affectionately known by my kids as "the Dinosaur." I don't do on my phone, just on my laptop. As my phone is always with me, having too many distractions on it would be way too much temptation, especially at work. Just 3 months ago they finally "allowed" us to have our phones out during the work day. Well, we do work with HIPAA, but.... But the bottom line here is I have no idea what looks like on a phone or how to use it on a phone. There is a forum to ask questions like that, or check the tutorials. There are tech savvy people on this site who can answer questions like that, I am not one of them.

@Bierbasstard thanks. I’ve seen a lot of evidence of issues with the app (this being one) but I didn’t fix the photo. (And yet it is). Perhaps a site admin with authorization did.


Although I've only been a member for less than 2 months, I am delighted with this site.

I have found community here and can share ideas and learn from others.
There are many different groups to participate in.

At least you can discuss something other than Donald Trump, with people who can voice a sentence that doesn't contain the word "like".


You get out what you put in.


Nuances? Really? You don't have the general principle yet.


What a strange question to pose....”Is this all there is?” I note you joined on 5th Nov.2019, but have contributed zero between that date and today...perhaps you’ve been observing us as if we were some sort of specimens under a microscope. If that is the case, then perhaps it is we who should be asking you what you make of us.

Btw - is there any particular reason why there needs to be any purpose to a social media site aimed at nonbelievers other than just that god botherers? Hang around and participate more than you have done so far and the “nuances” of participation will become apparent.

Oh, and another question there a particular reason why your picture is displayed sideways?

Possibly thinks that his farts & shit doesn't smell Marje! That or he is very shy though I doubt it. There againhe may be working with the adage "Better to be thought stupid than open my mouth and prove it". 😁😉.

Maybe he didn't know how to turn it around!

See my response. It’s oriented right in my iPhone. It just rotates when I brought it in. There wasn’t a rotation tool that I saw (I looked twice) but in the end figured no one would even take notice.

@Opinionated1 Ah...that’s better, I can see you without getting a crick in my neck. Hang around...I think you’ll like it here!


Yep, this is all there is.


All we offer is doubt and uncertainty.

Sorry we can't offer an eternity of paradise in the clouds wearing a nice robe playing a harp and being young forever alongside your best friend Jesus the Magic Jew.

If that's what you are looking for, you know where to find it.

BD66 Level 8 May 2, 2020

Jesus is my Gardner. I like the man a lot but he isn’t my best friend and between you and I, I think he’s Hispanic. 😉


If you don't want to participate, there's the door. If you do, welcome.


It is like the meaning of life. It is what you out into it!


1. To learn about, click on the Learn tab above. Check out "Welcome to the Community" and "About Us."

2. Read Community Guidelines on the same page.

3. To learn how to gain points and the benefits of different levels, open your profile. Page down to the heading, Level. Click on your underlined points. Voila! This takes you to the Levels Page.

4. If you want to use this as a dating site, sideways photos look inept and stupid. Write a profile. Post current, smiling pictures. Write upbeat messages to women who live near you, not just: "How r u?"

Have fun and good luck.

Hey! Profile review! Lol!

How r u 2day? 😊

Maybe Berta from Two and a half Men is looking for a new beau!


Thank you, dear. It's nice to be appreciated.

I see the humor and absurdity in life.


(1) What is the first question?
(2) Why do you feel somebody should empirically answer it?
(3) Would the answer '42' fit?
(4) If the answer to (3) is 'no', are you sure you've got the right first question?

JoeB Level 6 May 2, 2020

How many roads must a man cross?

Not only is 42 the answer to the meaning of life in Hitchhiker's Guide but is also the answer to that question in Fools by Neil Simon.


Much depends upon what you yourself bring to the party, there is no free lunch.


In a world where one man must discover the secrets of existence, curiosity and love will drive him to the edge of the known world...and BEYOND! There he will face terrible challenges, soul-crushing losses, and life-affirming victories. And at the end of his journey he will return home, knowing who he really is, and never wondering again if there was anything more...


Whenever I think of questions like, "Why are we here?" "What is life about? I remember a conversation I had with one of my coworkers. He was depressed and was trying to ask the second question. I asked, "Why are you wondering?" He seemed to be held in suspension by the limits of being human. I said well, you have a beautiful wife and great daughter, and you are smart, smarter than you give yourself credit. We have a job we enjoy, do you want to do something else. He was voted as the second-best bartender in Astoria, did you want to do that. No, was his answer. But there has to be more to life than I am seeing. I asked if he wanted to do something like have wings and fly. He started to think about this. I said I had been where he is and that I had considered suicide. But then I got to thinking that that would be an end and that I was not done with the journey. It is not about what you see now; it is about what you have the ability to see and sense in the future. I had no idea, some time ago, like 40 years ago, what was going to become available to me. I told him that when one thinks of the limits they now have, this in no way contains what can come to be available. Life is what you make of it, and it is a journey. All of this may seem trite. And for some, it is since they cannot think of something different. One does not have to think; just sit out under the stars and lookup. I did this, and I saw much more than myself. I told him that I could not speak for him as he is a different person than I, but for me, I saw the observable Universe and came to the realization that I was here for some reason. Not some reason given me by some other person or book or something of Earth, other than it is where I live, but I could not know what was going to be put in front of myself, I could only choose to see it and confront what I saw.. Now some 40 years later, I am pursuing the same questions and having a great time doing it. I post to this site and get opinions and laughs that I did not know I would be able to do back then. Life is good, but I find that one has to participate and be open to see where you go.

@ToolGuy I tried, back to the drawing board.

@ToolGuy Do you use paragraphs when talking or are you not able to articulate more than one sentence at a time?
Do you only read one word at a time or can you read aloud one sentence whilst mentally reading the next sentence?

You offered a kind, thoughtful and generous amount of thought here, considering the initial writer's stilted questions.

@ToolGuy I was just thinking that. Did anybody read that diatribe?


I think for any one person to rely on a definite answer, one hole fits it all, will be a terrible mistake
It would like waiting on God to rain manna from heaven
Life must be a constant quest for workable solutions free from a single source...God or here. I think


I like Peggy Lee's answer.


Look on the bright side, try, ....its free. And.....just look at all the milage you got from your post...

Are you a Mercyful Fate fan?

@Opinionated1 no, ...not into heavy stuff.....doubt theres any family resemblance

@HankSherman he uses two ‘n’s’.


"Is this all there is?" How the hell would I know?


Just talk about what you want and people will respond, some positive some negative. If you clicked that you are interested in meeting people for dating, if they are too, a heart will show up next to their name and a percentage. The percentage tells you how similar their survey answers aligned with yours. Also go to BROWSE -'--- GROUPS and if their any groups of people on this site with similar interests to you can join a group. PM means personal message. Good luck.

O.M.G. Is that how it works?!

Thank you. I appreciate your kind response.


No. There's more. Much more. Muhahahaha!


music and pontification endless pontification


Isn't it enough. If not then you are not enjoying life. If you are dead nothing matters.


Please define "the first question". I thank you in advance.

I think he means the only question in his post: Is this all there is? (If that's not what he means, I'm lost.)

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