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He's great, & not too tough to look at either.

@Lilac-Jade fun fact you might enjoy...this is an excerpt from an interview he did a long time ago:

"...the pressure to make ends meet made him consider moonlighting as an exotic dancer to supplement his earnings as a teaching assistant in grad school.

"I was in really good shape," Tyson told Pitchfork recently. "I was a performing member of two different dance companies. And one of my fellow dancers, upon hearing of my financial woes, said, 'Come on down?' 'Down to what?' 'Oh, we dance at night at this male strip club. And the women put money in your thing.' I said, 'Alright, I'll have a look.'"

But what he saw at the club turned him off exotic dancing forever.

"I go down there, and they come out dancing with asbestos-lined jockstraps that had been ignited. And they come out shaking and dancing to Jerry Lee Lewis' 'Great Balls of Fire.' In that instant, I said, 'I think I'll be a math tutor.'"

(Confession, I kinda wish he'd have gone with the dancing, at least once, with video evidence for posterity. πŸ˜‰


@Amzungu Oh wow! Be still my heart.


"My impact would be that people learn from me in a way that they are empowered by what I taught them. So that when they talk of what they learned from me, they no longer think of me. They think of their own base of understanding, of how this world works.And so then I become irrelevant." `NDT.

I really get that. it's more important for the message, or knowledge, for lack of a better word, to be learned, rather than who said it.
That was one of my huge "pet peeves" back in school. it seemed that all of any exams were always asking for the names and dates, of any subject. Those were paramount over what was said, or discovered, or written. And IMHO. not the way to learn.

I so agree!! The lesson or the result is the important part, dates not so much. I want to remember and understand the causes and results of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, not necessarily the date it happened.


Nope, a show-off!


Did you watch the video’s ending credits?
What is Motiversity? What are they selling? For how much?

I'm saying! The guy holds a few 'phd's' in being an attention prostitute!

@Lightupmylife You quit too soon.


This is the lesson Nikola Tesla tried to explain so many years ago.

Yes, but Tesla wanted to give us free things. Corporations wanted to make money.


What a good and wise man!!!


Tyson is a poet and a huge inspiration to me. The things I understand that I wouldn’t have understood without him is incredible.


I heart him, too. πŸ™‚


Great video. I always like hearing Tyson explain things.


The hunger to learn is an amazing thing too many people have lost, or even worse, had taken away from them. Tyson is very good at communicating and feeding that hunger. And I've learned some things from listening to Tyson preach his unique gospel of the universe.


I watched this just the other day and I am a big NDT fan and supporter.


Awesome he is amazing

bobwjr Level 10 June 8, 2020

He is not only one of the smartest men in the world, he's one of the nicest.

barjoe Level 9 July 20, 2020

Love this man!!


I'm not speechless, he talks too much.


Tyson had people believing the first paragraph in his book β€œCosmology for People in a Hurry:”
In the beginning, nearly fourteen billion years ago, all the space and all the matter and all the energy of the known universe was contained in a volume less than one-trillionth the size of the period that ends this sentence.

Try crushing a tiny pebble until it’s too small to see. When you succeed, do it with two pebbles.

An imaginary singularity.


Gotta love Neil deGrasse Tyson. πŸ™‚


Wow. Great video. Thanks for posting.


Thanks for sharing


If you have any Curious Child in you, read, at least "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry," by Tyson.

I did read that. One of my kids had purchased it for a long airplane trip, and I borrowed it from her. I had it for about a year before I read it, and finally got around to reading it and then was aggravated that I waited so long. I took it back to my daughter and she commented she was wondering where that went to.


There is a book, called "Just Kids from the Bronx," by Alene Alda, that features him, among many others.
To "create meaning," in one's own life, could be called the theme of "Man’s Search for Meaning," by Victor E. Frankl. "Ossified learning" is a marvelous phrase.
Tyson rocks!

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