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What's a phrase you vehemently despise?

Mine's the phrase "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
I'm not a cow, sex is not a commodity, and if I marry someone--I don't owe them sex (or vice versa for that matter).

Mea 7 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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68 comments (26 - 50)

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I'm getting pretty sick of conservatives constantly saying "ad hominem". Was there a conservatives meeting where their leaders all told them to use it at every opportunity? We get it you learned a big word.




Man up
Grow a pair
You run like a girl


it's gods will.


Potty humour from anyone over 13.


"You're delusional"

My ex would use that everytime he was losing an argument or I caught him in a lie. The reason why I abhore that statement is that I do have mental health issues, however they do not impact my thinking/analyzing ability.


Business as usual.

Monad Level 4 Apr 3, 2018

It is what it is...while certainly true and very applicable at times, it has been done to death.


Well, you don't look at the mantlepiece when you're stoking the fire.


"I don't read" or "I'll wait until the movie comes out"

Gohan Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

"Feminism is a cancer" "I'm not racist but...." "I'm a nationalist"


Anything said just to piss the other person off especially out of the blue. God bless you to an atheist or invisible friend to a Christian. On the other hand sometimes tit for tat gets fun seeing who it more creative.

gearl Level 8 Apr 3, 2018

"It was just meant to be." Right after something terrible happens.

Go f*ck yourself.


watsup buddy


Open up your wallet.


I have a host of verbal annoyances He's an Asshole. Dude. I love you. Call Me. Don't Preach to Me. I don't want to discuss this. She has a nice Ass. Wow, Far Out. It was so Groovy. Let me be perfectly clear. You never told me you didn't like that. I'm sorry. I'll let these resound for others to chime in and I will add a few more as my mind activates.


There are sayings that make my eyes roll, but I can't say I vehemently despise them... What does irk me is anything coming out of a politician's mouth...


Like' being used throughout a conversation without apparent knowledge as to the correct use of the word. The other week I was on a bus hading North out of Aberdeen, when a large group of American female students joined the journey. All was well and good for about three seconds when the continula use oflike' was inserted into their conversations used as a verbal comma'. It was all I could do not to enter their banter, enquiring as to the exact similarity betweenhe & her' (he's like and she's like) or else the enjoyment when they like something.


Liberty Mutual

gater Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Using the word "hater" to shut someone's opinion down, or if they point out a fact. You can't use the word hater just because someone has a difference of opinion or criticism. There is a time that this word is justified, but people use it in the wrong context a lot.


That dog won’t hunt.


'Wake up sheeple.'. UGH. First of all, why is it my responsibility to wake them up? Second, the smugness is fucking palpable.


"God works in mysterious ways"


Whatever the latest idiocy to come out of Spanky's mouth or his twitter feed.


I try not to. Whenever I feel my eyes starting to roll I take a moment to practice kindness and putting myself in that person's shoes. I didn't always.

I wouldn't want anyone else's regard for or treatment of me to change on account of their attitude about some dumb verbal meme I said that rubbed them the wrong way. So I try not to do that to anyone else.

That doesn't mean I think I'm better than anyone, or look down on others for doing things differently. We're all in different places and it's all good with me as long as you're not being intentionally cruel.

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