I have learned over the years that removing shoes at the door allows for a much nicer, cleaner and eaiser to maintain home and is generally healthier than tracking in whatever from outside. What do you prefer?
In theory, yes shoes off at the door. In practice I will be meaner than hell if my feet are cold. And then getting the shoes from the door to the bedroom closet where the belong, oh wait, move the shoes to beside the door.... No space. Still thinking about it.
"Shoes on. Shoes off. Shoes on. Shoes off. Shoes...."
Could easily have been a line from Karati Kid.
I hate removing my shoes in my own home or others'. It's uncomfortable to me. If I can plan for it, I'll bring some indoor-only, soft-soled shoes/slippers with me if I know I'll be somewhere that the custom is to remove shoes. Then my feet aren't cold and I have a bit of support. I almost insist, however, that people not remove their shoes in my house. Feet are gross, and I don't need those fungus-ridden hooves infesting my living quarters.
I've been living in Thailand long enough that I now agree with their shoes-off customs. I like going around barefoot at work.
Shoes off when at home. I'm compliant to the homeowner when visiting. There are some nasty ass looking feet in this world and people don't apparently care who sees them. That's why I don't ask people to remove their shoes in my house. I could not work as a toenail technician!
I hate tracking in, shoes don't get past the door. I appreciate when guests follow my example, but not everyone does.
I'm convinced most of the dirt in my house is 1. Dust from the unpaved road I live on and 2. Cat Hair!
Besides the normal dust, cat hair is the most dirt in my house too.
In Hawaii, shoes on outside - off inside. Do not track in dirt from outside on your bare feet. That is the custom.
I live in a condo and we have little "Please remove your shoes" signs on the doors. When tourists come and wear their shoes in the condo above me. Rhey don't realize their floor is my ceiling. All I hear is clomp clomp clomp... Have to have the manager remind them "no shoes inside" is the custom. Ah.. that's better!
Used to have a dog long ago. I agree with dogs there's no point.
I go barefoot in the house if staying home. If someone visits or roommates come in they all wear shoes.
I'll admit that my floors are usually dirty from the dog running in and out. So I almost always either keep my shoes on or put slippers on. The last time I was walking around barefoot I broke two toes (different feet) walking into a cupboard.
We were shoes off when my son was born so he is in that habit, and takes his shoes off inside anyone's home automatically.
My shoes are clean and should stay clean, but I come in and take my shoes off. I have nueropothy and I wear New Balance with special inserts. Once inside I switch to a rubber molded Klog that keeps my feet warm and helps stop the tingling.
If I visit you and you want me to take my shoes off at the door that is no problem.