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Are men under attack?


Cutiebeauty 9 Aug 12

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Like religion is under attack?


Men aren't under attack. Toxic masculinity is. As it should be.


No, they are just being held accountable. Being held to normal standards feels like an attack to them.

Excellent point!!


Surely this Victorian idea of the manly man is a total myth and attacking it by feminising is utter bollocks. I am secure enough in my sexuality to ignore idiots who think calling me a Poof or such like is an insult, since more than half of my heroes and role models from history were homosexual or women or both.
I grew up with a Father to whom the idea of my becoming an actor or writer or musician was a sure sign that I was a "filthy gayboy" yet who when I asked him what I should be suggested that I be a wrestler or a boxer or a footballer, and was shocked when I pointed out that he wanted me to spend time grabbing on to near naked men, or running about with men in shorts who I would then bathe naked with, to prove I was a "real" man.
I saw through this projection and hypocrisy very quickly, and soon realised those who insist on finding feminine traits in other men or masculine traits in women ARE LOOKING FOR THEM. Personally I accept people for who they are if they are honest and so long as they are not hurtful or abusive to others, they are free to be who they want to be without comment or judgement from me or anyone else.

I agree100%. I believe it is usually a cover for something they fear they may feel themselves.


A very good piece...this idea that masculinity is under threat is just another false flag run up by the Christian Right...along with the demise of moral values due to secularism, and how Christianity is under attack in the USA where Christians are being discriminated against. To use good British’s all a load of bollocks! Well done to this guy for calling it out!


No. Assholes are. Stop being an asshole, it’s likely that no one will have a problem with you.

Short and sweet.. And so true🙂


If you consider that demanding men give back some of the male privilege they have exercised over the the many, many millennia, then no! It just equalizing the scales of injustice. To demand that an unfair, unjust balance of power is rectified is not an attack, but rather a good idea. Just because guys are being asked to be accountable for their behavior and actions is not an attack. Guys are just feeling pressed soley because they have never had to account for themselves and their behavior before.


Ah, no...........but we deserve criticism for jerky behavior......


Except for the next-to-last paragraph about Christianity, I agree with this article. The out-dated knuckle dragging macho garbage needs to go.



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2020

In family court sometimes men get screwed over but for the most part this is bullshit.

In family court, women get screwed over too..

Less so than they used to thankfully


From personal observation men that believe the head of the house nonsense are either misogynistic or live in an affair in which the woman rules but lets the guy think he is. I know several guys who constantly spout how they rule the roost but whenever something comes up it's yes dear, whatever, almost without exception. Most healthy partnerships that I have observed have the partners compromise about most everything and respect each others personal views and likes. If anything is under attack it is outdated nonsense from nonsensical outdated beliefs.

gearl Level 8 Aug 13, 2020

It seems a combination of observations and bullshit. I don't think men are under attack so much as the definition of masculinity is being broadened, and that is a good thing. For instance, being a gay male is not feminine, it is just a different aspect of masculinity. Caring, nurturing, sensitivity are not just feminine aspects but are also aspects of masculinity. There seem to be fundamental differences between males and females, but this is not captured nor defined by beliefs about the way men should act or by their testosterone levels


I would say that females are under attack, just look around. Rapes in college, army, media and businesses. A xenophobic mysoginist potus, still not getting equal pay for equal job and a lot more.

Sad but true, and the fight for equality Has meant we both have to work and if you’re not part of a couple you’re financially on the back foot!


If you have 15 minutes, this Ted Talk explains how radical feminism benefits men, also.


I prefer articles that I can more easily read and reread as time permits...


@Cutiebeauty Text is a very important medium but misses out on so many personal factors, tone of voice, body language, etc. When there's a vid that I want to be able to find again easily, I usually post it on my FB page. Thanks for the idea.

@Cutiebeauty Oh, I get what you're saying now, thank you again.

@altschmerz look above, I googled and posted the same link you did... 🙂

@altschmerz Thank you. The more mediums, the more people it will reach.

@LovinLarge yes, I understand tone of voice and such.. But I don't have time to watch many videos.. I have a one year old daughter and a one week old boy I have to attend to.. Articles are my best bet right now.. Thanks🙂

@Cutiebeauty Congrats....I was wondering when the baby was due. Great news that you’ve had a son!

@Allamanda thank you 🙂 I posted in single mingles..

@Marionville thanks Marje🙂 I posted the news in single mingles..

@Cutiebeauty I’m not a member there...congrats again Kaitlyn. What have you named him?

@Marionville Michael Christopher.. Mikey for short lol. ..

@Cutiebeauty Very nice!


Men have nothing to fear, other than their own insecurities


I don't think so. I certainly don't feel under attack.


Jesus - the original Liberal.

skado Level 9 Aug 12, 2020

I think a lot of groups are being treated as if all members are the same.

Some people think all men are alike.

Some people think all white people are all alike... that we are all racist.

Here's the problem I have overall. No individual should be judged by what other members of the groups he/ she belongs to... gender, sexual orientation, color, financial status, occupation, etc.

There does seem to be a push from some to blame all bad behavior from some men on all men. Why should a decent man be blamed for a bad man's behavior.

That's like blaming all white people for racism.


which men?

Men who feel weakened or threatened by women having equal rights, I guess..

@Cutiebeauty Then no. They're just insecure.


Recently, I read an article that claimed that in the past 70 years the testosterone level of the average man in the USA has dropped considerably. I wonder what could be the cause???????

Plastic is often blamed, something to do with the setting process apparently, hormones in factory bred chicken? Not sure if there’s any truth in either, or the issues have been fixed.

Probably an article was written y someone selling testosterone supplements 😁

Rotten diet. Most people eat fast food or some other kind of processed food. Its not surprising that it's affecting peoples body chemistry.

Wendys. Burgerking. McDonnells. Obesity. Diabetes. Soda. Lack of Exercise. ....I could do this all day long

Probably poor diet and lack of exercise...

@Cutiebeauty The article indicated the cause might be preservatives in processed food, or perhaps the antibiotics and supplements fed to the animals we eat. I wonder if all the electronics in our homes are bathing us in harmful "rays" from TVs, digital remotes, computers, cell phones, wifi etc

"preservatives in processed food"

That's a poor diet.. I don't consune processed foods..

I'm moving to Scotland!

@Cutiebeauty I agree.....I don't eat processed foods...I'm a vegan.


I don't think man is under attack, at least I don't feel it. I read another phrase 'all men fear women' recently in Agnostic. Both nonsense. If Macho-men are under attack, well deserved. Finally, nothing that involves "Christian discipleship is the process by which men and women become like Christ. One of the measures of growth in a the Christian is their embodiment of the fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22" deserves more of my time...


I have seen men under attack...and figure its well deserved....

Oh yeah. You've seen "men" under attack? Examples please .

Men do get abused, that’s not ok.

@Cutiebeauty she called him a lazy s.o.b. and started failing the crap out him....I had shown up to take him to work and he was still in bed.


No one is immune to attack.


Men are not immune to criticism. They deserve it. They should take it seriously.
Women are, on the other hand, perfect.

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